Breaking in a new lover


Oct 4, 2012
Can be exhasperating. Sure there's the charge of it being new, but it's like an itch you just can't quite reach...sometimes. You zig; they zag. You lose a hunk of hair. He cums in her ear. Still, it's better than cuming alone. Isn't it?
I've never progressed beyond sexting with a cute girl that turned out to be my uncle (don't ask), so I can't help you.
It was a Craigslist ad. He sext messages with boys for sexual gratification. Happy now, nosy?
Can be exhasperating. Sure there's the charge of it being new, but it's like an itch you just can't quite reach...sometimes. You zig; they zag. You lose a hunk of hair. He cums in her ear. Still, it's better than cuming alone. Isn't it?

threesomes tend to be more tricky on account of the maths.
some lovers are great from the off.
i've lost patience to deal with the other sort.
The best lover or the best anything, really, is the instrument that compels a greater contribution of involvement from its actor. Its human nature to discount cheap and easy.
Celibate! Celibate! Dance to the music!

I like to sing,
I like to dance,
I like to play in the front of my pants!
Can be exhasperating. Sure there's the charge of it being new, but it's like an itch you just can't quite reach...sometimes. You zig; they zag. You lose a hunk of hair. He cums in her ear. Still, it's better than cuming alone. Isn't it?

Who's breaking in whom?
The "breaking in" premise colors whatever answer could be given here. I don't need a new lover to understand my patterns. I want to be lost in them and they in me. I want to discover something beyond what is - and has not been - satisfying.

Breaking in? It's not a horse or a shoe. One breaks in a starched sock. One fucks for maintenance. A lover, in my world, is an adventure - one with all the thrill, intimacy and danger of freefall. Breaking in is for the scared. A lover is something that only a lover can have.

Breaking in is work. A lover can only be life or death.