Campus secrets (closed)

His eyes took in her nakedness as she wrapped a towel around her. "I'm here because you gave me a key and I want to see you"
Stepping from the tub she watched him for a moment.

I rented some movies on the way home meet you downstairs.

Walking past him...

First less than legal now a risk to your job... And engagement yet...

A soft laugh and she walked into her room.
Mason felt confused watching Melina act nonchalantly toward him. He thought by giving him a key to her condo, she wanted to resume their relationship. But she was acting very indifferent toward him.

She made some comments that made him feel as if she was not all that interested in him. But why give him the key?

He thought of leaving but when he went down to the living room, he decided to stay. When she appeared wearing sweat pants and t-shirt he smiled. "So what movies are we going to watch? "
Surprise me I think it's he second magic Mike in there and a comedy or two.

She smiled to him the zipper on the top was a little open.

So... Honestly... Are you here to finish what you started even with the risk to your job and fiancée? Are you wanting an affair before you are even married or is this just one last little fling? I don't see you risking your job over me. So what is it?
Mason picked up the videos seeing one of them about Magic Mike, a handyman, detailing cars or designing furniture by day. But nighttime he really gets to display his many talents: He's the hot headliner in an all-male revue.

Mason slipped the DVD into the cassette player thinking how one of his fantasies is to preform strip tease in front of an audience.

"Magic Mike it is," he said sitting next to Melina on the sofa.
She smiled and grabbed the remote to start the movie.

She wondered just how far he would go before he would back off like before. The closest they had ever really gotten was when he brought her home after a campus party that she went to on her sister's behalf. His hand had made it under her shirt and then he froze nearly yammering something about Jamie and her age and his boss and nearly ran out the door.
It felt like old times, the two of them sitting on the sofa watching a movie. He felt her move closer and soon their arms were touching. God how he loved those days before Jamie and her dad.

Unconsciously he put his hand on her thigh, his fingers making little circles like he used to do.
Mason beside her and her actor crush on the screen what a wonderful end to her day.

Wine... Beer...?

She glanced over briefly.
Beer sounds good.

Mason watched the action on the screen wishing he could perform like the guy
Heading to the kitchen she grabbed a couple of oculto beers and handed him one when she came back with the two bottles and some popcorn.

I guess I can see what some girls see in Channing but I have always preferred Joe.

Biting her lip with the big man was on camera.
Mason saw Melina's eyes light up when she saw Joe on the screen.

I can see why you like Joe. Personally Channing is the star of the show. What do you see in Joe other than he's more muscular then the others? Any other redeeming qualities?

Mason sipped the tequila laced beer with the fruity taste watching Joe pick up a girl, chair and all, and carry her back to the stage for some erotic moves.
I don't know... Just something about those eyes and smile.

She shrugged and drank her beer.
Taking another sip of his beer, Mason stared at the television screen watching the men dance erotically.

"Does that turn you on to watch Joe dancing with his crotch over the girl's face?"
I wouldn't say no to getting a dance from him. Why... Jealous?

She elbowed him slightly.
"Jealous ... who me," he said feigning hurt. "All he's got over me is a lot of muscles and good looks ..... and a lot of women." He elbowed her back. It was good to be playful with her again.
She laughed a little.

Who said you don't have the good looks?
It was good to hear her laugh not like Jamie who seldom laughed and took everything so seriously. Why would he be thinking of her when he has such a delectable bombshell sitting next to him.

"What do you think Melina? Think I would be good enough to dance like your boyfriend Joe on the screen?" he teased.
Maybe... I bet it would really startle one person...

She caught herself from mentioning his fiancée.
Mason laughed wondering who she thought it would startle. As far as he knew she didn't know Jamie.

Getting up from the sofa, he stood in front of her, moving his hips in time to the music on the television. He moved closer, his hips undulating as he put his legs on either side of her legs. "I don't think I would startle you."
She was on the dance team and had been taking just about all forms of dance since she was a child. She knew that he knew she was a belly dancer but sat back and watched him with a smile.

No... Not startled at all.

Her eyes watching every bit of him.
Mason was enthralled with Melina sitting on the sofa her sparkling mysterious eyes watching him. He knew she was a dancer but she was not critiquing him, only staring at him like she used to do when they were dating.

Leaning forward, he put his hands on the back of the sofa, his eyes staring into hers, silently telling her he needed her ..... wanted her. His hips were swaying sideways and then back and forth trying to imitate what he saw Joe and Channing doing on the video. They had a way of making it look so erotic that it drove the women in the audience wild.

His face was moving ever closer to Melina's when the sound of his cell phone rang on the table next to the sofa. He thought about ignoring it, letting it go to voice mail but then he thought it might be a student. As a professor he had a duty to the students in his class.

"Sorry," he whispered, standing and then picking up the phone. He saw it was Jamie calling. "I have to take this," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey what's happening."

Mason could tell Jamie was angry and was sure Melina could hear her loud voice. "I've been trying to call for the last hour. Where have you been and what is all that noise in the background?"

"I told you I had some school stuff and I wouldn't be able to see you until tomorrow night."

"Well I talked to daddy and he said you weren't at school. Where are you?"

"I'm with a student," he said not lying.

"Well daddy is not very happy with you Mason. Something about some of your students."

"I'll take care of it."

"You better take care of it," she yelled and Mason knew for sure that Melina heard the whole conversation.

Clicking off, he looked at Melina. "I really want to stay with you but I have to go sorry."
Standing she smiled and kissed him softly.

I know her daddy dearest your boss just wants to warn you to be careful with all the freshmen who don't look like the freshmen of his days as a new professor. It's okay.

She winked and danced a little herself.

Stripping can happen some other time.
The kiss was most welcomed and he knew the moment was broken by Jamie's phone call. "Yeah I know he wants to protect all you luscious freshman women from the wolves," he chuckled and laughed.

"Some day I hope to finish what I started Melina," he said taking her into his arms and kissing her again. It seemed he couldn't get enough of her but he knew he had to leave.

"Don't be late for class tomorrow or else." He silently cussed Jamie on the walk home for ruining what looked like a promising reunion with Melina.
Wouldn't dream of it and never worry about coming here nobody from the campus would stay anywhere this unique little international neighborhood Mason.

She winked as she waved goodbye.
The wink and kiss reassured Mason that she liked him. If he wasn't afraid of losing his job, he'd tell his boss to mind his own business. These were college students not high school. But he needed this job.

And there was the matter of Jamie. He had used her to get this job in a way and if he crossed her he would lose his job. He felt like he was in a no win situation.

What would tomorrow bring when he had to face Melina in class?