Beating the Competition (Closed for Wolf Vixen)

Barry tried to study the emotions he saw in Sandra's eyes as he spoke, tried to figure out what she was thinking, especially as he gave her at least part of an answer that he knew she didn't want to hear. He saw a flash of anger here, and a bit of understanding there, but he knew that she was still battling within herself, trying to figure out what to do with him.

The invitation, restated, came as a shock to Barry. He didn't actually think that she would take him into her bed after the response that he'd given. He saw her roll over, and knew that she was expecting him to join her. He felt his own hesitations though, and actually found himself wondering what Amber would do or say if she saw them in bed together.

Despite the plethora of things that could go wrong though, Barry took a slow and deep breath and moved onto the bed, climbing beneath the covers before turning towards Sandra. He tucked his right arm under his pillow, making himself more comfortable as he curled up behind her. His left arm slid slowly up her back and over her shoulder before sliding all the way down her arm and remaining there as he snuggled right up against her, pressing a soft kiss to her neck before closing his eyes and hoping that sleep came quickly.
Sandra knew he hadn't left because she felt him still sitting on the bed, but she did notice the hesitation in him. Was he having the same battling thoughts that she did, she wondered. Then he was moving, the sheets shifting as he climbed into bed. She expected him to lay down or even turn his back to her. What she wasn't expecting was feeling him moving up behind her, his hand and arm sliding up her back and down her arm, holding her.

Sandra felt the kiss on her neck as the heat from his body wrapped around her. She bit back the sigh that threatened her and laid there taking in the feel of him behind her. She finally moved, wrapping her fingers in with his hand as she turned her head toward him. Her eyes met his own and for a moment she just looked into his eyes as if he held all the answers to her questions.

Sandra slipped her fingers from his and reached up and behind her, sliding her fingers into his hair as she turned a bit more to her back. She pulled him toward her as she leaned into him even more, pressing her lips softly to his. Nothing forceful, just a show of the turmoil running through her. Her lips parted, her tongue brushing lightly against his lips seeking entrance. The longer they kissed the more her body turned toward him. She didn't want to sleep, not yet, not until she showed him what she was feeling and why this was hard for her.
Barry let a small smile come to his face when he felt Sandra's fingers lace with his own. He didn't expect her to turn to face him though, but he let the small smile stay on his face as he met her gaze. He could tell from her eyes that the gears in her head were turning, and he knew that his answers to her previous questions still lingered on her mind. With that knowledge, he remained still, letting her judge the look in his eye for herself.

When Sandra released his hand and shifted more towards her back, reaching back to him, Barry's gaze softened. He sighed softly at the feel of her fingers in his hair. He relented to her pull, letting her pull him closer as she leaned more towards him. The kiss that came, when their lips finally met, was unlike any other kiss the two of them had shared. It was a gentle press of lips, paired with the light brush of her tongue against his lips.

It was the softness of the kiss that drew Barry in, and he shifted as it went on, giving Sandra room to first roll to her back, and then turn towards him. Once she seemed settled, and in no mood to break their kiss, Barry moved his hand towards her, lifting first to stroke her hair, then slide down to her shoulder and feather it's way down her side, barely touching her skin as it slid down the soft curves of her form, just barely grazing over the outer curve of her breast before finally settling on her hip. He was also in no rush to break the kiss, and gladly opened his mouth, pushing his own tongue forward to meet hers.
As Barry's fingers feathered down her body, Sandra couldn't stop the soft sigh that escaped up against his lips. Her legs slipped over his and slowly slid up the outside of his, opening herself up to him again should he choose to take the opportunity. It wasn't that she was looking for anything to actually start, but the feel of his lips soft on hers as well as the feel of them parting and his tongue seeking hers out just made the movements of her body natural.

Her hand slipped down from his hair as her other hand replaced it upon her turn toward him. Sandra's tongue slowly slipped along his, in no rush to heat the kiss up further, more of a lazy swirl along his. Her fingers slipped into his hair as her body arched toward him like a moth drawn to a flame. This was soft, even sensual and perfect for the moment.

Sandra and Barry had a lot going against them, not only the fact they worked for competing companies but that the reason he was here was because of her friend, Amber. But what was occurring between them in that instant was fate, if one believed in such things. Sandra wanted to save the softness of the moment, to relish and roll in it so she could hold it to herself should this not turn out how she hoped it would.

Her fingers slipped from his hair, brushing along the top of his back as she pulled him to her even more. The kiss still lingered on and she didn't wish to part her lips from him, but knew that it had to happen, they had to figure this out between them. Slowly she slipped her tongue free of his, parting from his lips just as softly as they had connected. Her eyes seeking his as her body pressed to his. Her fingers brushing lightly over his back as Sandra just looked deep into his eyes without saying a word. She wanted him there, in her bed and it was for many more reasons than the ones that brought him to her house.
A soft sigh slipped from Barry's mouth into the kiss he shared with Sandra when he felt Sandra's leg slide over his own and then upwards. His hand followed the silent invitation that she gave him, moving from her hip down to her thigh, using the same featherlight touch that he'd started with.

The more Barry felt Sandra leaning towards him, the more he found himself wanting her. He found himself torn though, and the feeling of her hand in his hair, along with their romantic kiss made it that much harder for him to sort out what was in his head, and how it might compare to her expectations. Things got 'worse' for him when the hand in his hair slipped down to his back, the motion pulling them the slightest bit closer.

When at last the kiss ended, as slowly and gently as it had begun, Barry found himself opening his eyes. He wasn't even aware that they'd been closed. He saw Sandra looking at him, and he didn't turn away, but rather let his hazel gaze soften as he sighed once more. Physically, they were so close, but he knew that she wanted more.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Barry asked at last, letting the hand that had slid down her move more up her curvacious form once more. His hand found itself brushing the hair from her face and cupping her cheek as he looked into her eyes and waited for her answer.
The feel of Barry's hand sliding down her thigh and now moving back up was just one of the many reasons Sandra's mind was a jumbled mess. She never thought, upon bringing him here, that they would end up where they were now. In fact she expected him to be the ass she always knew him to be, head strong and demanding and yet here they were, his soft touches tormenting her.

The brush of her hair back from her face was just like the rest of it, completely not his style and that made things that much more difficult for her. She leaned her head against his and closed her eyes, "Barry what are we doing? You are supposed to be the ass, I'm supposed to be the bitch, we are supposed to hate one another...what are we doing?"

Sandra's eyes opened up once more to look at him, "This was supposed to be easy, teach you a lesson and it seems to have grown from that. You are in my bed, I never invite anyone here, but I want you here. I want you." Her lips brushed his ever so lightly, "I want nothing more than to make love with you right now, but where will that leave us tomorrow? We can't very well advertise this to anyone. You will go on to live your life and do what you have always done. I'm sorry but I can't watch that, not after this."

Sandra was confused, part of her wanting that tenderness with him and the other part that was sent on a mission to change his way of thinking. The feelings and thoughts were stirring around inside of her, making her doubt herself and him, even what was going on between them. She looked to him for answers, anything that would make the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions to stop.
The flood of words that came out of Sandra's mouth actually surprised Barry, especially given how silent she'd been, aside from her responses to his gentle touch. It took Barry a moment to process everything that she'd said, but his gaze never left hers, not until she finished anyway. He let his head bow just slightly before raising it once more.

"I had wondered something similar Sandra. I had wondered what Amber would think if she saw us right now. You know as well as anyone that I can deal with people hating me, but I don't want to be responsible for Amber hating you."

Barry didn't even know what he truly meant by his words, but he felt that he had to get them out anyway. He didn't want to leave her, and he certainly wanted to make love to her right now, but not if it would cost her a friend.

What Barry did next, he did out of impulse, barely thinking it through before he did it. He'd felt her lips brush against his, and heard her confession. So he didn't think she'd fight him, but he, like she, didn't know where this would lead in the long run.

With a slow but continuous motion, Barry first freed let the hand on her cheek slide down to her hip once more, but just long enough to get a grip so he could roll them. With as careful a motion as possible, Barry rolled Sandra from where she'd been leaning against him, to her back once more. The motion carried him on top of her, his hips nestled between her slightly parted legs. Barry leaned down then to kiss her, a soft and gentle kiss as his hand lifted once more, this time sliding behind her head, lifting and supporting it as he kissed her. He kept his lower body still, putting no pressure on Sandra, to do anything but lay back and enjoy if she so chose.
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Sandra understood Barry's concern with Amber, after all she was the one that convinces Sandra into doing this...or was she? Sandra started to wonder about that. Yes Barry was a womanizing asshole but still she wouldn't have known that if she hadn't been keeping an eye on him. Was she hoping he would change? Was she hoping he would turn his attentions to her? She wasn't even sure anymore, but the moment she had another opportunity strike her to do what she had been wanting to do with Barry for a long while now, she jumped all over it.

She wasn't sure she would even care what Amber thought if she was to walk through the door that instant and see them together. Amber was her friend, yes and she cared deeply for the woman, but yet again she always felt like she was a bit on the soft side, too soft in fact for someone like Barry. Was that because Sandra couldn't see anyone giving Barry the challenge he needed besides herself? Too many things floated in her head at that moment, she wasn't sure if she was coming or going.

Feeling Barry's hand slip back down her body had her shuttering lightly in his touch. Before she realized what he was doing she felt him shift them both. She found herself on her back with him positioned between her parted legs. He wasn't pressing against her, just hovering there, like a promise that she could have if she wanted it. His lips met her own and her fingers tighten slightly in his hair. Her lips parted for him as his hands slid up under her head and her head tilted just slightly to deepen the kiss a bit more. Her free hand moved to his side, before her fingers slipped along his back, pressing lightly into his skin. Sandra fought the moan that slipped up her throat, but it was a battle that she lost quickly. Her fingers in his hair loosened before slipping down his chest and under his own arms. As the kiss progressed, that hand moved to join the other one against his back, pressing lightly almost like she was trying to pull him even closer.

Sandra wanted this, wanted this with him and she didn't care what tomorrow held, she would find out when it happened. Her legs slid up and the heels of her feet pressed into the back of his thighs as her body arched up into his and another moan escaped into Barry's parted lips.
The feel of Sandra's hands moving around him, pulling him gently closer made Barry feel that much better about what he was doing. He'd been ready to stop if she'd asked or demanded it of him, but with her support, he let his body lower until he felt her breasts pressing against his chest.

Despite the feeling of Sandra's arms pulling him closer, Barry didn't move his lower body at all until he felt her legs slide up, and her feet pressing into the backs of his thighs, pulling him forward as she arched up to him.

Barry needed no more encouragement than that, and he relented to her pull. His eyes drifted closed as he savored their deepened kiss and felt the tip of his cock cleave her moist pussy lips. He of course let her pull him even closer, moaning into that kiss as he entered her. Barry couldn't help but enjoy the softness of this joining as he filled Sandra with his cock. He took his time, savoring it as even he'd never done before, and only when the last inch of his cock was nestled within her warm and wet pussy did he finally make to break their kiss. He lifted his lips from hers, but only lifted them as far as he needed to to feather them across her cheek and down to her ear. "I still don't know if I'm the type of guy you're looking for Sandra, or if I can do the things you'll expect of me." Barry whispered softly into her ear. "But I do know that I want to stay, want to try...If you'll have me."

Barry remained in place after he spoke, not moving his lips from her ear, his chest from atop hers, or his cock inside her. He had a feeling she'd respond positively, but he was still content to go slow, to make love to her just how she'd asked, if she still wanted him to.
Sandra felt him move, slowly into her, first his chest and then finally his hips. She wasn't expecting his hard cock to brush her much less begin to enter her. She gasped into his mouth as his cock slipped into her, stretching her walls around him like it was their first time all over again. She moaned into his mouth as he sunk deeper into her until his lips finally parted from her own.

The feather touch of his lips lightened the hold her fingers had on his back. Her hands started to slowly slide up and back down the length of his back as he whispered to her. His body not moving, her walls tightening around him for a moment before relaxing once again. She loved the feel of him deep inside of her. His words breaking through the shutter that wanted to run up her spine and made her fingers pause on his back.

Barry was offering to stay with her, offering to try everything she wanted to do to him, even though he was uncertain if he could do it. Her eyes closed as she savored the words from him feeling her heart lift in her chest even as her body stayed still. Her fingers moved up his back as her eyes opened and she turned to him, making him back up a bit so she could look at him. Her smile was soft as two words slipped from her in a whisper, "Yes, always." Her hips arched up against him, her legs slipped around his hips while her arms wrapped a bit more around him. Sandra leaned up, her lips brushing along Barry's chest before moving to his neck, she spoke the words again against his neck just in case he didn't hear it the first time, "Yes always."

Sandra still wasn't sure what tomorrow held, but for now she was in it, all in it with Barry. It scared her and yet it excited her as well.
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Barry wasn't entirely sure what to truly do or think as he remained still on top of Sandra, his hard cock buried to the hilt inside her, but remain still he did. Sandra had given him a choice, and now he'd given her one back. It wasn't an easy thing to do though, to remain still as he felt her tight pussy clench even more around him, and felt her hands on his back, but remain still...he did.

When Sandra made to turn her head, Barry moved his own away from hers, knowing that she wanted to look him in the eye. He saw the smile on her face, but he almost couldn't believe the words he heard from her. Even if he hadn't heard the words though, her reactions would have been enough to tell him what she'd likely said.

Her hips arched up to him, her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms wrapped around him a bit more. Even if those things hadn't been enough though, the kisses that she feathered across first his chest, and then his neck would have been. Then he heard her repeat her statement, and he let his lips fall to her neck as well.

His first true thrust, when it came, was a slow and gentle one. He pulled slowly out of her, and guided himself carefully in. He'd let her dictate so much of the past day, more often because he had no other choice. This time though, he did have a choice, and he was going to make love to her, and do it because they both wanted it.

Time and again, Barry slowly withdrew and eased himself into her, his lips never ceasing in their light kissing and suckling of her neck. He wanted her to feel every inch of his cock as it moved into and out of her. He even paused within her each time, giving her a chance to clench around him if she so desired.
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The feel of Barry sliding from her only to slip back inside at a slow pace was almost driving Sandra mad with desires. He was building up the pressure inside of her and yet she wouldn't have traded this for the world. Her lips brushed along his neck before moving back down across his shoulder.

Sandra's fingers moved over his back, lightly grazing his skin as his hips moved slowly in and out of her. She felt every inch of him slip out of her before sliding ever so slowly back into her. She moaned softly, her walls clenching him as he paused only to hold that as he slipped back out of her. Her hips arched to his slow thrusts as she heard her voice whispering to him, "Yes Barry, God yes!"

Sandra knew without a doubt that things were going to change between them. Not only had he given her a hard, rough session in the shower, but now this soft and gentle was breaking down all her walls. She felt it deep inside and yet she was going to do nothing to prevent it. Sandra opened herself up to Barry on a prayer that this time would be different for her.

Her lips moved back to his neck, traveling up his jaw to pull him from her own neck. When Barry moved back enough she locked eyes with him, feeling his slow thrust in and out of her. She stayed like that, her lips so close to his, their eyes locked as their bodies moved together as if they had been doing this for years. It felt so natural with him and she was loving every moment of it.
Though it would have been infinitely easier for Barry if Sandra remained still beneath him, he wouldn't have traded this for that alternative any day of the year. The feeling of her fingers on his back and her lips wandering freely over his chest and neck pulled at his concentration, and kept him sighing softly, even as he tried to focus on what he was doing, keeping to that slow and deliberate pace. He felt, saw, and heard every one of Sandra's reactions, and he loved every one of them.

Despite Sandra's words, and how much he knew they both wanted this to go on forever, Barry sadly, knew and felt the truth. His body had been through a lot today, and he was already starting to feel his back starting to ache, and his legs tightening up. He fought the feeling though, and the distraction that Sandra provided when she pulled him back just enough to meet her gaze. Their lips were so close together, and their bodies moved so perfectly together, that Barry didn't want it to end.

Only after Barry had fought the sensations going on within himself for as long as he could did he finally make to pick up the pace a little. Even now though, he fought to stay in control, wanting even an increase in his movements within her to be a slow progression. He could feel the effect his exertions were having on his body, and he felt a single drop of sweat sliding down his side, but he shook it off as he lost himself in Sandra's eyes, giving her everything he had.

Barry's breathing started to increase again as he felt himself building once more. His legs were already shaking from his efforts to continue, but still he didn't stop. The hands that were on either side of Sandra's head slowly balled into fists as he fought it.

When at last Barry felt that powerful sensation within him reach his balls, he was more than ready. His eyes hardened a little as he broke eye contact with Sandra once more, pouncing on her neck as he lowered himself upon her and thrust. His cock erupted with his cum as he grunted and moaned against her neck. His entire body was shaking both from the orgasm, and his efforts to hold himself up at least a little bit. He continued to thrust as long as he could, but for the first time with Sandra, his own strength flagged before his cock, and even as his arms gave way and he dropped to his elbows, his cock was still pulsing with his orgasm.

Barry's breathing was ragged, and he felt the world spinning. So he closed his eyes as he rested on Sandra, hoping that she didn't mind.
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As the pace picked up, so did Sandra's hips, matching Barry's movements with those of her own. She felt it, that warm tingle begin and travel all along her body. She felt her walls clamp down on Barry's cock as it continued to drive in and out of her. She couldn't keep quiet as she cried out against him, her body shuttering in the throes of her orgasm.

Barry wasn't far behind her, felt his cock jerk inside of her a moment before the warmth of his seed began to fill her. She moaned softly, soaking up ever tremor in Barry's body as his body collapsed on top of her. He did hold himself up and she wondered how much strength that alone was taking out of him. When he finally slipped fully onto her, his breath ragged, her hands started to once again stroke softly over his back. Her fingers pressed into his back massaging him as she sighed contently under him.

Sandra didn't mind one bit that he was on top of her, pressing her into the bed and even making it hard to draw breath, she was loving this, loving it more that it was Barry above her. Her hands stroked up the length of his back, played for a moment in his hair before slipping back down him. She leaned into him, whispering her thoughts, "As much as I love feeling you like this, you do need your rest."

Lowering her legs she placed her right foot on the bed and tried to tilt them both. As Barry slipped from her she groaned, hating to feel the loss of him inside of her. She moved with him, finding herself curled up on his chest with her arm draped over his waist. Her legs slipped between his as her lips kissed his chest lightly. Her eyes slipped closed as her body once again soaked up the feel of the man beside her. Things were certainly going to change, she just hoped it was for the best.
Soft, yet ragged moans slipped from Barry as he felt Sandra's hands still moving over his back, even as he rested upon her. He knew he would be heavy upon her, but he did not yet have the strength to move.

Sandra's words and motions pulled a groan from both of them as his cock slipped from her, but Barry didn't fight her. He also didn't fight her as she settled beside, and slightly on top of him. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, hugging her closer as his other arm wrapped around her and did the same. His head fell back against the pillow, and with his last waking thought he said. "Fair enough, but do try and give me time to bathe tomorrow before you jump me. My body will remind me of this night tomorrow for sure."

With those last words, Barry let his head sag to the side she was on. His breathing slowly steadied, and soon after that, he was asleep.
Sandra slept peacefully, probably more so than she had done in a long time. Her eyes fluttered open and she felt the man beside her a moment before her eyes landed on him. She smiled and curled in a little closer to him, but only for a moment.

Slowly slipping from his arms she slipped from bed. Moving over toward the bathroom to do her normal routine. Relieving herself before she turned on the shower, she glanced back into the bedroom to see Barry sleeping in her bed. She smiled to herself as she turned back to the shower, stepping into the warmth of the water.

Sandra sighed softly, letting her eyes close and soaking up the feel of the water washing away the nights enjoyment. She could already feel a difference in herself as she thought about Barry and yet she wasn't ready to let him leave just yet. She started to plan in her head things they would do that day and shockingly they were pretty normal.
Barry slept infinitely better this time than the last time he tried, and even when he finally stirred, he was only barely awake. He took several deep breaths before finally opening his eyes, and it took him a little bit to remember where he was and why. That process probably would have been easier if Sandra had been beside him, but she was not, and it was only after that realization that Barry heard the sound of the shower in the adjoining room.

Though the desire to rise was strong indeed, Barry didn't rush it. His gaze turned back and forth from the bathroom door to the bedroom door before he finally made up his mind. He went to sit up and flinched softly when his back protested the motion. He groaned softly as he finally pushed himself into a sitting position, and then again as he forced himself to his feet.

When he started walked, Barry knew where he was going, but he didn't know what would happen afterwards. He moved to the bathroom door and pushed it slowly open. He could see the steam rising from the shower, and he headed towards it. He quietly pulled the curtain aside and stepped in behind Sandra, trying not to make a sound. He knew she'd realize he was there though, as soon as he went to wrap his arms around her waist. He actually wondered how she'd react to his motion, but was ready to hold her close if she allowed it.
Sandra soaked up the warmth but being alone didn't last long as she felt arms circle around her waist. She smiled softly and even leaned back against the chest that was behind her. Sandra sighed contently and even kept her eyes closed. Her own hands slipped over the arms that wrapped around her, "Did you sleep well my dear?"

Sandra finally opened her eyes and turned her head toward Barry. She smiled again as her eyes met his. Her body slowly following suit as she turned in his arms before wrapping her own around his neck. Sandra leaned in and kisses Barry softly before pulling back to look at him.

Sandra let her fingers slip down over the top of his back, softly stroking his skin. "I hope yesterday wasn't too bad on you. I know I can get a little out of hand at times, but I only push you when I think you can take it."
Feeling Sandra's hands sliding over his arms made Barry smile, and when he heard her question, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her neck as he felt her press her back against his chest. "Yes Sandra, I did." He said softly, just loud enough to be heard over the sound of the shower around them.

Barrry smiled anew as Sandra made to turn herself in his arms, making no attempt to remove his arms from her as she did so. He sighed softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he let her lean up and kiss him, and he gladly returned it.

The feeling of Sandra's hands sliding down over his back made Barry's eyes close briefly. He sighed softly at her touch, and when he heard her speak, he opened his eyes and met her gaze once more. He swallowed hard as he thought on her words, but when he finally spoke, he was confident in what he said. "I'm still here, aren't I Sandra?"
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Sandra smiled to Barry and nodded, "Yes, yes you are." Her fingers continued to brush along his back softly as she leaned into him and rested her head on his chest, "I'm glad you are." She knew that came out as a whisper and wondered if it was even loud enough to be heard over the water. Part of her hoped it wasn't, as it was somewhat of a secret she wanted to keep to herself.

Sandra wasn't sure how long she stayed like that, but she was in no rush to move. She knew they needed to start their day by getting washed up and getting something to eat, but for the life of her she couldn't move from his arms. Sandra let her thoughts slip in and out of her mind, at times making her panic and at others putting a smile upon her face.

After some time she finally pulled her head from his chest, "We should clean up and get something to eat. What do you say about spending a nice normal day with me?" Sandra wasn't completely sure what Barry's answer would be, but she did hope that he accepted. She knew eventually they would have to discuss what this meant in the long run. Did they continue to see one another or was this just a one time thing for the two of them? She knew what she wanted, but that wasn't going to be enough, not this time around.
Barry heard Sandra speak, though the second statement was more of an afterthought. He let them both stand as they were though, not commenting on them just yet. Deep down though, he was glad he'd stayed, even though he didn't know what exactly she had planned for him.

How long the pair stood like that, embracing beneath the hot waters of the shower, even Barry didn't know, and truthfully, he didn't care. Hell, when her head lifted from his chest, and she spoke, Barry only sighed and held her a little tighter. "We'll clean up after a couple more minutes." He said, letting his chin rest on her shoulder as he held her close, not wanting to give up this moment just yet.

When at last they had to get to washing though, Barry still didn't want to let Sandra go. He let one hand fall from her to grab the body wash, and he turned them away just long enough to pour some into one palm, set the bottle down, and spread it between his two hands. Then, with her back still pressed against him, he lifted his soapy hands to her breasts, squeezing and kneading them, waiting to see what she would do or ask of him.
Sandra turned as Barry was reaching for the body wash. She rinsed her body once more in the warmth of the water even with Barry's arm still wrapped around her. She was thankful for that, it meant more to her than he could even imagine.

When his hands finally returned to her body though they were full of suds and moving over her breast. She couldn't help the soft moan that slipped from her even as she leaned back against him once more. Her arms reached behind her head to wrap around his neck, offering her body up to him.

His hands not only washed over her but also awakened her. Sandra tried to push the feelings down, but the more his hands moved over her breast the more she gave in to those feelings. Her head turned toward him, her lips meeting his as she kissed him showing him what his hands were doing to her.

Sandra had never had anyone turn her on like this before. She remembered the tightening she felt whenever she saw him, but she always chalked it up to him being a good looking guy. Now though, she knew it was more than just that.

Her hips arched back against him, pressing her ass against him as his hands worked their magic on her causing her to give in to him once again.
Barry knew the effect his ministrations were having, the moment Sandra lifted her arm and wrapped it around his neck. his head turned towards hers as she leaned up to kiss him, and he gave her breasts another full squeeze as their lips met once more. His tongue immediately moved to press against her lips, even as one of his hands slid further down her body. He knew the soap would be gone from his hands, so he had no qualms about sliding it straight down to her pussy, letting her clit slid between two of his fingers before backing it up and repeating the motion. When his hand moved down again though, one of his fingers bent and entered her.

As Barry's finger entered Sandra, his other hand moved down to her hip, pulling her ass against him as he felt her arching to do just that. His cock reacted to the moment immediately, and within moments, it was hard and ready, simply waiting for Sandra to ask for it if she wanted it. Until then though, one hand steadily fingered her pussy as the other massaged her hip as he guided her ass slowly back and forth against his hard cock, letting her know what awaited her if she wanted it.
Sandra's lips parted for Barry's tongue even as her moan rose up her throat. As his hand moved down her body, her hips arched toward his hand before back toward his cock. She was drowning in sensations again with him and she didn't care.

Something about Barry seem to make her whole body come alive. Nerve endings she didn't even know she had were sparking at the feel of his hand and more so when his finger slipped inside of her. She moaned in his mouth, her hips fighting over which way to arch, loving the feel of his finger and yet the feel of his cock growing so hard behind her.

Sandra finally broke the kiss with a groan. Her body moving against his, her walls clamping down on his finger even as her breath grew heavier. "Please Barry..." Sandra left it hanging in the air, almost wondering if he was going to make her beg to feel him again. She was on the verge of doing just that when she raised up on her toes, using her hold on him as her solid rock.

Her hips arched back, pushing her ass into his cock once more, "Take what you's yours." Sandra was a bit shocked to hear the words that confirmed her feelings slip from her lips, but she wasn't about to back down on the request. She wanted Barry to finally know how much he affected her.
Barry couldn't help but enjoy the slight game he was playing with Sandra. His finger fucked her pussy as his other hand rested on her hip, guiding her against his cock as he felt her lips part for his tongue. He let that tongue surge forward, immediately finding hers and sliding along it. He felt the fight in her hips, felt the indecision as her hips moved first forward towards his finger, and then backwards towards his cock. Her movements were erratic, and ultimately perfect. He enjoyed every one of them, right up to the point where she pulled her mouth from his. He let hers go, but with obvious reluctance.

Sandra's first statement brought a smile to Barry's face. He hadn't even intended to deny her if she let him, and the motion of her lifting up to her toes, presenting herself even more fully to him cemented that thought in his head. It was her second statement though, that actually made him hesitate. He'd never actually expected to hear that from her. That hesitation was brief though. He slid his finger into her once more, pressing as far in as he could. As his finger started to slide out though, his other hand moved briefly from her hip to grip his cock, guiding it to her hot and wet entrance.

Barry then started to move forward once more, one hand moving back to her hip as the fingers of the other moved to circle her clit. The motion of his hips was steady and deliberate, making no move to tease her with slowness as he entered her.

Once every inch of his cock was inside her, Barry rapidly circled her clit with his fingers as he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear. "As you wish Sandra'"

From that point on, Barry had only one thing on his mind, and that one thing was Sandra's pleasure. So, with her pleasure in mind, he started to thrust, steady and driving thrusts inside her while his fingers continued to rub her clit.