

Apr 8, 2002
We all like them - in our lovers, or in our lust targets, right? At what point does the challenge become a waste of time to you? At what point do you say "Ok, fuck this. You're not being a challenge, you're playing mind games." Do you ever kick back and turn the tables on them? Leave off chasing and let them chase instead?
George's rule dating

#1. Aside from the initial aproach I don't chase.
No chasing here. Show interest yes but then it is up to them to show interest back. Then we make a mutual move
I'm gonna say fuck work at the end of this week...does that count?
*-* Rosana *-* -- I learned this at school, it helps!: if someone asks u if u want some beer or marijuana or whatever and u don't want it, just say "NO,thanks", if that person says "why not" u can change the subject like "I gotta go" or "did u see last night's game?". My mom told me if somebody's trying to make u do something after u say no, walk away!! or run fast real fast!, and let's say that person is follwing u then yell "help!,help!,help!",it will help u a lot !
Thanks Spin. That solved all my problems for me. What would we do without you around here? ;)
I don't like challenge. If someone wants me or wants something from me, I wanna know. They just gotta tell me. I am absolutely incapable of reading subtlety. I miss it. I will NEVER know someone likes me unless they're honest and forthright about it.

In return, I don't play the games either. I can't. I don't know the rules and I am hopeless at flirting or other non-concrete forms of communication.

So when does it become too much of a challenge? The fortieth time I have to ask them, "um...are you really not interested or is this a just a game?" It usually takes me that long cuz I take their answer of, "oh no! I'm not trying to blow you off!" at face value. :rolleyes:
Nora said:
I don't like challenge. If someone wants me or wants something from me, I wanna know. They just gotta tell me. I am absolutely incapable of reading subtlety. I miss it. I will NEVER know someone likes me unless they're honest and forthright about it.

In return, I don't play the games either. I can't. I don't know the rules and I am hopeless at flirting or other non-concrete forms of communication.

So when does it become too much of a challenge? The fortieth time I have to ask them, "um...are you really not interested or is this a just a game?" It usually takes me that long cuz I take their answer of, "oh no! I'm not trying to blow you off!" at face value. :rolleyes:

Yeh me too. Almost all of what you said.

I like a bit of challenge - I'd rather them make me work a bit for it, than just plop in my lap. But at a point it becomes tiresome playing the I'm interested, I'll ignore you, I'm interested, I'll ignore you game. Then I just say fuck it, and move on to the next victim - and if person #1 was truly interested, it becomes their choice to do something about it.
Re: OK Nora

Vinny said:
You made me do it. I like you<wink>

Har har. You see, the other problem is my utter lack of a sense of humor. It means I don't see jokes as jokes half the time. Fortunately, in text the little winkies give me a clue.

Ugh, Freya. That would drive me stark, raving mad!
Challanges, mind games chasing not chasing waiting to be know what.
I have had great succes by just telling women what I want and when I want it.
With class, and being polite of course........
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Re: Re: OK Nora

Nora said:
Har har. You see, the other problem is my utter lack of a sense of humor. It means I don't see jokes as jokes half the time. Fortunately, in text the little winkies give me a clue.

Ugh, Freya. That would drive me stark, raving mad!

Of course, on the flip side - I have a terrible memory. For example, with Lit, I forget who I've replied to and who I haven't. So I either end up replying twice, or not at all - either way looking like a dork. And in real life, I forget to return phone calls sometimes. So maybe I'm just as bad, and this is my payback?
Vinny said:
I really do like you<wink> No joke

HELPPPPP!!!!!! someone translate for me!! Is what he's saying the truth or is the wink (indicating a joke) the truth??

See? This is why I'm talking about!!!

Vinny, you're a nice guy. <--was that the right response?

Freya, darling. Post-it notes are your friends. Buy a truckload. lol
<wink> means I like you. A very nice woman from what I have seen on here
Telling a guy he's a nice guy is immediatley translated as the mother of all shut downs. Its like you screaming at the top of your lungs "Get the fuck away from me freak, you have no chance on the planet, in heaven or in hell." only more polite.

That and "Your my friend", and "I think of you as a brother""
Vinny said:
<wink> means I like you. A very nice woman from what I have seen on here

She is too. I loveth Nora.

I know Nora - I seriously need to get some of those.
Vinny said:
<wink> means I like you. A very nice woman from what I have seen on here

OHHHHH! ok, cool! hey neat! Thanks, Vinny! You seem to be a pretty spiffy guy, yourself!

*runs out and buys Freya Post-It Notes for Christmas*