Colin Powell: "Dark vein of intolerance" in GOP

The GOP disowned him long ago. The whackadoodles should be along soon to trash him thoroughly.

I liked Cain and would have voted for him against ANY Democrat, if Gary Johnson were not my preference.
Powell has proven time and again he is a slave to his skin color. Plus he's a democrat.

That is what you remembered from that little speech?

No - that is what I posted, knowing it'd be what would bring people like you into the thread.

Are we learning yet? :cool:
Clearly he is racially paranoid...almost as bad some white people.

Oh, and if the horn fits...

That is what you remembered from that little speech?

How about this, then.

While not mentioning former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin or former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu by name, Powell referenced past comments from each about Obama as evidence of racism in the party.

“When I see a former governor say the president is ‘shuckin’ and jivin’,’ that’s a racial-era slave term,” Powell said. Palin used the term to describe Obama’s response to the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

“When I see another former governor after the president’s first debate where he didn’t do very well say that the president was ‘lazy,’” Powell continued. “He didn’t say he was slow, he was tired, he didn’t do so well, he said he was lazy. Now it may not mean anything to most Americans, but to those of us who are African Americans, the second word is “shiftless,” and then there’s a third word that goes along with it.”

Powell also decried the so-called birther movement, asking, “Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within the party?”

“I think the party has to take a look at itself,” Powell said, naming health care, immigration, the poor and climate change. “There are a lot of things the American people are expecting, and the Republican Party as they get ready for the next election really has to focus on some of these issues and not ignore them.”

And he's right on every point, isn't he?
Powell has proven time and again he is a slave to his skin color. Plus he's a democrat.

I'm interested in your elaborating on your first sentence, Bert. I haven't heard that one before.
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Colon Bowel is nothing more than a flaming liberal. He doesnt discuss all the racist liberals and never criticises Barry Obigears idiotic failing policies and actions. He claims to be a republican while non stop blaming them and supporting racist liberals..... With friends like that turd who needs enemies.
The GOP disowned him long ago. The whackadoodles should be along soon to trash him thoroughly.

Of course they did. He's clearly a 'RINO' who refuses to march in lockstep with the extreme right of the party, is a pragmatist, a pragmatist, a professional soldier, and served his country faithfully, first as a soldier then as Secretary of State.

Clearly, there is little to no room for individuals like him under the 'Big Tent'.
Of course they did. He's clearly a 'RINO' who refuses to march in lockstep with the extreme right of the party, is a pragmatist, a pragmatist, a professional soldier, and served his country faithfully, first as a soldier then as Secretary of State.

Clearly, there is little to no room for individuals like him under the 'Big Tent'.

But, there is room for a powdered fake-aphrodisiac made from part of his body.
Colon Bowel is nothing more than a flaming liberal. He doesnt discuss all the racist liberals and never criticises Barry Obigears idiotic failing policies and actions. He claims to be a republican while non stop blaming them and supporting racist liberals..... With friends like that turd who needs enemies.

Colin Powell is a better man than you by any measure conceivable.
Colon Bowel is nothing more than a flaming liberal. He doesnt discuss all the racist liberals and never criticises Barry Obigears idiotic failing policies and actions. He claims to be a republican while non stop blaming them and supporting racist liberals..... With friends like that turd who needs enemies.

Wow. You are a fucking retard. Lol

I liked Cain and would have voted for him against ANY Democrat, if Gary Johnson were not my preference.

And the Republican base fled from Cain instantly when they found out he had past allegations of harassing nice white ladies.