Big 5 of pyls


What she said :(

Stop make romantic stuff what isn't.

This test made me mad. Made me seem like a yucky person and i dun think am soooo terrible and horrible. THey putted in a lot of OR things that are really should be AND things.

i don't like this place anymore.

Does your Master require that you stay in your little persona all the time?
This was weird because I've taken the Meyers-Briggs test with the bazillion questions on a couple of occasions. I've also taken the online versions and without exception I score so middle-middle on things that I either look like the most well-adjusted person on the planet or someone suffering from multiple personality disorder. I do tend to score a bit more E than I so this test gets that right, but the skew is wild.


Extroversion |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 61%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 67%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||| 64%

Extroversion (72%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Yeah, I have no idea who I am until I take a poll of the rest of the people around me. :rolleyes:

Accommodation (67%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

I'll cop to this bit. After all, I became a public school teacher, didn't I?

Orderliness (61%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.

It is because of my organizational mind that I am able to be incredibly flexible --- others' chaos doesn't disturb my wah. (How can one be both overly accomodating and inflexible, I wonder?)

Emotional Stability (78%) high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Yeah, funny how this works. I'm the highest functioning clinical depressive I know!

Inquisitiveness (64%) moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

I'll happily own all of this but the lack of practicality part. See comment below.

What I wrote to them in their comment box:

Why do high scores result in such negative descriptions with the exception of emotional stability? One is hardly emotionally stable if one is an identity-less, inflexible, impractical martyr. See what I'm getting at? You've set up some false dichotomies.

It is possible to be outgoing without pandering to others' opinions. A talent for organization does not mean rigidity --- I can tell you where my Feb 2007 phone bill is because I know it's halfway down the third stack of papers shoved into the back right-hand corner of my kitchen table. I just happen to have good spatial recall --- nobody else thinks it's organized.

I'll grant you the martyr complex. What can I say? I'm the oldest girlchild and a teacher. ;-> And what exactly does intellectual curiosity have to do with being impractical?

And then I actually clicked the links to the personality descriptions and they lined up better with my actual personality but they contradicted their own earlier definitions. I've highlighted the parts that really don't fit me.

(2.8% of women; 4.0% of men)

happy, level emotions, not easily discouraged, optimistic, fearless, self confident, non-hostile, trusting, rarely sad, social, content, positive, knows where life is going, socially skilled, not quiet around strangers, acts comfortably with others, takes on responsibilities, likes public speaking, not prone to worrying, not apprehensive about new encounters, flexible, adapts easily to new situations, not afraid to draw attention to self, likes to lead, not bored while working, likes others, hard to annoy, calm in crisis, does not second guess self, not embarrassed easily, high energy level, easy to understand, thinks before acting, strong sense or purpose, likes crowds, interested in science, not prone to jealousy, comfortable in unfamiliar situations, not skeptical, true to self in all circumstances, highly motivated to succeed, decisive, easy to get to know, narcissistic, driven by reason, physically fit, passionate about bettering the world's condition, finishes most things they start, not easily confused, willing to explain things twice, thinks they are extraordinary


not easily hurt, rarely if ever loses temper, keeps emotions under control, positive, not prone to envy, rarely sick, self reliant, trusting, stable, sturdy, optimistic, fits in most places, not defensive, likes change, if they were to live life over again they would not change much, content (possibly over content), believes in choice more than fate, good at building things, good at taking advice, does not make enemies, good at fixing things, admits it when they make a mistake, gets along with others, has more desire than fear, motivated, self confident, believes the benefits of freedom outweight the benefits of attachment
Who was the Emotional Stability outlier?

Can't tell you, confidentiality.

YC - for the statistics-impared folks, can you explain the charts, please?

The darker line in the middle of the shaded box is the statistical mean, correct? And the boxes cover the majority of the data (I think I have that slightly off)? Do the lines coming up and down from the main boxes cover the extremes of the data in those categories, then?

The boxes represent the middle 50% of scores, so from 25% to 75%. The whiskers represent the remaining 25% at both ends. The line shows the mean... wait, the median. Huh, I wonder why it didn't give a mean...

Well, you can generally figure if the mean (average) is above or bellow the median (middle) by which side of it is longer.

I'll check on why it wont give a mean.
Emotional stability - well....

I think this part of the test has a gender gap component. Most women will consider themselves "worriers" and a lot of men will worry about a ton of shit without considering themselves "worriers." If you put down something like "sometimes I can't sleep because of something that happened at work" you'd probably see some closing of the gender gap on anxiety issues.

Women tend to sweat small stuff and totally not sweat the really huge stuff. Men tend to not sweat any small stuff and totally sweat really huge stuff. It's how we're socialized.

The subs here answering this ditty are, to my knowledge, all female and female-bodied and raised.

Sub males I've dealt with are about 50/50 split in terms of whether I'd say they were anxious, insecure, charmingly neurotic people versus stoic, even keeled, calming people to be around. I'm pretty midpoint on the worry spectrum so I respond well to both types of people.

I have all the data to run it by sex, but I think you where the only female dom, which makes it kind of pointless. Need more data.
I feel like such a freak now. But really really cool thread so far!

Indeed, you are talking to a punch of person that think freak is sexy.

Show us your results, its like porn to us. :D

This test made me mad. Made me seem like a yucky person and i dun think am soooo terrible and horrible. THey putted in a lot of OR things that are really should be AND things.

i don't like this place anymore.

I have candy
1. Female

2. Switch

3. Big Five Test Results

Extroversion |||||||||||||| 55%
Orderliness |||||| 30%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 47%
Accommodation |||||||||||||| 58%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 78%

Extroversion results were medium which suggests you are moderately talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting.

Ok, I can listen as well as carry on a conversation - accurate

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, random, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Yes, I'm flexible... but not at the expense of reliability and work ethic - those are the things my team depends on. Can I lose something in plain sight? Absolutely! Partially inaccurate

Emotional Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

I don't worry about anything outside my realm of control. Accurate.

Accommodation results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).

I'm a mother, deacon, admin, switch, and unicorn ... of course I'm kind, trusting and helpful! With the exception of the martyr complex, accurate.

Inquisitiveness results were high which suggests you are very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

If I weren't practical, the people who seek out my opinion and expertise ... wouldn't. Slightly inaccurate.

Wow - it's nice to see all the responses and the graphs. I'll have to retake it over time and see if mine changes dramatically.

Esclava :rose:
Extroversion |||||||||||| 41%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 50%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Accommodation |||||| 27%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||| 70%

Thats what I get

I'm probably a bit less extroverted, and much more inquisitive ;)
So I was playing the data, pulled switches out of others and gave them their own category. Still can't get mean to show up, but what the hell. I checked them, usually within 1 -3% of the median anyway.

However when checking for correlations between stability and extroversion I found some rather bizarre but cool results. I'll show you guys when I got them all pretty looking. :D
The boxes represent the middle 50% of scores, so from 25% to 75%. The whiskers represent the remaining 25% at both ends. The line shows the mean... wait, the median. Huh, I wonder why it didn't give a mean...

Well, you can generally figure if the mean (average) is above or bellow the median (middle) by which side of it is longer.

I'll check on why it wont give a mean.

Thanks. It had been a while since I had used graphs like these, and median is actually what I meant (median being the value at which and equal number are above and below, whereas mean is the average).

For this type of data, mean isn't all that helpful, I don't think, anyway.
For science's sake :D

Female bottom with varying tendencies

I think my anxiety thingie has skewed the results a bit in that dept, but i i am what i am :)

Big Five Test Results

Extroversion |||||| 30%
Orderliness |||||| 24%
Emotional Stability |||| 18%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 61%
Inquisitiveness |||| 15%
So I was playing the data, pulled switches out of others and gave them their own category. Still can't get mean to show up, but what the hell. I checked them, usually within 1 -3% of the median anyway.

However when checking for correlations between stability and extroversion I found some rather bizarre but cool results. I'll show you guys when I got them all pretty looking. :D

Bizarre but cool results??? :-? Hmmmmmm ... must hang out to see these results ... :cool:

Esclava :rose:
So here is a basic look at the relationship between emotional stability and extroversion.

First, doms

This does not tell us much, the data is all over and really, its inconclusive, no relationship. I would even guess that there is no potential for a relationship.


Next up, others, contaning such roles as Tops, bottoms, pets, pyls, etcs

Here there are still some outlier points, but if you removed them the rest fit the line nicely. There is not much data, but it could be expected that ultimately the relationship would look something like this.

What does this mean, it means that the more extroverted "others" are the more emotionally stable they are. The less emotionally stable are also more introverted.


Slaves, there is very few data, but it all fits the line like a glove. This may be luck, but it still looks pretty.

Like the others category, slaves show the same relationship, except that they are overall less emotionally stable, while still maintaining, relative to others, high extroversion.


That's all good and speculative, but here's the kicker.

Subs, which we almost have enough data on to make inferences, show the opposite relationship.

According to this, the more extroverted subs are, the less emotionally stable they are. The less extroverted a sub is, the more emotionally stable they are.


So whats up with subs? Why so diffrent? Could this be a predictor for subbies? :D

Anyway, I looked into it, ran a emotional stability vs accommodation plot. Theory was that higher accommodation combined with lower emotional stability would results in that person trying to be more extroverted, in other words, more unstable people are more concerned with being extroverted. However that resulted in no relationship.

I have one more theory. Studies on sexual response have shown that 1 out of 5 people are aroused by anxiety and or depression. Could our subs be that 1/5th? Could their brains light up when they are feeling unstable?


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Hmm. I wonder if it'd have skewed the results any if I'd identified as a slave, like I do sometimes. I know one person is usually not enough to change the end result in any statistically significant way, but we're working with a rather small sample here. ;)
except for me! :( eh well, i never fit in.

You know your right, I didn't even notice that. Only at the high end are slaves more extroverted, at the low end they are less so. If you where to overlap the two graphs the lines would cross, so you are right, and fit in.

Hmm. I wonder if it'd have skewed the results any if I'd identified as a slave, like I do sometimes. I know one person is usually not enough to change the end result in any statistically significant way, but we're working with a rather small sample here. ;)

I think any data at all would skew it in some way. On the slave grid I think you would fall right about where that 3rd point from the left is, so you would fit in well amongst slaves.


I'm curious, did you put self-identified Tops with the Doms or with Others?

With the others. Any ambiguous roles, or those that only have 1 or 2 people are in with others. I think other could actually be interchangeable with pyl - slaves and subs. We do have 1 top though I think.

Maybe I'll split others into pyl others and PYL others.

We also have switches in their own category, but only have about 2 or 3 of them.
Sheer bile fascination: Male, top/Dom/whatever you want to use

Extroversion || 10%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 50%
Emotional Stability |||||| 24%
Accommodation |||||||||| 35%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||| 58%

Extroversion results were very low which suggests you are extremely reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, structured, and self controlled while still remaining flexible, varied, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Accommodation results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense of the well being of others.

Inquisitiveness results were moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.

Extroversion |||||| 21%
Orderliness |||| 18%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||| 55%
Accommodation |||||| 21%
Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||||| 90%

Extroversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive. I'm working on becoming more Assertive, especially when dealing with pet.

Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, random, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.Oh, yes. Too often I fall into this catagory, but It's the spice of life to me.

Emotional Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic. Bridgeburner mentioned being a funcioning clinical depressive. I was in the same boat, until pet and I found each other. That depression is starting to lessen it's grip on me a little everyday. I hope the same will happen for you too hun. :rose:

Accommodation results were low which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.Yep, bullheaded and crazy to boot. That's me. It's a family trait.

Inquisitiveness results were very high which suggests you are extremely intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical. Extremely intellectual! Pwnd!

more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family(Wrong!), detaches to analyze factors from multiple perspectives, regularly uses ideas and tools to transform understanding, enjoys playing with random interconnections between ideas and patterns, would describe self as a nerd in high school, likes science fiction, introspective, good at fixing things, more comfortable around adults as a child, feels both special and defective, knows the darkside of life well, is not bothered by going long periods without speaking with people, more intellectual than sensual, can be bitter, problem solver, relys on mind more than on others, driven by curiosity, feels best when working, minimalist Other than that snafu at the beginning, this sums me up as close as any generalized standardized personality test ever has. It answers a lot of lingering questions about myself from adolescence, as well.
First of all, this is awesome. Thank you for doing this! It's fascinating.

However, the science side of me has a few comments: (1) Obviously, you need a lot more data. You know that. But I wonder whether it's even worth trying to find relationships with such a small n. I'd love to see an n of 100, or at least 50 before feeling like it's worth your while to analyze so thoroughly. But presumably you're doing this for fun, so what do I know. (2) I question the validity of the relationships that can be drawn with this kind of test. The subjects are self-reporting personality traits. So, what if the extroverted subs, for example, just THINK they're emotionally unstable and reported themselves that way, but in actuality are less unstable. See what I mean? Not that the data's not still valuable, but I think what we're looking at is the way Doms, subs, slaves, etc. see themselves, not reliably what they really are. (Hope it's clear that these are not REAL criticisms. Just snags that jump to my mind. I think you're doing an awesome job with all this data and applaud the efforts! We're all enjoying the fruits of your labor, so feel free to ignore me if you think I'm way off. See how accomodating yet extroverted I am?:))

Now, some questions: Can someone tell me what pyl means? Also, I know vaguely what a top and bottom are, but I don't know how they differentiate from Doms/subs. Also, don't Doms match up with subs and Masters with slaves? So wouldn't we want some Master data? Or am I just totally confused on my vocabulary? I'm not hard-core enough to have this down yet, I guess.:eek:

Appreciate anyone's help on that!

Keep up the great stats work, you're awesome!