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Wow, such good memories . . . I had a wonderful pregnancy with fantastic sex the whole time. I think I'm just about ready to do it again. :heart:


Also, Yes I'm visiting today.

Good to see this has...grown.
Hey O! how ya been. i hope all is well, as it's good to see you again.
some pal i am. i didnt even pm ya to see how you was:(.
good to see ya!:D
No need, settled.
I am well, thanks and hope you find yourself likewise.

Well done keeping things up.

That last post in particular, was just super.
I think theres something beautiful about being pregnant,i loved it,had 3 and wish i had more. There really lovely images
I think theres something beautiful about being pregnant,i loved it,had 3 and wish i had more. There really lovely images

You're my new best friend.

Come sit next to me, and ignore the turkey baster poking through the cushion.
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