Biden Sets Up The Next 9-11 Here At Home

We will become insolvent before that happens. We can’t proxy fight Iran, N Korea, China. Europe needs to take ownership of this war. Can’t keep writing checks forever.
Even harder still with the sunshine state’s third senator holding up military promotions. Can’t be ready if people are on hold. Who is that one on? Do tell.
We will become insolvent before that happens. We can’t proxy fight Iran, N Korea, China. Europe needs to take ownership of this war. Can’t keep writing checks forever.
I wasn't talking about the US and our involvement
Remember, his side is big on history and tradition… so of course Russia should be able to just take it- there is a history and tradition.

If not, then their whole “history and tradition” schtick falls apart.
Speaking of history, Where was Obama during the Crimean takeover.
You don’t take into account % to total in your equation. If 100 billion is funded and we supplement 80 billion how is that fair to the American people. This is a European problem and we should help not bear the brunt. We’re 33 trillion in debt.
Did you even look at the information....Obviously not, you just have it in your mind the USA is funding the whole thing and Europe's just sitting back saying thank you. Fuck off with your stupidity and arrogance.
Speaking of history, Where was Obama during the Crimean takeover.
Ohhh look something from history. We did what we could against a nuclear opponent. Was it perfect, no. Did we do something yes. And now we are doing more since it’s the second.

You want what to happen exactly? Let Russia roll with no speed bumps?
Did you even look at the information....Obviously not, you just have it in your mind the USA is funding the whole thing and Europe's just sitting back saying thank you. Fuck off with your stupidity and arrogance.
No links to sources.. there will be a PJs article…pretty soon here. Always the go to.
Even harder still with the sunshine state’s third senator holding up military promotions. Can’t be ready if people are on hold. Who is that one on? Do tell.
He‘s standing on his principles. I disagree with him but hey it is what it is. I remember when Pelosi refused to fund Trump’s wall. She was standing on her principles but hey that’s OK she’s a democrat. I remember slimy senate Dems attacking Bret Kavanaugh during confirmation hearings but thats ok they’re democrats. STFU with your partisan hackers. Tlaib supporting terrorist, your selective outrage is duly noted.
He's calling them right now to write one that backs his statements....
Doesn’t have to call them, he’s probably one of their “journalists”. Just had to triple check his spelling and grammar mistakes since that would give away his secret identity.
He‘s standing on his principles. I disagree with him but hey it is what it is. I remember when Pelosi refused to fund Trump’s wall. She was standing on her principles but hey that’s OK she’s a democrat. I remember slimy senate Dems attacking Bret Kavanaugh during confirmation hearings but thats ok they’re democrats. STFU with your partisan hackers. Tlaib supporting terrorist, your selective outrage is duly noted.
His principles to ruin our military.

The wall would cost too much money, you care about money right?? Or that cost is okay, get rid of all the things you don’t care about. That’s really your angle.

His confirmation hearings were a joke, no one with his questionable ethics should be in a place of judgement.

And you are talking about the Israel/Palestine conflict that is ages old. Each side trying to oppress the other. Got it.
Just like Iran is fighting a proxy war against Israel we’re fighting a proxy war with Russia.
The war in Ukraine was started by Russia when they invaded. The war in Israel/Gaza was started when Hamas attacked Israel.

Both wars would end easily with those parties making concessions.
No links to sources.. there will be a PJs article…pretty soon here. Always the go to.
Neither you nor your fucking dumbass pen pal can read or cite the truth. When did I ever say the US if funding the whole Ukraine war effort. You people lie, twist and move the goal post.
The war in Ukraine was started by Russia when they invaded. The war in Israel/Gaza was started when Hamas attacked Israel.

Both wars would end easily with those parties making concessions.
Fair point, nothing to disagree with there. I hope they do and avoid more senseless killing.

Those Russian soldiers caught up in this war through no fault of their own have families.
Iran is propping up Russia too…. And who took apart the nuke deal with them??
Iran’s foreign currency reserves fell from 128 billion in 2015 to 15 billion in 2019. This was due to Trump‘s tightening of sanctions. Biden never enforced sanctions allowing Iran to bolster their foreign currency reserves giving Iran a ton of latitude for funding terrorist factions. China, Iran and N Korea are back dooring arms to Russia.
Neither you nor your fucking dumbass pen pal can read or cite the truth. When did I ever say the US if funding the whole Ukraine war effort. You people lie, twist and move the goal post.
Read below....

You’re an idiot!

I back Ukraine defense spending with appropriate oversight and a plan on how to end this war.

I don’t agree with shouldering the bulk of the funding, that should be more of a European problem.
You don't say the US is funding the "whole" effort, you just claim the US is funding a disproportionate amount. Which is not the case.
You can’t use GDP , we provide aid all over the world. I’m comparing dollar amounts and we provide by a large amount the most. I believe we provide double that of all donors combined.
Why can't I use GDP? Its a more accurate and realistic measure of impact to the economy ( in the game) of lost revenue. If we have more, than providing more is t truly as big of a deal.
Neither you nor your fucking dumbass pen pal can read or cite the truth. When did I ever say the US if funding the whole Ukraine war effort. You people lie, twist and move the goal post.
If funding the?

English please.
Iran’s foreign currency reserves fell from 128 billion in 2015 to 15 billion in 2019. This was due to Trump‘s tightening of sanctions. Biden never enforced sanctions allowing Iran to bolster their foreign currency reserves giving Iran a ton of latitude for funding terrorist factions. China, Iran and N Korea are back dooring arms to Russia.
So the Cheeto is taking credit for all of that?

Sure looks like a decline at the end of 44, and then uptick to start 45.

What about 2019-2021. Doesn’t fit the narrative? Or you just can’t be bothered to look? The story gave you that so that’s all you know.

You are one who read for the articles aren’t you?
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Why can't I use GDP? Its a more accurate and realistic measure of impact to the economy ( in the game) of lost revenue. If we have more, than providing more is t truly as big of a deal.
Name any of those countries that’s 33trillion in debt
If funding the?

English please.
Fuck off with your petty bullshit. You talk too much! It must suck to be so starved for attention. It must time for a diaper change. Does you mommy know you’re on an adult only site.