Big 5 of pyls

pyl is the term coined so you don't have to worry about vocabulary, it stands for "pick your label" and means somebody who submits. Doesn't matter what they identify as, if they submit on a regular basis (i.e. they're not a switch) they're classed as a pyl. PYL is the Dominant version.
pyl is the term coined so you don't have to worry about vocabulary, it stands for "pick your label" and means somebody who submits. Doesn't matter what they identify as, if they submit on a regular basis (i.e. they're not a switch) they're classed as a pyl. PYL is the Dominant version.

Aha! Makes total sense, thank you! I love the simplification. If only the rest of life were that easy.:)
First of all, this is awesome. Thank you for doing this! It's fascinating.

However, the science side of me has a few comments: (1) Obviously, you need a lot more data. You know that. But I wonder whether it's even worth trying to find relationships with such a small n. I'd love to see an n of 100, or at least 50 before feeling like it's worth your while to analyze so thoroughly. But presumably you're doing this for fun, so what do I know. (2) I question the validity of the relationships that can be drawn with this kind of test. The subjects are self-reporting personality traits. So, what if the extroverted subs, for example, just THINK they're emotionally unstable and reported themselves that way, but in actuality are less unstable. See what I mean? Not that the data's not still valuable, but I think what we're looking at is the way Doms, subs, slaves, etc. see themselves, not reliably what they really are. (Hope it's clear that these are not REAL criticisms. Just snags that jump to my mind. I think you're doing an awesome job with all this data and applaud the efforts! We're all enjoying the fruits of your labor, so feel free to ignore me if you think I'm way off. See how accomodating yet extroverted I am?:))

Now, some questions: Can someone tell me what pyl means? Also, I know vaguely what a top and bottom are, but I don't know how they differentiate from Doms/subs. Also, don't Doms match up with subs and Masters with slaves? So wouldn't we want some Master data? Or am I just totally confused on my vocabulary? I'm not hard-core enough to have this down yet, I guess.:eek:

Appreciate anyone's help on that!

Keep up the great stats work, you're awesome!

There is not much data, hence I'm not doing any of the math, just looking at what there is.

Self report is considered a valid method. Test like the big 5 also run answers through a matrix, cross comparing answers and calculating results from that. A real big 5 test is considered to be accurate, and this is based on one of those, so it's an ok measure I think.

Plus, even if subs reported themselves an unstable because they think that, that still shows a difference from everyone else.

Thing about correlations is that that they show you there is a connection, however they don't tell you the cause, it could be that extroversion causes the emotional stability, or the other way around, or a 3rd factor that has not be considered could be the cause. It's all speculation and theories until something is tested correct.

I find it very interesting though that even with such little and rickety data there are such strong differences.
No real label, just "pyl"

Extroversion 84%
Orderliness 81%
Emotional Stability 87%
Accommodation 50%
Inquisitiveness 58%

Extroversion results were very high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Agree with the first part, disagree with the second.

Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

Same as above.

Emotional Stability results were very high which suggests you are extremely relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.


Accommodation results were medium which suggests you are moderately kind natured, trusting, and helpful while still maintaining your own interests.


Inquisitiveness results were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

This fluctuates but I consider myself fairly practical.

Who was the Emotional Stability outlier?

*Raises hand*
Always breaking the curve, eh?

Fucken A.

Actually, this didn't come as a big surprise. I have a close friend who is a respected psychologist, (she deals mostly with children and trauma), and she once told me I am the most psychologically stable person she's ever met.

Which will make it really interesting when I am one day arrested for some heinous crime.
Fucken A.

Actually, this didn't come as a big surprise. I have a close friend who is a respected psychologist, (she deals mostly with children and trauma), and she once told me I am the most psychologically stable person she's ever met.

Which will make it really interesting when I am one day arrested for some heinous crime.

Pffft. :rolleyes:
I suggest keeping human faces in your fridge. It's the sort of thing that gets you written about.

Good idea, but since I scored so high on the orderliness segment, I will have to make sure the faces are neatly stacked, dated, and sorted by skin tone.

Ooh? Which one?

I'm not at liberty to say, but it will involve bubble wrap. Copious amounts.
Good idea, but since I scored so high on the orderliness segment, I will have to make sure the faces are neatly stacked, dated, and sorted by skin tone.

I'm not at liberty to say, but it will involve bubble wrap. Copious amounts.



*sobs* I need to go wash myself.

I have no role

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||| 27%
Emotional Stability || 7%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||| 41%

Emotional Stability is too high! I believe this to incorrect, it should have been more near 0!ut then again, why else would I be taking this test on a Friday night while hubby watches spaceballs on dvd......I wonder......

I have no role

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||| 27%
Emotional Stability || 7%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||| 41%

Emotional Stability is too high! I believe this to incorrect, it should have been more near 0!ut then again, why else would I be taking this test on a Friday night while hubby watches spaceballs on dvd......I wonder......

What role would you like to have?
There is not much data, hence I'm not doing any of the math, just looking at what there is.

Self report is considered a valid method. Test like the big 5 also run answers through a matrix, cross comparing answers and calculating results from that. A real big 5 test is considered to be accurate, and this is based on one of those, so it's an ok measure I think.

Plus, even if subs reported themselves an unstable because they think that, that still shows a difference from everyone else.

Thing about correlations is that that they show you there is a connection, however they don't tell you the cause, it could be that extroversion causes the emotional stability, or the other way around, or a 3rd factor that has not be considered could be the cause. It's all speculation and theories until something is tested correct.

I find it very interesting though that even with such little and rickety data there are such strong differences.

Good points. Thanks for the response and keep up the great work! Would be so cool to know whether any of these relationships are causal...I know it's not possible here, but would be fascinating.

I have no role

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||| 27%
Emotional Stability || 7%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||| 41%

Emotional Stability is too high! I believe this to incorrect, it should have been more near 0!ut then again, why else would I be taking this test on a Friday night while hubby watches spaceballs on dvd......I wonder......

Wow! Your results with "no role" are strikingly similar to mine which I was only able to define as "unknown". Maybe we need our own label...CONFUSED! :rolleyes:

After reviewing the topic multiple times I suppose that I really should have identified myself as a sub. My life has always forced me into a more dominate role, my relationships have forced me to become the more dominant partner, etc. However, my deeper desires and true nature are far more subbish than I have been willing to acknowledge until recently.
My Scores

Extroversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, random, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Emotional Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Accommodation results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

Inquisitiveness results were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
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1. female
2. sub
3. Extroversion 61%
Emotional Stability 47%
Accommodation 70%

4. I really like and am intrigued by your original thought to see if results from a Big 5 personality assessment would predict or be similiar among like minded people. However, the personality assessment provided by the link is not at all an accurate reflection of the MMPI. The results i recieved were...not really that great... i think if a better Big 5 personality assessment test was used, you would find muuuuccchh better results.

I have been doing more thinking on our subbies, and it seems apparent that we are dealing with at least two types here. Theoretically, if more and more data was collected we would come up with a sort of figure 8, with two main groups. One introverted and stable, the other extroverted and neurotic.

There is actually and old theory on that, but I'm reluctant to test it out here. Would rather save your patients for something better. But for those interested it seems most subbes are either phlegmatic or choleric.

I checked out the same patter for the slaves and doms, slaves fit perfectly into the old melancholic category, and doms, nothing. However I decided, due to low scores on accommodation (which would effect extroversion), to bump dom exto scores by 20. Now most fit into the sanguine category.

:rolleyes: for manipulating data.

I also have some more of my own persona theories, so stay tuned for those once I have something comprehensible typed up for those.
I have been doing more thinking on our subbies, and it seems apparent that we are dealing with at least two types here. Theoretically, if more and more data was collected we would come up with a sort of figure 8, with two main groups. One introverted and stable, the other extroverted and neurotic.

There is actually and old theory on that, but I'm reluctant to test it out here. Would rather save your patients for something better. But for those interested it seems most subbes are either phlegmatic or choleric.

I checked out the same patter for the slaves and doms, slaves fit perfectly into the old melancholic category, and doms, nothing. However I decided, due to low scores on accommodation (which would effect extroversion), to bump dom exto scores by 20. Now most fit into the sanguine category.

:rolleyes: for manipulating data.

I also have some more of my own persona theories, so stay tuned for those once I have something comprehensible typed up for those.

Could you tell us more about "phlegmatic," "choleric," and "sanguine" as categories? I fell I've heard those terms before in academia, but can't remember what they mean.
Could you tell us more about "phlegmatic," "choleric," and "sanguine" as categories? I fell I've heard those terms before in academia, but can't remember what they mean.

Googy or wiki it, I don't want to fill this thread with that info.
I'm a bottom, and by the 4-types breakdown, I'm melancholic. The thought of being anyone's slave it totally anathema to me. When I first got into BDSM I thought I was a sub but it became clear pretty quickly that I am a bottom, and not always (though never a top).
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Resurrecting this one.

Ive been wanting to add to it for, um, the whole time, but its just not come about.

But I will, I swear it.

and more responses are always welcome, go to the first post to see what thats about.
