calling all texans, calling all texans


The Decider
May 30, 2002
What a bunch of lamers

Damn! The only time Im playing in Austin this winter too. Now if only I can decide which guitar to bring...
Uncle J I hope these sets are pretty easy as Im not a great player. Ill do my best though.
Nora I will be VERY disappointed if you cant show...
ok, mostly the austin and central texas texans. got an invitation for you. on friday, november the first i'm playing a gig here in wimberley. bluesboy2 and someplace are comming up and bluesboy is going to be sitting in with us. the motel/lodge where we're playing has offered me a special rate of $45.00 for a room for the night for up to three people in a room so if you don't want to drive back there's a safe place for you to stay.

i'd love to see a bunch of you there so if you're interested pm me and i'll get you directions and the number of the lodge so you can make reservations if you want to.

Yes! Let us party indeed!

We need a new party to overturn the texas constitution. We need one that basically says what the current one does, only with structure and less ability to amend.
Is this the same place the Blues Brothers played with the chicken wire in front of the stage?
chicken wire? real men don't need no stinkin' chicken wire. i don't think we had more than 8 or 9 fights there last year and there probably weren't more than 15-20 stitches needed in any of them.
hi nora...we'll start playing at 9 sharp and play til midnight. this is a weird little town. bars close at 12 on fri. and 1 on sat. anyway, it's a three set gig.
I'll be there if at all possible. Like Purrde, I just started a new job and it's going to depend on when they decide to put me on the nighttime schedule.
well i hope both of you can make it. i'd love to meat both of you. just let me know and i'll get you directions.
Ok so we have entertainment

red_rose said:
Lit is haunted, I tell ya. No joke! :eek:Hrm... okay, well... that's the day before my birthday! lol I don't have any major daytime festivities for the day after, so I'm a-thinkin' I'll come down for the show. :D It seems like this will be a whole new batch of people I've never met!But *sniffle* I sure hope that... *sad face*... Nora can go. *single tear*:D

between sets. Its a Red Rose spankfest. This should be great!
nice av bob...reminds me of a girl i dated in college. pm me if you can make it and want directions.
well now what's the fun in even having it if you're not there? seriously, sorry you can't make it but we'll do it again soon.
ms. flower, do you mean you can't just drop all of those grown up responsibilities and go party whenever you want? bummer.:D

sorry you can't make it soblue. would like to meet you too.
unclej said:
ms. flower, do you mean you can't just drop all of those grown up responsibilities and go party whenever you want? bummer.:D

Nope I can't and it's just not fair I tell ya.. Just not fair at all!
bb...not a problem..just 1-4-5 jammin stuff. in fact, one of them is just some louisiana swampy soundin' jammin in e. no changes. you'll do fine, remember, i've heard you play. the devil did you post a reply after purrde flower and end up at the front of the thread? must be magic.
Lit is haunted, I tell ya. No joke! :eek:

Hrm... okay, well... that's the day before my birthday! lol I don't have any major daytime festivities for the day after, so I'm a-thinkin' I'll come down for the show. :D It seems like this will be a whole new batch of people I've never met!

But *sniffle* I sure hope that... *sad face*... Nora can go. *single tear*
