But Where Will Real Anglo Saxons Go...Seanh?

The vast majority of white Britons aren't Anglo Saxons, you moron.
The vast majority of white Britons aren't Anglo Saxons, you moron.

Eh? Don't A-S English outnumber the Welsh and the Scots and the Northern Oirish and Continental immigrants all put together?
Eh? Don't AS English outnumber the Welsh and the Scots and the Northern Oirish and Continental immigrants all put together?

Now add in Jews, Romans, Norman French, Slavs and about a gazillion other ethnic groups that have settled in this little corner down the years.
Now add in Jews, Romans, Norman French, Slavs and about a gazillion other ethnic groups that have settled in this little corner down the years.

Yeah, of course no English are pureblood A-S -- but they're all Anglo-Saxon by default unless they definitely belong to some other group you can name -- is it not so?
Now add in Jews, Romans, Norman French, Slavs and about a gazillion other ethnic groups that have settled in this little corner down the years.

By 'settle' I assume you mean "conquered our little island paradise and raped their way into the bloodlines".

50% of Englishmen born after 1945 are 1/2 American.
Yeah, of course no English are pureblood A-S -- but they're all Anglo-Saxon by default unless they definitely belong to some other group you can name -- is it not so?

It's not an ethnic group on the census so I couldn't tell you the numbers. But Anglo Saxon is one of those code phrases used by the far right neo nazi nutjobs. It's meaningless in any other respect. And I couldn't give a flying fuck what colour my neighbours are as long as they keep the music down when I'm trying to sleep.
By 'settle' I assume you mean "conquered our little island paradise and raped their way into the bloodlines".

50% of Englishmen born after 1945 are 1/2 American.

Actually we've long been a point of asylum for people fleeing more tyrannical regimes. I think that may be why Madonna moved over here.
Yeah, of course no English are pureblood A-S -- but they're all Anglo-Saxon by default unless they definitely belong to some other group you can name -- is it not so?


There have been so many waves of immigration into England, and movement between England, Wales and Ireland that it would be difficult to identify anyone as Anglo-Saxon (unless you are French and pointing across the Channel at 'Perfidious Albion').

I and others have been tracing my paternal and maternal family trees. If I believe Ancestry(.com) the results are:

1. Although my father's ancestors were resident in the City of London since 1326 until 1915 (bombed out by a Zeppelin) they include French Hugenots and other Europeans. Before that they were in East Anglia, having fled from Julius Caesar's legions BC.

2. On my mother's tree, most came from East Anglia, but include Norman French and a man from Pamplona in Spain, along with French Provencal ancestors.

Despite not marrying anyone from another country or outside London since 1810, we aren't just Anglo-Saxons.
Was London supposed to be some kind of Anglo Saxon sanctuary?
Whatever the colour or original nationality, Londoners remain Londoners.

The East End of London has been the original location of successive waves of immigration for hundreds of years. Rhyming Cockney Slang is being replaced by interpolations from other languages and cultures, but East Enders still sound like East Enders no matter what their colour, religion or ethnic cultures.

And they still go Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit...
Not even close. It wasn't even a major settlement until the Romans moved in.

The Anglo-Saxons didn't arrive until after the Romans left.

My family was in England before the Romans came.
Since there has been widespread genetic testing it has been proved that the population of Southern England is not predominantly Anglo - Saxon .Genetically the English vary only slightly from the Welsh, the Southern Scots and the Irish. They have changed their rulers from Roman to Anglo Saxon to Norman French from time to time and they have adopted the and developed a new language.

The English will never acknowledge it but essentially they are Celts like their more primitive neighbors
Since there has been widespread genetic testing it has been proved that the population of Southern England is not predominantly Anglo - Saxon .Genetically the English vary only slightly from the Welsh, the Southern Scots and the Irish. They have changed their rulers from Roman to Anglo Saxon to Norman French from time to time and they have adopted the and developed a new language.

The English will never acknowledge it but essentially they are Celts like their more primitive neighbors

:( You are hardly going to get them to open up using reference to "primitive neighbours".

In any case the BBC ran a study a few years back on to what extent thr Anglo-Saxon and Norman invasions had affected the genetic makeup of popuations in the British Isles. Their concluion was that it was marginal so the natural population of the area would be more or less uniform. There is probably a writeup on the BBC website on this but I do not know just where it is.

It would take a considerable period for an itruding minority to make a genetic impact (assuning similar birth rates) simply because the majority will continue to assert itself with a greater population base.