Biden Sets Up The Next 9-11 Here At Home


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Record number of illegal immigrants with terrorist ties stopped at US border​

Terrorist watchlist stops soar to 736 nationwide in fiscal year 2023.

By Charlotte Hazard
October 21, 2023 4:29pm
Updated: October 22, 2023 1:10am

Terrorist watch list stops have soared at U.S. borders in fiscal year 2023.

According to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Saturday there have been a total of 736 terrorist suspects stopped at the border in that period.

The data shows that 564 of those encounters occurred at land border ports of entry while 172 encounters occurred between ports of entry.

By comparison, fiscal year 2020 saw a total of 199 terrorist suspects stopped at the border, and in FY 2021 the total was 173. In FY 2022 the total was 478.

More on Joe's plan to harm more Americans here:

There has never been a more dangerous threat to the safety of Americans than the Biden Crime Family. The facts are roughly two million people were arrested entering the US illegally in 2023 and that does not include those who got away.
There has never been a more dangerous threat to the safety of Americans than the Biden Crime Family. The facts are roughly two million people were arrested entering the US illegally in 2023 and that does not include those who got away.
Why is your brain so broken? More arrests = more threats?

Biden Sets Up The Next 9-11 Here At Home

Where were the previous 9/11s?

Record number of illegal immigrants with terrorist ties stopped at US border​

Terrorist watchlist stops soar to 736 nationwide in fiscal year 2023.

By Charlotte Hazard
October 21, 2023 4:29pm
Updated: October 22, 2023 1:10am

Terrorist watch list stops have soared at U.S. borders in fiscal year 2023.

According to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Saturday there have been a total of 736 terrorist suspects stopped at the border in that period.

The data shows that 564 of those encounters occurred at land border ports of entry while 172 encounters occurred between ports of entry.

By comparison, fiscal year 2020 saw a total of 199 terrorist suspects stopped at the border, and in FY 2021 the total was 173. In FY 2022 the total was 478.

More on Joe's plan to harm more Americans here:

There has never been a more dangerous threat to the safety of Americans than the Biden Crime Family. The facts are roughly two million people were arrested entering the US illegally in 2023 and that does not include those who got away.
I thought the border was wide open? Folks were pouring in unchecked?

And the Canadian border you say? Time to get out the militia… and go full Canadian Bacon!

Seems like this is one of those instances where you are not even close to a point that your right wing chuckle buddies will back you on since they don’t get it either.
I thought the border was wide open? Folks were pouring in unchecked?

And the Canadian border you say? Time to get out the militia… and go full Canadian Bacon!

Seems like this is one of those instances where you are not even close to a point that your right wing chuckle buddies will back you on since they don’t get it either.
It doesn't matter the facts above back me up, notwithstanding your desire to remain dumb.
It doesn't matter the facts above back me up, notwithstanding your desire to remain dumb.
Sources don’t matter, got it. As long as it backs your narrative you go with it. Not an extra step to verify, corroborate?

But yeah, it gives you someone to yell about since the Hunter situation has shown to be nothing.

Facts… are they have mostly been caught on the northern border…

That backs you up how?
In two weeks there have been 2000 military-aged Chinese males have entered the US over the Southern border.
They got fentanyl with them?

Ohhhh and military aged…

You mean Texas didn’t hook ‘em?

And where is this lovely detail in your first post? It was missing since you didn’t look at your own source and now you are scrambling to have some justification.

Ummmmm what I mean to say is…

Like Fleetwood Mac would since about you…

“You can go your wrong way… go your wrong way!”

You are such a joke
It doesn't matter the facts above back me up, notwithstanding your desire to remain dumb.
Did facts back you up when you proudly made that Arizona election fraud thread?

You're nothing but a mouthpiece for the anti-American MAGAt contingency, Jack.
In two weeks there have been 2000 military-aged Chinese males have entered the US over the Southern border.
And just how is this figure arrived at?

Are they illegal entrants who have been detained, or is the figure an estimate?

Wouldn’t you imagine Chinese males would be sophisticated enough to enter your northern border after arriving in eg Vancouver and then heading south?

Are you providing a source for your claim?
In two weeks there have been 2000 military-aged Chinese males have entered the US over the Southern border.
Not only is the logic of this sentence on a first-grader's level, but so is the grammar.

homeboy's grey matter is GONE gone.

In two weeks there have been 2000 military-aged Chinese males have entered the US over the Southern border.
Ya can’t argue with ignorance. Every national security expert worth a shit is terrified at the prospect of a terrorist attack. I don’t argue with lit know it alls anymore. They have no clue on all the different tactics used by terrorist. It couldn’t happen in Israel, it couldn’t happen in Mumbai And yet it did. Hamas killed children, when the shit really hits the fan our children will be targets. They were instructed by their leadership that it was a suicide mission. They’re not afraid to die.
Ya can’t argue with ignorance. Every national security expert worth a shit is terrified at the prospect of a terrorist attack. I don’t argue with lit know it alls anymore. They have no clue on all the different tactics used by terrorist. It couldn’t happen in Israel, it couldn’t happen in Mumbai And yet it did. Hamas killed children, when the shit really hits the fan our children will be targets. They were instructed by their leadership that it was a suicide mission. They’re not afraid to die.
Fear mongering is dumb.
Ya can’t argue with ignorance. Every national security expert worth a shit is terrified at the prospect of a terrorist attack. I don’t argue with lit know it alls anymore. They have no clue on all the different tactics used by terrorist. It couldn’t happen in Israel, it couldn’t happen in Mumbai And yet it did. Hamas killed children, when the shit really hits the fan our children will be targets. They were instructed by their leadership that it was a suicide mission. They’re not afraid to die.
You dumb son of bitch, the children ARE ALREADY targets: Columbine, Sandy Hook, Uvalde, sound familiar? You dumb fucks get so spun up on what might happen and ignore what has happened. The biggest danger to our kids isn't HAMAS, or any Muslim terrorist. It's a crazy ass american with a gun. Americans have killed more kids in this country than HAMS did in Israel. And yet nothing gets done to stop it. Some lip service, and some shedding of Crocodile tears, but nothing of substance. So spare me the horse shit drama about terrorists coming across the border and do something about the crazy mother fuckers in our midst. Or STFU!


Record number of illegal immigrants with terrorist ties stopped at US border​

Terrorist watchlist stops soar to 736 nationwide in fiscal year 2023.

By Charlotte Hazard
October 21, 2023 4:29pm
Updated: October 22, 2023 1:10am

Terrorist watch list stops have soared at U.S. borders in fiscal year 2023.

According to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Saturday there have been a total of 736 terrorist suspects stopped at the border in that period.

The data shows that 564 of those encounters occurred at land border ports of entry while 172 encounters occurred between ports of entry.

By comparison, fiscal year 2020 saw a total of 199 terrorist suspects stopped at the border, and in FY 2021 the total was 173. In FY 2022 the total was 478.

More on Joe's plan to harm more Americans here:

There has never been a more dangerous threat to the safety of Americans than the Biden Crime Family. The facts are roughly two million people were arrested entering the US illegally in 2023 and that does not include those who got away.
Good thing the DOJ is prosecuting over a thousand DOMESTIC terrorists who tried to overthrow our democracy...
It couldn’t happen in Israel, it couldn’t happen in Mumbai And yet it did.
Exactly who said it couldn't happen in either of those places? Heck, you - or at least your current handle - hasn't been here long enough to know what anyone said before the Mumbai attacks.

Record number of illegal immigrants with terrorist ties stopped at US border​

Terrorist watchlist stops soar to 736 nationwide in fiscal year 2023.

By Charlotte Hazard
October 21, 2023 4:29pm
Updated: October 22, 2023 1:10am

Terrorist watch list stops have soared at U.S. borders in fiscal year 2023.

According to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Saturday there have been a total of 736 terrorist suspects stopped at the border in that period.

The data shows that 564 of those encounters occurred at land border ports of entry while 172 encounters occurred between ports of entry.

By comparison, fiscal year 2020 saw a total of 199 terrorist suspects stopped at the border, and in FY 2021 the total was 173. In FY 2022 the total was 478.

More on Joe's plan to harm more Americans here:

There has never been a more dangerous threat to the safety of Americans than the Biden Crime Family. The facts are roughly two million people were arrested entering the US illegally in 2023 and that does not include those who got away.
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity)

So President Biden’s administration catching potential terrorists is evidence of what exactly???

I think this latest "Right"Guide thread-fail topic should be in The Biden Good thread.


👉 "Right"guide 🤣

The state hacks who are trying to increase my state's population may prefer college grads with tech degrees, but they'll settle for refugees who might be terrorists.
Most were apprehended at the Canadian border. You forgot to mention that.
Duh, we obviously need to have Canada pay for a big and beautiful wall along the entire Canadian border. And also, Canada must prevent terrorists in Canada from training on paragliders, ladders, and wall-scaling techniques.

Oh, and don't forget about the walls on our eastern and western seaboards. And OMG, I forgot to mention the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe Cuba will pay for that last one.

Congress should not allocate a penny for enforcement at border crossing stations until foreign countries pay for all those border walls and until the Democrats support Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House.
Duh, we obviously need to have Canada pay for a big and beautiful wall along the entire Canadian border. And also, Canada must prevent terrorists in Canada from training on paragliders, ladders, and wall-scaling techniques.

Oh, and don't forget about the walls on our eastern and western seaboards. And OMG, I forgot to mention the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe Cuba will pay for that last one.

Congress should not allocate a penny for enforcement at border crossing stations until foreign countries pay for all those border walls and until the Democrats support Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House.

Well, when you put it that ^ way…

The state hacks who are trying to increase my state's population may prefer college grads with tech degrees, but they'll settle for refugees who might be terrorists.
Yes because it’s a one or the other choice, one that displays the paucity of deplorable thought.
No nuance, no sympathy and no hope.
You dumb son of bitch, the children ARE ALREADY targets: Columbine, Sandy Hook, Uvalde, sound familiar? You dumb fucks get so spun up on what might happen and ignore what has happened. The biggest danger to our kids isn't HAMAS, or any Muslim terrorist. It's a crazy ass american with a gun. Americans have killed more kids in this country than HAMS did in Israel. And yet nothing gets done to stop it. Some lip service, and some shedding of Crocodile tears, but nothing of substance. So spare me the horse shit drama about terrorists coming across the border and do something about the crazy mother fuckers in our midst. Or STFU!
Thanks for the history lesson. We can fix the problem in our schools we just don't have the will to do it. We can harden our schools, we can revamp the justice system in ways that a child with a criminal record can't procure a firearm.

We need to do both. For you it's one or the other. We have a porous border with hundreds of thousands of young military aged men in our country and we have no clue as to who they are, their affiliations or reasons for coming here. We have a drug crisis and cartels that should be labelled terrorist entities. Terrorist today are extremely capable and sophisticated. Our threat assessment is high and our vulnerabilities are many and if for some reason we have a military spat with Iran, Hezbollah or China I can assure you cells from those countries are here right now. I'm not fear mongering. I remember after 911 as a commander of a facility we had to take measures to harden all our military facilities. In country we had to do frequent internal threat assessments as well as updating external assessment per DoD DIRECTIVES. We did that because the threat was real. Go on any military post and you will see those barriers are still in place. Gates were repositioned to minimize the effects of a truck bomb. The threat assessment is worse today. Our children are prime soft targets, they affect our psyche the most as has been demonstrated by past shootings. All I suggest is we are way behind the eight ball but you all go ahead and believe what you want. Just because our border agents are nabbing more individuals on the terror watchlist doesn't mean the threat is minimized, just the opposite. We interdict more drugs than ever, that just means more is getting through, to arrive at any other conclusion is stupidity on steroids. Biden's feckless border policy has put us in danger.
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