Bush 41 shaves his head to support young leukemia patient

You just couldn't help but put a political spin on it, could you?
His granddaughter interviewed him on the Today show this morning. Fuck she's an awful reporter. It's obvious she got the job on name alone. I thought maybe she was getting better but nope.
I saw that. Cool story. When it's all said and done, he just seems like a really decent guy.

I'm guessing he's been consigned to RINO status by most (all) of the meatheads on this board.
I saw that. Cool story. When it's all said and done, he just seems like a really decent guy.

I'm guessing he's been consigned to RINO status by most (all) of the meatheads on this board.

He was never really hated like his son was. He just wasn't a very good President. I don't think anyone had a problem with him as a person. At least not too much.
I saw that. Cool story. When it's all said and done, he just seems like a really decent guy.

I'm guessing he's been consigned to RINO status by most (all) of the meatheads on this board.

He was relegated to RINO as soon as he broke his "Read my lips" promise and raised taxes.
in support of those with cancer, the obama goes on yet another vacation

long live the regime my comrade
awesome, the sick mentally disturbed luke has risen from the septic tank to stalk me
Good grief. Can we ever put politics aside? George was a guy doing a nice thing.
Is even possible he was doing something from his heart.
When my Dad finally retired ( he retired at 65 but kept consulting until he was 70)

He decided to join a program that taught adult people to read. He taught a black woman at the age of 81 to read and get her GED. He made many big accomplishments in his life but I think this is the one he was most proud of.
I'm surprised there aren't more royal baby threads.

Since, you know, most right wing circle jerkers actually wish we lived in a monarchy.

I did the same thing for my wife when her hair started falling out because of the chemo two months ago. It's cut very short, almost 'buzz cut'; I don't look very good bald (tried it once), and she told me not to shave it all off because I'll look like a giant hard boiled egg. :D

I love that woman. :kiss: