Betrayal and the Bodyguard, (Closed)


Literotica Guru
Sep 18, 2013
With a quick step, the heels of his shoes slightly scuffed across the marble floor of the US Embassy, Harrison Lockie showed his credentials to the Marines at the front desk and made his way around the metal detector. He was on time, normally he tried to be about 15 minutes ahead (which meant 30 minutes ahead of schedule) but the weather for London England that morning was overcast and grey which meant the traffic in and around London was especially brutal. He'd studied the routes twice, knew where he needed to be but with the protection detail he'd been assigned, he was going to have to be ready to follow the lead of the agent in charge. Due to his age, he'd turned 40 last month, he was on the outward slope of the normal age that agents retired from protection details. It was only through the grace of his reputation that he'd been given the opportunity to let's say, hang up his cleats with grace. This particular detail was supposed to be cush, something he could do with limited stress. It wasn't as if he was following an Ambassador to a war zone, or heading to the G8 Summit, no, he was on protection detail for the Ambassador's daughter. She was by reputation, smart, and a smart ass, she also at least from what he'd been told didn't suffer fools. So, because the state department took protecting the Ambassador's family very seriously, only the best agents were allowed to keep on the detail. Harry wasn't the lead agent on the detail, he was if anything playing backup to a much younger crew, most of which he had at least 10 or 15 years on. It was supposed to be a position that he'd be allowed to glide on for the next six months and then retire.

As he strode down the hallway toward the grand staircase that reached the 2nd floor, he quickened his pace and took the stairs two, then three at a time. He could feel his heart rate increase, his body lightly heating up, and as he reached the second floor, he looked off to his right to find the office he was looking for. He'd thought about retirement, hell he was 40, his body didn't feel that way, it felt more 32 than anything, but he could see the strands of grey creeping into his hair every passing day. And, reading the news of his tablet was getting harder. Old father time was nudging at him, and while he'd make every attempt to ignore it as long as he could, there was just no getting over it. Harry felt like he could easily keep up, easily show these young wet behind the ears agents a thing or two, but it wasn't up to him anymore. Reaching for the door he could see two silhouettes through the frosted window milling about, and as he opened the door he spotted two agents, discussing something in a quickly hushed tone with the secretary seated at her desk.

The office room was small but spacious, the walls a crisp clean white with a few pictures of landmarks in the US, and a few historical photos from when the embassy was built, destroyed during World War 2 and then rebuilt. If the walls of the building could talk, they'd tell you amazing stories of lives lost, agents who went behind enemy lines to do what they could, and of the lives who this very building saved.

One of the agents was a young and brash, Alexander Wells, stood an easy 6'1" with close-cropped blonde hair, blue eyes and an ever-present pout to his face. Harry had worked with him once in the middle east, things were different then. The other was a young and rather attractive woman, just as brash, Jennifer Baxter. she was shorter, about 5'7" but quick on her feet, but her aggressive attitude was mistaken for rudeness and abrasive. Not always the easiest to get along with, but she was more than capable. Both in their mid-twenties were hungry to make a difference. Harry had brushed up who's team he'd be part of from the onboarding package he'd been given yesterday as he took the new assignment. He'd taken the opportunity to make sure to get familiar with the team he was going to work with. Both seemed to be crowding the desk around Priscilla, an older woman about 50. She seemed flushed, but with Harry's sudden appearance both agents backed off and gave her space. Putting her best smile on, Priscilla reached forward and greeted Harry, taking the closed manila folder from him which he'd brought with him. In a fresh upbeat tone of voice, she smiled through her words.

"Ah, Agent Lockie, I've heard a bit about you, the Station Chief will see you in a few minutes. Please have a seat."

"Thanks, I'm sure if you've heard stories from the Chief, they are all lies I can assure you."

In what seemed to be a practiced laugh, Priscilla shook her head and made eye contact. "If only that were true." Both exchanged a look of agreed 'Not in front of the kids.' look which almost made Harry laugh out loud. Especially when Alex tweaked his nose up, as if every piece of information spoken in his presence was supposed to be shared, or he was supposed to be in on. Instead of pushing his luck further and upsetting Wells and Baxter, Harry took a seat in one of the open chairs against the wall which he'd passed as he entered the office. With whatever private moment now spoiled by his presence, Wells and Baxter exchanged nods with Harry and headed for the door. Baxter gave him a smile and saying in a casual voice "Welcome to London..." In response, he could only smile, and reply with a genuine "Thanks.." before she left the office. Within 20 minutes Priscilla's phone beeped at her, and she waved Harry on, pointing to the closed door to her left. "The Chief will see you now."

Standing up, Harry brushed himself off straightened his suit jacket and headed for the door. Pushing the handle down, he felt the door click and the door swung in, opening into a much larger private office.

Standing behind a large mahogany desk was Bruce Callahan, a lifer inside the State Department. He'd spent years getting to the current position he had, Station Chief at the US Embassy in the UK. His position was second only to the Ambassador of the United States. While Ambassadors come and go, with each administration, the station chief, once appointed, or more, once they'd risen through the ranks, they basically had the position, unless they fucked up somehow. Bruce Callahan had not reached his position because he was a 'nice' man, He was meticulous Station Chief, he knew when and how the Brits played ball, and as it was he kept in touch with his counterparts in Mi5 and Mi6. At 6'3" Callahan was an imposing figure, and at the age of 57, with his salt and pepper hair, glasses and well-kept appearance, he could pass for a Swiss banker, or make himself fit in with the power elite. At the moment, he was looking at a laptop and at an open file on his desk. Noticing Lockie step through the door he looked up, then folded his hands.

"Harrison Lockie,.. it's been a while, what seven years?"

"Yes Sir, since Berlin, and the ISIS cell, it was McKandrick's team who took them down."

"Don't be so modest Lockie, they caught the cell due to your resources, and your persistence."

"Just doing my job sir," Harry replied, trying not to sound overly proud of himself, but just speaking matter of fact.

With a raised eyebrow, Callahan replied "But that was only the start. you followed the cell to Jordan, Syria, and Ukraine, quite a bit of work, why are you in my office and not somewhere sunning yourself in Rome?"

"You'll have to ask the Secretary of State Sir," Harry tried to add, not shying away from the question, but refusing to directly answer.

Waving Lockie over to one of the plush dark grey sitting chairs in front of his desk, Callahan replied, "I did, she told me one thing, but I wanted to hear your side of the story."

Harry knew this was coming, and he'd be honest about it. "Because I punched out the son of Ambassador Howard, as the little shit tried to rape a woman he'd picked up in a discotheque."

"You mean you punched out your assignment, broke his jaw and sent him to the hospital. You're lucky they didn't send you home on the first available flight."

"They did Sir, I spent six months in Florida, then they let me come here," Harry stated the facts, he didn't regret what he'd done, not for a moment.

"Right, and it didn't hurt that the girl he was trying to rape was an Italian diplomat's daughter."

"The thought of who she was never crossed my mind. Just wasn't going to let some snot-nosed little shit rape a girl. He could've paid to get laid. but he chose as he did."

"Surely... But now you are my problem. So I'm going to make it easy on you Lockie. You've got an easy detail, You'll play back up to Wells and Baxter over Alison Edward's protection detail, you'll follow their lead, do as 'they' ask, and cause no issues while you are here. And when your six months are up, you'll take retirement. You are here not because of your reputation, but because they can't afford to blackball you Lockie. I'm sure as they told you previously, it's not what you did was wrong, it's how you executed it." Callahan was finished, he stood up, closed the folder and motioned to Harry to get up and take it.

"These are your orders, fuck up Lockie and I'll bust you out. No exceptions."

"Thank you, Sir," Taking the folder from Callahan he nodded and turned, headed to the door. Except, Callahan made one last comment before he left.

"If I'd have been in your shoes Harry, I'd have killed the little fuck. but I wasn't, no matter if he swung at you first, we can't assault our clients. No matter how much they deserve it. You deserve better than this on the way out, but you play the cards you've been dealt. Next week once you are settled, Sara told me we should have you over for dinner, her cooking beats anything you'll have in the city. So, till then take care of yourself.."

With a look over his shoulder, Harry nodded and headed out of the office.

-------- 4 hours later, outside of the House of Commons. -------

Harry had followed Wells and Baxter, listening to them quip back and forth about how they were stuck with Gramps, and how he'd be liable to fall asleep on detail. They gave him the 3rd shift, which meant he'd be burning the midnight oil as both of them caught sleep. He'd follow Baxter through the details of each day, and accompany the Ambassador's daughter Alison Edwards out on any function when a 3rd man was necessary. Otherwise, he was the driver, relegated to back up, and after listening to Alex Wells talk up about how their job of watching Ms. Edwards was going to be a cakewalk, he knew he'd need to watch his every move. When they arrived in the parking lot next to the House of Commons, Harry followed behind by at least 3 steps, Baxter and Wells were good agents he was sure, but it seemed like they were too set in their routine. Once the A8 he'd driven in was parked, Harry followed them into the office of Lord Ashby, whom Alison Edwards was an aide. Standing outside the door to the office, they waited, the office was closed as currently Lord Ashby and his aide were on the floor of the house, and as Harry took in the sights of the old building, He caught sight of Lord Ashby, a shorter man, about 5'7" to his 6'1" frame exit the doors from the main audience hall. It didn't take long till he noticed Ms. Edwards, she was talking with Lord Ashby, and caught notice of Baker and Wells. Making eye contact Harry smiled politely and nodded hello. She was beautiful, and looked, like the kind of woman who was smarter than many would give her credit. Baxter motioned in his direction as he stepped forward.

"This is Agent Lockie, He's replacing Fairchild who got reassigned. He'll be with us for a few months,"

Extending his hand, Harry greeted her, "Ms. Edwards, it's a pleasure. I'll be following their lead so my addition should be as seamless as possible."
"You must never show fear, Alison. That's how others will see you as weak and therefore, vulerable."

Was her father really saying this to her? Of course, at the time, 12 year old Alison didn't know what to make of her father's words of advice. Yet, at the age of 28, those words still resonated within her.

"But what if you're really scared, Daddy?"

"Deal with it private."

Deal with it.

In private.

Alison Edwards' mind was preoccupied as the Lords argued and it took her a full minute before she realized that the house has been dismissed. Quickly, she gathered her leather-bound notebook and her phone, stood and found her way to Lord Ashby, who was talking with another member. She waited patiently as he finished up his talk and she followed him when he walked toward the exit. He started talking to her and she nodded, responding to his queries about the items needed for tomorrow's meeting he had scheduled.

As Ashby continued to talk and Alison continued to listen, she noticed the familiar faces of Agents Baker and Wells and someone else with them. They had made eye contact and he smiled. Alison noticed he was older and well, not in a harsh way, wiser than the other two agents he was with. How did she know he was an agent? Well, his stance obviously and the fact that there was a gun bulging from the side of his of coat.

Alison looked at Agent Lockie's hand as he extended it and graciously took, shaking it firmly, "Of course, pleased to meet you Mr. Lockie."

It was then her phone buzzed, she had had it on vibrate during the meeting. She refused to look at it but it buzzed again. With a silent intake of breath, she continued to ignore it.

"Alison dear, is there something I should be aware of?" Lord Ashby had asked, looking somewhat concerned.

With a quick shake of her head, Alison forced a smile, "Of course not, just the normal security detail as required by the US Embassy and of course, insistance by my father." She glared slightly at all agents before excusing herself, "I'm sorry, you know the drill. There are still some items we need to get done. I should be done in a few mintues."

She didn't bothered to get their permission and turned with Ashby before disappearing into a temporary office where she and the Lord could finish the business at hand.

Once inside the office, Alison apologized profusely, "I am so sorry for that out there. I can't understand why they couldn't wait until later. The two other agents know this." Her phone buzzed again.

"Nonsense Alison, it's all business. Now, about tomorrow's meeting."

It was about 20 more minutes before they were done and Lord Ashby had left for the day when Alison decided to look at her phone.

6 missed calls--all from an unknown number.

Ordinarily, Alison would answer all calls because of her job, but these ones from this unknown number, kept bugging her since that night she saw--

A knock at the door jolted her back to reality. Quickly, she gathered her notebook and her phone, shoving them into her purse as Agent Baxter entered. Before she even asked if Alison was ready, Alison walked toward the door and didn't wait as she brushed past the Agents, "Shall we?" She said as Agent Wells didn't hesitate and took lead, walking them out to the parking lot. As they walked, Alison's phone buzzed again and this time, she looked at the dispaly.

It was her father. This time, Alison did pick up. She got into the car after it pulled up, "Hello Dad... do you think we can talk later?" She asked as she got settled and the car started on it's way. "Dad, please... I'll be back soon, alright?" She hung up, completely oblivious to the agents as she went over the notes she had taken on her phone.

It buzzed.

Unknown Number

She hit the ignore button.

"Something wrong?"

Alison shook her head. "No. Nothing."

They all rode in silence before Alison spoke up and addressed Agent Lockie, who was driving, "I do apologize for being so rude back there. I'm not sure why the introductions had to be done right then and there. I do prefer to keep the Embassy world separated from my working world, I'm sure you understand."
Pulling out into traffic, Harry had to pay closer attention than normal, he was re-adjusting to driving on the other side of the street from the US. With his attention drawn to traffic and watching his mirrors, he watched Ms. Edwards facial expressions change as she talked to her father over the phone, and also as she checked her phone again and again. Curiosity was going to get the better of him, but if Wells and Baxter said nothing to her, he was better off to simply leave it alone.

He did catch eye contact with her for a fleeting second when she commented for how she acted back at the house of commons.

'No apology necessary Ms. Edwards, I can understand your need for separating between your personal life and work. I'm sure Lord Ashby appreciates it as well. Last time I was in there has to be about 10 years ago. I think we were escorting a US senator through the palace as he spoke before the house regarding shared information. I can't remember the specifics, of what was said, I just remember that building having a life of its own. The stories that the Palace of Westminster could tell dating back hundreds of years amazes me. Our own seats of government at the Captial in D.C are amazing, but there's a certain amount of awe that I get seeing the history of such a building. "

Harry was talking so as she didn't feel the need to comment more on her phone, but he did get a growl of a look from Wells, The kid had a flag pole up his ass, a sure-fire serious superiority complex, and as soon as Harry was done with his comment, Wells took over, the conversation talking loudly and authoritatively.

"Ms. Edwards, I understand your reservations of having us present there, but you are our responsibility, We've had this discussion before, and your father the Ambassador has been quite instant on it."

Harry could see something had rattled her, and whatever it might be, could be related to her phone, and the fact that she kept looking at it. Of course, as an Aid to a minister to the house of commons, who just happened to hold a title, was probably heavy stuff. If it continues to bother her, Harry will talk to her about it, but honestly, he has to follow Baxter and Wells. Who... say nothing. Only Baxter eventually asks her, "Ms. Edwards, are you planning on staying in this evening? or are you heading out? We'll need to know so we can plan ahead."
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"Whatever.." she said under her breath to what Agent Wells' had said. She had heard the same shit before, time and time again since she was 10. You would think that, in the last 18 years, something would have changed.

Hearing Jennifer ask her a question, Alison shrugged, "I wasn't but now, I could use a drink," she looked at her phone and the texts she had received from Sarah, her best friend, "Sarah invited me out for later tonight. We're meeting at Stellars at 8." It was only 4pm so that gave Alison plenty of time to finish up some loose ends for Lord Ashby and then of course, talk with her father about what ever he was needing to talk to her about.

Her phone buzzed twice more before they reached home.

When they arrived home and drove up to the steps, Alison didn't wait for anyone to open her door--a huge breach she had been told many times in the past. Instead, she got out and headed up the steps where she abruptly stopped and turned to face both Wells and Braxton...mostly Wells. "Agent Wells, I would like either Agents Braxton or Lockie to accompany me as I wouldn't want to keep you out past your bedtime." With that, she turned on her heel and walked inside, shutting the door behind her.

Once inside, Alison headed to one of the rooms she had deemed as her office. Although she was only an aide, her responsibilities were more broader than the typical aide duties. She wanted to get a few things done that were on Ashby's list...or lists. He was a funny old man. He liked to write things down and give them to Alison. Most of it was gibberish and when she first started, she had no idea how to organize them but now, she knew exactly what he was needing. It was a shame he was going to be retiring within the next year or so.

After she finished up, Alison stood up and stretched. It had been a long day and she was considering cancelling on Sarah but decided not to. She needed to get out for a while tonight. The place they were meeting at wasn't a busy place... if anything, it was just a hole in the wall little dive bar. A place where they would be given their privacy and talk like normal people.

Alison's phone buzzed.

It hadn't done so since she got home. This had to stop now.

Picking it up, she hit the call button, "Hello?"


"You bug me all goddamn day and now that I answer, you don't say anything? Leave me alone!" She said, more vehemently. And she hung up.

"Jerk." she said out loud, more to herself than to any one in particular.


Although she had wanted to see her father, he had been tied up in a meeting--not too unusual. Of course, Alison was used to it. It was literally her life story.

She had decided to skip dinner and take a shower. Afterward, when she dried her hair and fixed it up, placing it in a low ponytail and putting on some light make-up, she dressed in a pair of expensive jeans and figure hugging top. Not her usual way of dressing but she wanted to skip the work clothes for something fun. Even though it was just drinks, she just wanted to be presentable.

Her boots brought her 5'8" frame to a full 5'9" tonight. Normally she wore flats so she wouldn't tower over poor Lord Ashby when working.

Picking up the main landline, Alison informed the person on the other line she was ready. When she hung up, she wondered how hard it would be to ditch security tonight. Something she would do all the time when she was younger. If she was able, she and Sarah could hit up some clubs...

Grabbing her purse, Alison purposefully left her phone on her bed. She didn't need it nor want it near her tonight.
Harry could tell she was agitated when the back door swung open moments after he'd brought the A8 to a stop in front of the main doors to the Winfield House, the Ambassador's house which served for him and his family, he knew things might be more lively than he originally thought. He stopped the car, made sure Baxter and Wells could get out. From his vantage point, he could see an exchange between the three of them as Ms. Edwards angrily told off Wells. Or at least that what it appeared to look like after she slammed the front door in their face.

Shaking his head, Harry left the two agents there with their thoughts as he drove the A8 around the building and into the staff parking garage. Twenty minutes later after he'd made his way into the main house and observed the staff in a bit of a tizzy. Finding Baxter after she'd sat down in their office to fill out the daily reports, she filled him in on the exchange with Wells, and Ms. Edwards intentions for the evening.

"What's your thoughts?" Harry asked.

Biting down on the back of her pen, then tossing it on the desk, she replied. "Well, I could force you to go it alone, but your first night on the team I can't rightfully do that. So I say we both go. You have ever been to this bar she's talking about?"

With a raised eyebrow, Harry replied in mock shock. "Why Baxter, have you been checking up on me?"

She crinkled her eyes and in all seriousness, she said: "Of course, didn't you?" Harry laughed, He liked her, a whole lot more than Wells. Where ever he'd slithered off to Harry could give a shit, probably reporting to the Ambassador, some such. Either way, it left the two of them to watch Ms. Edwards for the evening.

A few hours later, Harry was relaxing in an easy chair in their office, he'd changed into something a lot less conspicuous than a suit and tie. So had Baxter, both of them were casually dressed, with little hint that they were agents for the state department unless happened to fisk either of them the wouldn't notice that both of them were armed, and had a few extra goodies that would make anyone's night a short one.

When the call came from Ms. Edwards, Harry went to go get the car, as Baxter waited for her to come out of her rooms. Once they piled in the A8 Harry got instructions from Ms. Edwards as to where to go, Following them to the letter, they reached Stellar's. As they did so, Harry shared a look with Baxter, to which she nodded. With the car parked not more than a block from the entrance to the bar, Harry could see another young woman looking toward them. Harry nodded to Baxter, and she replied, with a nod. In the business Lockie and Baxter were in, it wasn't always what was said but what you didn't have to say. So, knowing that Ms. Edwards needs to have a little space, Harry calmly spoke to Baxter and Alison.

"We're not here to get in the way, you may not see us, but we'll be around. Just... have a good time ok?" As he watched Alison Edwards walk away, the soft sashay of her ass moving and the click of her boots against the pavement hypnotized Harry. She was beautiful, probably knew it and didn't give a shit. Harry was only brought out of the spell as Jennifer Baxter nudged his arm and they started walking, giving Alison and her friend Sarah some space. Once Alison was well out of earshot, Baxter spoke up.

"I placed the chip like we'd talked about. I slipped it in her boot when I knelt to tie my shoe in the back of the car."

"Great..I noticed she's not carrying her phone, is that normal?"

"Hm...... normally no. must be some jerk off who's been pranking her cell."

"Should we check records? See who's calling? I mean she is the Ambassador's daughter, she deserves some anonymity." Harry commented.

"I'll look into it. But let's ask her, Wells may have fucked up with her but Alison trusts me. I don't want to ruin that." Jennifer finished her sentence with some finality but also laced with a bit of hope. Harry knew that feeling...