Billy Graham: Vote for the Mormon guy.

Didn't he die? I thought he died. Who am I thinking of if it wasn't him?

Jerry Falwell, maybe? Though that was a while back. I really hate that he never lived to see a black president.

Look at the Grahams, where they're from, and who they represent. "Better a heretic than a nigger" was the thinking, I'm pretty certain.

The country will unite in sorrow when Billy Graham dies, and if Obama is still president when this happens, he will no doubt swallow these repeated insults and lead the mourners. I won't be among them.
Billy Graham was the first celebrity evangelist to integrate his audience.
Jerry Falwell, maybe? Though that was a while back. I really hate that he never lived to see a black president.

Look at the Grahams, where they're from, and who they represent. "Better a heretic than a nigger" was the thinking, I'm pretty certain.

The country will unite in sorrow when Billy Graham dies, and if Obama is still president when this happens, he will no doubt swallow these repeated insults and lead the mourners. I won't be among them.

I looked him up and I think I was thinking of his wife. Coulda sworn it was him. Never paid him all that much attention. On the surface he seemed like an ok guy and I never heard much about his views other than the Nixon tapes.
After looking him up I see he seemed to be a fan of segregation. Didn't know that.
To be fair it doesn't mean he's a bad guy now but I didn't see anything about him renouncing his actions either. Whatever, he dies I'm not gonna think much of it either way.
I just read about the new saint who was American. She almost single handedly changed health care and views on Hansen's disease in Hawaii and was the only person who responded to the pleas for help from them out of all the churches and orders in America. Spent her whole life in a leper colony.
So, ya know fuck Billy Graham.
I like how Billy Graham turned on the proverbial dime and removed all the "Mormonism is a CULT" blather from his website after meeting with Rmoney.

Guess he now believes, like all good Mormons do, that Jesus vacationed in America during his years in the wilderness.
I like how Billy Graham turned on the proverbial dime and removed all the "Mormonism is a CULT" blather from his website after meeting with Rmoney.

Guess he now believes, like all good Mormons do, that Jesus vacationed in America during his years in the wilderness.

Is it possible that Graham has decided that Romney's mormonism is less important than Obama's failure as a President?
i hate those mormon fucks... always knocking on my door before 8am, fucking losers!

like 2 days ago, them mothafuckas were banging on my door like they lost there mind. when i opened it, i thought it was a family member or something, when i notice it was the mormons. i quickly slammed the door in there face, i know they felt like shit.
Is it possible that Graham has decided that Romney's mormonism is less important than Obama's failure as a President?

So he's becoming worldly, and turning his back on the spiritual realm.

If he's so convinced that there's something better for him on "the other side", why does he give a shit about what Obama's doing?

Unless, he's lying about his own faith.

Is it possible that Graham has decided that Romney's mormonism is less important than Obama's failure as a President?

Your argument presumes that President Obama's tenure has been a "failure".

I categorically reject your interpretation.
So he's becoming worldly, and turning his back on the spiritual realm.

If he's so convinced that there's something better for him on "the other side", why does he give a shit about what Obama's doing?

Unless, he's lying about his own faith.


I think he cares about what is happening. It doesn't have anything to do with his beliefs about going to a better place. I'm going to a better place but I have to finish my life's purpose here. He's not lying.
Maybe Graham is separating church and state, which may some day be part of the Constitution.
On the other hand, if it's a matter of religion, maybe he's thinking about the goddamn America church Obama attended in Chicago.
So he's becoming worldly, and turning his back on the spiritual realm.

If he's so convinced that there's something better for him on "the other side", why does he give a shit about what Obama's doing?

Unless, he's lying about his own faith.


I have no idea about his motives.

Call it like you see it.
i hate those mormon fucks... always knocking on my door before 8am, fucking losers!

like 2 days ago, them mothafuckas were banging on my door like they lost there mind. when i opened it, i thought it was a family member or something, when i notice it was the mormons. i quickly slammed the door in there face, i know they felt like shit.


I've had religious families come to my door with brochures selling their religion, but never saw a Mormon.
You live with what you perceive as facts............:rolleyes:

Actually, I have my own opinions, which are based on facts.

Perhaps you'd like to explain to us just why you believe that President Obama's term has been a "failure"?