CNN shows us the new ‘craze’ in computers.


Come What May
Jun 20, 2000
Group gaming. Yes, this hot new thing is when people get together and play games. It’s been popular in Korea for years and now it’s making its way to the US.

Wow. What will they think of next? :rolleyes:

I mean, holy crap. I know keeping up with technology is difficult but when CNN doesn’t realize people have been group gaming for over ten years – wow, that’s sad.
Next week they plan on letting us know about alittle piece of technology.
Its similar to our home phones, but yet we can carry them around with us.
"It's been popular in Japan for some time, but now cellphones make their way to the US".
-shrugs- I was playing with my celly when I read this :p
and CNN wonders why its being kicked in the teeth by Fox News...this just in, the Braves lost the World Series in '91. Details at the top of the hour.
i guess you could even say longer then 10 years i mean is it a strech of the imagination to include board games :)

my sister and i linked up two computers for the first time to play doom i guess that was quite a few years ago

Don't forget Quake and Diablo. Also quite popular, though not as old. When did Starcraft come out?
ah, those were the days

modem to modem d00m... such fond memories. Thank you CNN for reminding me. CNN, the Cold News Network.

Actually, if you want a laugh, check out their online Tech columns - they are always good for a laugh. If you're unfamiliar with the current trends, pick up a copy of Wired and compare - night and day.
Never said:

Don't forget Quake and Diablo. Also quite popular, though not as old. When did Starcraft come out?

i dont know but i got a free copy of starcraft given to me because a friend did some design work on the manual but he had a mac so i got given the game :)

lan gaming is done less nowadays i guess though because of faster modems