"You are visiting from an age registered location where verification is needed to access"


Tasteful Poster
Jun 12, 2022
Wondering how many of the Lit population is living in a U.S. state where certain erotic sites return this message when clicking on a post in a Lit forum thread:

"You are visiting from an age registered location where verification is needed to access; however, our current methods don't fully prioritize security, privacy, and user experience. Until suitable solutions emerge, our only choice is to disable access to our website from your location."

There are several of the common porn/erotica sites where I am blocked and get a message like the above. My state is Texas, U.S.

P.S. I am accessing Lit on a Windows desktop using the Chrome browser.
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In North Carolina and we get the message blocking access! When I go to my Beach Oasis in South Carolina there is no access issues. Sure hope Lit doesn’t get blocked. That would be a devastating day!
I believe Lit is not included. Thought I read it only applied to a certain top number of sites (based on traffic) that display graphic content.

This is just one of many reasons why Lit doesn't really allow it, though too much slips through on unmoderated boards. Don't be too surprised if one day you find all images threads gone and keep in mind this would be one of the reasons behind it.

It's also why we push the fiction/fantasy angle and try to weed out 'real life' tales.
Buy and install a program named "ExpressVPN".

This allows you to select a site like New Jersey or even China as your VPN site, and you go to any other porn site without dealing with those annoying state or country restrictions demanding that you compromise everything about your personal ID and privacy!
And that is why USA is not land of the free but paranoid
Ironic that there are many people who post on this site- but openly support this type of freedom-crushing government over-reach and wouldn't mind if this site at all gets shut down.

Even more ironically, many of these people actually have multiple accounts on the site (for example, Sugardaddy1/Rightguide, Hisarpy/Icanhelp/Wizzard426.)
I live in a blue state where you can consume all the porn, pot and gambling you can stomach...but we're 65 Billion USD in debt. I'm sure they are trying to figure out how to put porn on a paywall like the other vices. :)
That is part of the natural lifespan of the internet. It was open and unregulated when it was a niche medium of tech geeks. Now it's the default medium for nearly all of the developed world. Corporations arrived to make it more like other corporate media. And now, the electricity and hardware needed to run the internet are becoming more expensive. Internet porn, erotica, smut, etc. is a temporary luxury that will disappear. Waiting for smut by mail and treks to local smut peddlers will return.