Checking In


Jul 29, 2002
I am finally back from my trip to Ohio.

Very interesting's important to be careful where you walk. I had a very nice accident and banged up myself pretty bad. I will post pictures later. I wish I had my camera at the arm and knees where pretty gross for a few days, but I am healing well.

Okies.....while I was gone, I had some killer pizza, awesome Chinese, and got to kick some ass on Tekken 4. Pretty sweet.

Okay, if you haven't figured it out, I am BACK!
Vinny said:
I can be your private nurse. Welcum back

Ooohhh, private nurse?? I think I like Lit's version of the HMO.

:heart: can still buy me a drink, honey....I think I can use it!
BgMma99 said:
Ooohhh, private nurse?? I think I like Lit's version of the HMO.

:heart: can still buy me a drink, honey....I think I can use it!

You're on!!
If you have a special drink in mind, let me know, honey. I am always up for something new!

hey MG!! nice to see the killas haven't run you off!;)
*Smooch* Welcome back Bgmma - it's been too quiet with out you. :)
guilty pleasure said:
*Smooch* Welcome back Bgmma - it's been too quiet with out you. :)
Hey, sugar. Wild dogs couldn't keep me from Lit. I am looking forward to a bit of hell raising today!

Good thing you have a thick skin, MG. i know how annoying the boys can be!
BgMma99 said:
Good thing you have a thick skin, MG. i know how annoying the boys can be!

Ah heck BgMma those boys are just pussy cats. :catgrin: *lol*