Chocolate chip cookies


Tight Jeans
Jun 22, 2001
I just went to Burger King for lunch, they had Nestle Toll House cookies on the menu. I thought, mmmmmm, sounds good so I bought some.

Good grief, I just ate one, they're awful, totally bland!

Mia62 where are you when I need you? You should sell them your recipe!!
I always get people begging for my chocolate chip cookie recipe. I haven't made any in quite a while. I fear with my recent chocolate craving that I would be in danger of eating half the batch.
mmmm....chocolate chip cookies, right outta the oven.

that's what I need......NOW!
bad kitty said:
I always get people begging for my chocolate chip cookie recipe. I haven't made any in quite a while. I fear with my recent chocolate craving that I would be in danger of eating half the batch.

From your av, you look like you already ate the whole batch!!
plasticman33 said:
From your av, you look like you already ate the whole batch!!
:eek: SLAP!


that actually reminds me of my dad. 5 days after I had my daughter we were going into Walmart and there were people selling Krispy Kremes for some charity sitting by the door. A pregnant woman due any day asked my dad if he would like to buy some. he told her no, that if he did he would look like her. He wasn't being mean, he just doesn't have the best people skills and empathy at times. :D That's my daddy!
Mia62 said:
Damn Yankees can't cook worth a darn. :)

Not true ........ I make incredible chocolate chip cookies.
Even my childrens teachers request them specifically for class parties and such.
PepperminTrish said:
Not true ........ I make incredible chocolate chip cookies.
Even my childrens teachers request them specifically for class parties and such.

Mmmmmm, I love chocolate chip cookies, American or Canadian!!:D
plasticman33 said:
Mmmmmm, I love chocolate chip cookies, American or Canadian!!:D

Hmmmmm, if I remember correctly ...... the state you live in isn't too far from the one I'm in.
Would you like a few dozen, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies?
woodcarver said:
**does a horrible Austin Powers**

Yahh baby....does that make you randy???? Does it turn you on????




*makes a mental note to finish what I'm drinking before reading posts*

PepperminTrish said:
Hmmmmm, if I remember correctly ...... the state you live in isn't too far from the one I'm in.
Would you like a few dozen, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies?

OH BOY!! OH BOY!! Which way should I go?? East, west or south? Can't go north, I'll get all wet!!
plasticman33 said:
OH BOY!! OH BOY!! Which way should I go?? East, west or south? Can't go north, I'll get all wet!!

Just follow the smell of baking cookies ......... your nose will lead you in the right direction.