Best fighters in the world?


Literotica Guru
Nov 28, 2002
Why is it George Bush seems to rave on about how courageous, brave and strong are the men and women that have gone to Iraq?

I am more inclined to look upon these forces as cowards, whimpy and very over-rated indeed.

Let's look at a simple situation.

Take away air superiority and the vast technology they have at their disposal, give them rifles, grenades and old fashioned military equipment, and then throw them on the front lines and see how they fair.

I am not an advocate of war, but I lay praise towards the Iraqi forces and people who are trying to protect their country from a foreign occupation.

They are up against a well advanced and by far superior force in every facet, yet they are making commanders and government officials rethink their strategies, and there are increasingly becoming a lot of long faces at the surprise resistance these forces have achieved.

If these forces were courageous and brave, then they would be fighting on a level footing with Iraq, and show their true capability or at least expertise.

The claim of 'we are better than them' is always going to be the case when we fight wars from high up in the skies, use satellite photos to pinpoint targets, use systems that don't give the enemy really any chance at all, yet why is it some of the statements coming out suggest Western forces are starting to whine and complain about the way Iraq is fighting against them?

Iraqi's are being regarded as criminals, thugs and using dirty tactics. Wearing civilian clothing, surrendering then pulling out guns, ambushes, infiltrating civilian areas to protect themselves from air strikes from above as well as using the dreaded chemical weapons so many fear.

Based on the technology and tactics the west is using, the term 'all fair in love and war' is common place when they are criticised or seen as fighting in a cowardlike manner. Maybe that term can also be used to at least give Iraq some sort of leeway in their struggle against the most advanced and superior fighting force the world has ever seen.

The Iraqi casualties will by far outweigh Coalition forces when proceedings cease, but take away that technological advantage and I would say things would be on a even scale.

I hate to say it, but if they had to fight the way Iraq has too, I feel they would not have a hope in hell of winning this abominable war.

The Iraqi's movement out of Basra and Baghdad to confront the Coalition forces head on, on their advance forward demonstrates courage, bravery and determination to ward off their enemy. Even though most military analysts see it as suicide or they are sitting ducks for allied jets and cruise missle attacks, I am sure if we took away that luxury from US and British commanders, there would be many troops out in the desert with shit in their shoes, and I am sure those brave and courageous troops that George Bush seems to keep raving about, would be asking for their mommy and daddy.
The best fighters in the world are the British Ghurkas.

Oh. You were editorializing your under-researched agenda again, not actually asking a question. My bad.
KillerMuffin said:
The best fighters in the world are the British Ghurkas.

Oh. You were editorializing your under-researched agenda again, not actually asking a question. My bad.

KM, I have to agree with you, they are certainly about the bravest and proudest warriors ever to have been formed into a fighting unit.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Me, I'm the best fighter in the world

You should have seen me in action.

Fearless, accurate, cool, calm

Fearless? That statement proves only one thing. That you've never been in battle. Ever.

You will clearly see this post is in regard to the opinions of George Bush and various speeches he seems to make quite often, without really understanding what it is like on the battlefield.

There are many elite fighters in this world, many of which I am well aware of. I didn't delve into trying to name them and have no need to do research if it came down to making a list or at least leaving relative information as to who those might be.

In war, a fighter will never want to portray themself as the best until the war is won. Then they may feel they are better or winners, but on the battlefield, you treat your enemy as an equal, you never underestimate them until you have completed your objectives and are able to put your weapon down and let your heart rate subside somewhat.

Taking another man's life does not make you better than them. It makes you end up being luckier than them. The best fighters in the world are the most silent. They don't tell the world how many they have killed or parade around claiming they are the best. Only Americans do that. They are only silent when the words 'friendly fire' seem to appear.

I get an impression you aren't too impressed with my opinions on this board to do with this war Muff puff?

Can you pass the US flag so I can wipe my cum on it rather than use your curtains? :p
Kuntmode said:

If these forces were courageous and brave, then they would be fighting on a level footing with Iraq,

You mean like shooting our own civilians and using them as human shields?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Yes, that's right

That proves it

You're correct

What a stupid hairy yeti cunt


Uh-huh, I'm a cunt. At least that's useful. What are you good for boy?
Well maybe Bush should have a fist fight with Saddam and settle it that way!

Queensbury rules! No biting Mr Bush, and I'll have no eye jabbing Saddam ok!

Re: Re: Best fighters in the world?

Alvin Brickrock said:
You mean like shooting our own civilians and using them as human shields?

You mean like shooting your own troops and allies, and then bombing innocent civilians and blaming Iraq, by saying they were using them as human shields by putting them in the way of the thousands of targets those little men on computers have mapped out all over Iraq.

Not fair is it. :mad:

It's called war Alvin Thickfuck, and it seems to me Iraq's way of fighting seems to agitate people like Bush into carrrying on as though they must abide by the Geneva Convention and fight a war in a fair and sportsmanship manner. Just like the US is huh?

All I ever see and read is how bad Iraq is in the way they go about things, yet I am sure the world can clearly see who is the aggressor, who constantly looks for excuses and has an answer to everything that goes wrong or is a complete fuck up. America has to justify everything it does and always look like the good guy.

Some of us just don't digest or believe what comes out of the mouths of politicians or leaders. What do they want? A pat on the back. They seek and search for things to make themselves look as though they are right.

They found a chemical plant and immeidiately they are doing a merry dance saying, "See! See! We told you so! Look what we've found! We knew he had these weapons! This is why we invaded!". Yet in the end it turns out to be empty.

The case of, "Oh well! Moving right along, did we tell you that Saddam Hussein gassed his own people and is a brutal dictator?" then presents itself once again.

Same shit, different day.

And so say all of us, and so say all of us! :)
You know that that story of Hussein gassing his own people is BS don't you? It was the Iranians who used chemical weapons on that particular Kurdish town that's always mentioned (and I haven't got a good memory for towns with funny middle-eastern names) during the Iran-Iraq War...but during the first Gulf War it suited the US & British and just about everyone else to blame Saddam.

Perhaps because so many have accepted the lie, nobody has bothered to query Iran about possession of chemical weaponry.

Recent intel says that Iran is also a lot closer to having nukes than Iraq was even immediately prior to Gulf War-1. Iran would be a tougher enemy to fight than Iraq too; they have a decently equipped modern airforce, and can produce their own version of the Chinese "Silkworm" anti-ship missile. Iran openly supports the Hezbollah and many other anti-western organizations.
Ponch isn't scared of any fighter. Ponch just cares about making highways safe for our children.
It isn't the size of the man in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the man.

I work as a bouncer in some of the roughest nightclubs and pubs in Sydney. I've been in literally thousands of fights of every kind over the past sixteen years.

But the two nastiest meanest and scariest guys I know are a little Chinese grandpa in his late sixties and a skinny little old guy in his late fifties.

I witnessed the Chinese grandpa disable/incapacitate every single participant in a brawl with seventy guys (many armed with knives, chair-legs, broken bottles)....all I had to do was carry out the bodies.

The other skinny little old guy moved slow, but he never got hit, and he never missed, and he never lost a fight in all the time that I worked with him. I've seen him turn a guy 6'11" tall (weighing close to 400Lbs I'd guess) into a ball of tears pleading for mercy.
Re: n/a

Kuntmode said:
You will clearly see this post is in regard to the opinions of George Bush and various speeches he seems to make quite often, without really understanding what it is like on the battlefield.

There are many elite fighters in this world, many of which I am well aware of. I didn't delve into trying to name them and have no need to do research if it came down to making a list or at least leaving relative information as to who those might be.

In war, a fighter will never want to portray themself as the best until the war is won. Then they may feel they are better or winners, but on the battlefield, you treat your enemy as an equal, you never underestimate them until you have completed your objectives and are able to put your weapon down and let your heart rate subside somewhat.

Taking another man's life does not make you better than them. It makes you end up being luckier than them. The best fighters in the world are the most silent. They don't tell the world how many they have killed or parade around claiming they are the best. Only Americans do that. They are only silent when the words 'friendly fire' seem to appear.

I get an impression you aren't too impressed with my opinions on this board to do with this war Muff puff?

Can you pass the US flag so I can wipe my cum on it rather than use your curtains? :p

I don't pay a great deal of attention to concerted spin-doctoring on either side of the war debate. I prefer to pay attention to intelligently thought-out, fact-based opinions rather than opinions based on an agenda-driven re-interpretations of the news.

However, in this instance where you didn't editorialize a great deal, you didn't back up anything you said with factual information, either.

Rather than call the soldiers cowards and whimps (spelling buddy sez: wimps), explain why you think that the average US soldier is unable to fight effectively without things like cruise missiles and stealth bombers. Your opinion appears to be formed entirely on the fact that a few soldiers have died in the face of those pockets of resistance and the fact that we've used tons of cruise missiles.
I once did security at a Sumo Wrestling event in Sydney. I saw 600Lb Takanohana (one of the greatest of Sumo in recent years, but he's just retired) leap three metres up into the air over his opponent and somersaulted. My first thought was, "How in hell could I stop a guy like that coming in the door?"
Veryknowing said:
I once did security at a Sumo Wrestling event in Sydney. I saw 600Lb Takanohana (one of the greatest of Sumo in recent years, but he's just retired) leap three metres up into the air over his opponent and somersaulted. My first thought was, "How in hell could I stop a guy like that coming in the door?"

Laced Meat.
Lol :D

Yeah, always keep some handy...but careful it distracts the bouncers (especially the ones who only just evolved to wearing a tux with bow-tie (is this the real form of the "Missing-Link"?)).
The best fighters in the world with no compare is very very simple.
