

Goth Flufflet
Feb 24, 2001
Yay! Seducing Severus Ch 2 is up!

Looking for major feedback from authors here because I'm not sure its as good as part one. Any feedback negative (constructive) or positive would be good :D

Thx :)
Ok, so I just looked, and its been accepted and viewed, but I can't find it?

I'm having a blonde day...
Search for oyur username in the Search function on the stories page.

The Earl
Chapter 3 is now also available on Lit

Chapter 4 has hit an iceberg and in need of a severe re-write... can someone beta it for me??? Please??
I'd be happy to beta-test Ch4 for you if you're still in need of readers.

Email it to me at bridgeburner99@yahoo.com with Literotica in the subject field somewhere.


duh, had to go back and edit my email as I left part of it out. sheesh.
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Just-Legal, the only reason why I didn't vote a 5 for both of your stories was that you made Harry have sex with Ginny Weasley instead of Cho Chang, whom he loves.

Also, I'm aginst Harry having sex at all. He's too holy.;)
a) Cho's off limits, at least in my head, because Harry feels like he was responsible for her death

b) I just want those tow to get it together

c) Isn't Cho a year older than Harry? She'd've left if she was

d) Holy? *roflmao* put Walking the Plank in a search engine, and don't blame me for the results... I haven't posted there yet *grin*
Shit, tit, bums and buggery that did NOT come out right!

I meant Diggory's death!

Although apparently someone Harry loves dies in the next book... I'm putting up silent prayers its not Hagrid...
I suspect that it will be even worse - Dumbledore!

Know that scene in the last book, when Harry tells DUmbledore that Voldemort now can touch him, and Dumbledore looks triumphant for a second? Everyone wondered, what was that?

From what I've heard, that's because that WASN'T Dumbledore! It was someone using polyjuice, pretending to be Dumbledore! (Just exactly where did Karkaroff disappear to, anyway?)

And there's this theory going around that THAT'S WHY the title of the next book will be "The Order of the Phoenix" - because Harry will find out that Dumbledore's a fake, because Fawkes doesn't like this fake Dumbledore. "Phoenixes are very loyal pets", remember?

God, even the SnapeSlash list didn't come up with that accurate an idea yet!

**preorders GoF for her pack of HP playing cards...**

hey, I just realised I have the same initals... kewl..
Another theory I've heard of is that the Dursleys get murdered, and Harry goes to live with not Sirius but one of Dumbledore's trusted allies, Arabella Figg - remember, Mrs. Figg, with all the cats, whose house smelled like cabbage, who has always been Harry's baby-sitter? She's a witch. One of Voldemort's enemies.

A third rumour, one which may sound crazy, but actually is rather logic, is that in the fifth book, Harry and Draco will have a cease-fire, and work together.
Impossible? Not at all.
In the end of The Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore asks Snape to do something - possibly look up Voldemort and be Dumbledore's spy. Now, if Snape fights for the good side, Harry will want to help him. And Draco, although he likes Voldemort, also likes Snape, and doesn't want anything bad happening to him.

The Order of the Phoenix is scheduled to come out in the bookshops June 21st.

Kill them! Kill them all!

I really can't stand the Dursleys.... waaaay too much of a reminder about what is WRONG with Middle Class White Protestant England...
Just-Legal said:

Kill them! Kill them all!

I really can't stand the Dursleys.... waaaay too much of a reminder about what is WRONG with Middle Class White Protestant England...

Middle Class White Protestant Everywhere.:rolleyes:

Sorry. Just getting pissed off about certain stuff.... Like C&D orders to HP Slash sites...
That's not fair! If you want me to understand what you're talking about, you're gonna have to use real words!;)
Sven, give me your e-mail addy and I'll send you a copy of "Trying To Talk Sense" and "Well I Never"...

One has four Snapes, and one is a drinking game. Both WIP and possibly funny :)
"Muggle" Added to OED

The word Muggle has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. The listing (according to TLC reader George, who sent us the link) reads as follows:

In the fiction of J. K. Rowling: a person who possesses no magical powers. Hence in allusive and extended uses: a person who lacks a particular skill or skills, or who is regarded as inferior in some way.

Harry Potter is now OFFICIAL!!!:nana: :nana: :nana:

*joining the nanas in a happy dance*
The Order of the Phoenix is scheduled to come out in the bookshops June 21st. [/B]

Oh, hot damn! That's sure a red letter day. Gotta circle that one on my calendar.