Beating the Competition (Closed for Wolf Vixen)

Barry missed the feeling of Sandra's hand around his cock, but only as long as it took for her legs to wrap around him. When she didn't immediately take back the control, he knew that she did truly want this as much as he did. As if every other physical sign her body was giving off wasn't signal enough, the slightest of whimpers that slipped from her would have been enough by itself.

It took but a moment for Barry to decide exactly how he wanted to proceed. He held Sandra to that passionate kiss as he let Sandra pull his cock towards where she clearly wanted it. The touch of her wet pussy against the head of his engorged cock made him moan into their kiss. He held his place though, but only for a couple of moments, teasing the both of them for what felt like an eternity.

After but a couple of seconds, Barry let his control slip a bit, letting Sandra's heels digging into his ass pull him forward. The head of his cock cleaved her pussy lips, but didn't stop there. He resisted her pull just enough to make this penetration as slow and as torturous as each of the previous ones she'd enjoyed before. Another low moan rumbled from Barry as he impaled her, lasting from the moment he entered her, to the moment he was finally fully inside her.

It wasn't until that exact moment, with his cock fully inside Sandra that Barry finally broke their heated kiss. His mouth pounced upon her neck as his cock throbbed within her. He kissed, licked, and sucked at her pulse point as he let himself linger there, letting both of them enjoy the feeling of him buried inside her before he gave them the rest of what they wanted.
Sandra gasped within the kiss at the feel of his cock brushing right where her entrance was. She burned for this and yet he was still holding back from her. When she finally felt him slowly enter her all she could think about was the feel of him.

She had slipped him in before nice and slow, but this, this was torture and pleasure mixed, pulling a long moan from her. Her tongue danced with his even as her throat vibrated with the moan and her walls clamped around his impeding member. As she felt him push himself the rest of the way deep inside of her, his lips broke from hers giving her but a moment to capture her breath.

Her eyes drifted closed at the first brush of his lips. Sandra's head tilting back, giving him better access to her neck while her fingers dug into his shoulders and her legs relaxed around him. She knew she was giving in to the sensations that he was creating within her, but she couldn't seem to stop. Her walls rippled lightly around his buried shaft while her back arched and more moans slipped free from her lips, "Yes Barry."

Sandra no longer cared what she said or who was in control, she needed this and this she was going to have...but just for tonight, she kept reminding herself.
Barry could feel every one of Sandra's responses, from the rippling of her pussy around his penetrating cock, to her legs relaxing around him, and the fingers that dug into his neck. He knew what her responses meant, knew that she was giving in to what her body craved. He could have done anything to her just then, anything he wanted, and she would have been powerless to stop him. For the first time since she'd kidnapped him, Barry had all of the control, and for the first time, he didn't want to use it to exploit her. No, he wanted her, wanted to pleasure her, and he would do just that.

With a motion as slow as when he'd entered her, Barry slowly withdrew his cock from Sandra's pussy. He moaned heatedly against her neck as he felt himself sliding out of her tightness. He didn't pull all the way out though, just to the tip of his engorged head. He then reversed his motions and pushed himself back into her, moaning once again. For all of his experience, Barry loved this moment the best. He loved entering them, penetrating them, filling them with his cock.

Barry lifted his heated kisses from Sandra's neck, returning to kiss her as he buried himself within her once more. He could last almost as long as he wanted like this, given how recently he'd cum, could torment her with his stamina. Barry could do so very many things, and found himself torn. So he chose to do that which he'd never done before. His mouth retreated from hers once again, and his tongue flicked over his lips before his hot breath teased her ear. Barry's body covered Sandra's, his cock buried to the hilt within her as he spoke.

"This is for your pleasure Sandra. How do you want it? How long do you want this to last?" Barry had already given Sandra a taste of the slow torment, so he figured he'd give her a small sample of the other choice as well. Before she could respond, he slid halfway out of her, a faster motion than before. He then pushed into her, using but a fraction of the strength and force he could have as he filled her full of him once more. "The choice is yours my dear." With that said, Barry waited, but was not still while he did. He alternated his motions, withdrawing and entering her slowly once, and then pulling quickly out and giving her a hard thrust. Both were promises of his prowess, and which one she got was hers to decide.
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Sandra heard her own groan as Barry's cock started to slip from her. She almost whimpered when she felt the majority of him slip from her but that sound was cut off by the moan that replaced it as he slipped back inside of her. His kiss gobbling up the sound that she made as her walls clamped back down around him, trying to pull him even deeper than before.

His lips left hers once more, his breath blowing lightly over her ear as his words slipped inside and actually milled around before she actually absorbed what he had said. As the meaning was slipping into her mind she felt him pull out quickly and slam back into her, driving her eyes open and a cry from her lips. Just as Sandra tried to gather air she felt him move back to the slow torture of his cock slipping from her before sliding back into her, nice and deep. Barry didn't stop there, his next movement was the quick thrust that pulled another cry from Sandra's lips.

His question sinking in further as his body switched back and forth between both choices. Her lips curved into a grin between the moans he pulled from her and the cries of joy that slipped from her. Her hands moved from his shoulders, up his neck to cup his face, pulling Barry's eyes back to hers. Looking into his a moment, "Both," Sandra replied as she pulled Barry's lips to hers just as his cock drove into her and her cry was captured by his mouth.

The slow motion of his thrust was torture, the hard slams of his hips was such pleasure and she loved them both. It was what she was teaching here, the pleasure and the pain, but just in a different fashion. Sandra wondered briefly if Barry even caught on that he was doing to her what she had done to him. Difference was, she wanted this, needed it in fact. Never before had anyone tried to torture her like this, not with their cock and Barry had perfected the art, probably through his many conquests. Sandra was understanding why the women chased after him the longer they were together, even more now that she got a taste of both sides of what he could do. Sandra tried to remind herself this was just for tonight, but her body didn't care, her body soaked up every movement of his body against hers, every swipe of tongue against her own and every look that passed over his face like she would memorize this forever. She had to, in the end, for it would be the only time she would allow herself this pleasure with Barry.
Sandra's single word answer wasn't what Barry had been expecting, but he was far from unwilling to comply. His mouth met hers fiercely as she pulled him in for another near-violent kiss.

As their mouths continued their own battle, Barry kept up what he was doing with his body and cock, with one small change. He stopped moving in the steady rhythm that he'd been doing before, alternating back and forth between the two motions. He illustrated this first by giving Sandra not just one, but three of those long and torturous withdrawals and entries. His tongue and mouth continued to duel with hers, even as he changed his rhythm.

When he finally pulled his mouth away from hers again, he pounced once more upon her neck, driving and deep into her at the same time. "As you wish." He whispered heatedly against her neck as he basked in the cry that he pulled from her lips. Barry did it again and again, four times total before giving her another slow one. Once again, his mouth found hers as he entered her slowly. This was the new rhythm, or rather lack there of. The only continuity came in the form of his mouth on hers as he entered her slowly, and his mouth on her neck when he drove hard into her, so he could savor the cries that he pulled from her.
Sandra caught the whimpers slipping from her even as her tongue battled Barry's. The slow strokes of his cock, made her body tightened trying to hold him into her, releasing only when he started to slide back into her. Her hips rose to each stroke, as it was a tender stroke of her body.

As his lips left hers and dove for her neck, she again found her body arching up, her head tilting to give him more access to her neck. His hips picking up speed, slamming into her and dragging the screams from her lips had her body tensing for her orgasm. His hips pushing her closer to that point, but just as she felt the next slam would throw her over he moved back to her lips and the slow torturous motions. Her hands slipped from his shoulders, running down his chest, her nails slightly digging in with each slow stroke of his cock.

Her body arched and moved with his and before long the odd combination became a dance between them, one they both were fully involved in. Her fingers moved around him, her legs parting a bit to allow them to run down to his ass, feeling the muscles bunch under her hands as his thrust turned to the slams she was beginning to love even more.

The slow strokes kept her from her orgasm, the hard slams pushed her quickly to the edge only to stop her once he changed again. Sandra found her nails quickly digging into his flesh, her hips arching to him seeking that release that he seemed to be keeping from her.
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Barry was anything but blind to the effects of his efforts on Sandra. He felt every clench of her pussy, basked in every muffled whimper, and was even enjoying the feeling of her nails on his skin. He'd backed his chest off a bit so she could rake them down his chest, but when she made to grip his ass, he lowered himself fully upon her once more.

The feeling of Sandra's hips rising and falling with his thrusts, be they slow and torturous or fast and furious, were beginning to take their tole on Barry. Every time he felt her getting close though, he couldn't resist the urge to slow down. He even began to play her body like the perfectly beautiful instrument it was. He stopped his erratic motions and focused his attentions on Sandra, what he was doing to her, and her reactions. Barry drove into Sandra again and again, pushing her body towards the orgasm he knew she wanted, the orgasm she needed. When he felt her body tightening though, he slowed down again. His mouth returned to hers, kissing her softly.

Barry didn't know how long he'd been playing Sandra's body, but he did know the effect that it was starting to have on him. He felt his own body building, and it was that feeling within himself that made Barry finally relent to what they both wanted. Barry picked up the pace once more, but removed his mouth from Sandra's. His hazel eyes, darkened with his own lust and need watched Sandra as he fucked her, watched, knowing that this time he would not deny her. He continued to pound his cock into her, even as he felt her building. This time, he would give her the orgasm that she needed, but he had no intention of stopping there. Barry was going to continue to fuck Sandra until he came, regardless of how many orgasms he had to force from her body before that happened!
Sandra could tell Barry was playing her, keeping her orgasm at bay and yet still keeping her interested in every thing he was doing to her. As he pulled from the last soft kiss her blue eyes locked with his hazel gaze and she couldn't help but know deep down that this was it. As his hips began to pick up, her whole body arched, but her eyes never left his.

Sandra's nails dug into the flesh of his ass as she felt her body tightening around him. She almost begged him not to stop, first time that urge had ever struck her before. Before she could even think on it her body exploded around his. Her scream echoed around the room, her walls rippling violently around his cock, after keeping it at bay for so long. She felt her toes curl and her grip on his ass tighten even though his hips continued to pound into her. Sandra wasn't even sure if it was one orgasm or many back to back, but what she did know was the moment she thought she was coming down from one another stuck out at her and had her back arching once more.

Sandra was gasping for air as her body slowly calmed down, her body felt utterly boneless and her nails in his skin was the only thing holding her to him. Licking over her lips, her throat sudden felt dry from the cries that ripped through her throat. Never before had she ever cum that hard and she knew right then she never would again, since this would be the only time she allowed herself this kind of pleasure with Barry. She actually closed her eyes to him, hoping that the sorrow at the thought hadn't shown before she could get them closed.
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Barry would have known that Sandra was about to cum, even if he hadn't been the one doing all of this to her. He could feel her pussy convulsing around his cock, hear the cries bursting from her throat, and feel her sharp nails digging into his ass. He knew when he'd started that he wasn't going to stop, but that didn't diminish what he was feeling.

The feeling of Sandra's pussy convulsing around his cock was almost too much for Barry to take. He still didn't stop though. He fucked her through her first one, her second one, and still he kept going. He kept pounding his cock into her as his own orgasm continued to build. Already, he was breathless from his efforts, but there was no going back now.

The building within Barry was so powerful, that he almost lost focus of the woman beneath him. He did lose sight of everything around the pair of them, everything but the blue eyes that stared hard into his own. Those eyes kept him going, and then, almost before even he knew it, he was there. He'd worked so hard to get his orgasm to build, that now, he fought it back, biting back the powerful sensation as he continued to fuck the beautiful woman beneath him.

When at last Barry couldn't hold it back anymore, he loosed his control, loosing his powerful orgasm upon the both of them. Moments later, and with but one more thrust, Barry's cock exploded with his cum.

Despite the orgasm that wracked his system though, Barry continued to fuck Sandra, pounding his cock into her as he filled her with his cum. How long it had all lasted, even Barry didn't know, but when the last drop of his cum slipped from him, the last bit of his strength went with it. He practically collapsed on top her her, barely catching himself on his elbows as his head sagged down beside hers.

As was true with the rest of this night, Barry could have done so many things when both of their orgasms subsided. What he dd do though, was hold right there, leaving his cock inside her as they both tried to recover and catch their breath.
Sandra felt his orgasm even as her ears picked up his grunts. She felt every drop spill into her, his hips never stopping until the last drop left his body. As his weight increased on her she released her hold on his ass, sliding her hands up enough they would stay on him without much effort at all.

She felt his breath blowing over her shoulder and she actually felt her own lips turn toward his neck. Her eyes slowly opened, watching his body heave as he tried to catch his own breath. Her lips brushed lightly over his neck as she tried to calm her own breathing down. Sandra kind of expected him to just roll off of her once he was finished, but he stayed put and it made her wonder. Sandra didn't intend to stroke his back but she found her fingers moving very slowly over his sweat slicked skin. She even tasted him on her lips as they pressed even closer to him.

Sandra closed her eyes again, taking in his scent and regretting letting it get this far. She didn't know how she was going to be able to resist feeling this again, yet she had to. This could be the only time. Maybe if she said it enough her body would begin to believe it, but while his weight was above her, his breath blew over her and the feel of his cock still inside of her, she knew she would crave this every time she saw him.

Sandra turned her head from his neck, already longing to feel his skin on her lips again. Her fingers pressed into his back for a moment before sliding to his sides and pushing at him. Once freed from his body she sat up and grabbed her robe, "If you behave you can stay unchained. There is a shower in the corner, I would suggest you clean up and get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day. Someone will be down with some food soon." She stood up, intending on leaving him just as he was even though she was already missing his touch.
Barry didn't know what he'd truly expected to happen when the two of them finally finished. He didn't know if she'd immediately push him away, or if she expected him to do something of the sort. He didn't expect the tenderness that Sandra offered up though. He sighed at the soft press of her lips to his neck, and the gentle stroke of her fingers down his back.

Another sigh slipped from Barry when he felt Sandra's fingers move to his sides and push lightly at him. It was in that moment that Barry remembered what he'd told himself he'd do if he ever got free. Yet here they were. He'd been unchained for god knows how long, and he'd just had the best sex of his life with the very person he'd wanted to kill.

Despite the thoughts that were running through his head though, Barry didn't fight Sandra's push. He did move slowly though, pulling slowly out of her, letting out a soft sigh at the loss of her warmth. With a similar reluctance, Barry backed slowly off of Sandra, giving her room to sit up. His head turned as he saw her reaching for her robe, an action that made him hold back a small smile. It truly did seem a rather mute point at this junction, given what they'd just done.

Barry watched as Sandra rose to her feet. He listened to her words, and he sighed softly, letting his head sag briefly before he moved to stand as well. When his gaze lifted once more, his mouth opened, and he spoke softly. "I don't suppose there's anything I can say or do that will make you change your mind and let me go?" Barry asked, practically rhetorically. He didn't expect her to say yes, so before he even heard her speak, he turned to walk towards the shower. After only a couple of steps though, he turned back towards Sandra once more. "I don't suppose you'd want to join me in a shower before we go back to hating each other tomorrow?" Barry asked, offering up a hand for her to either take or leave at her own discretion.
Barry's voice brought her eyes slowly around in time to watch him walk to the shower. He didn't wait for an answer obviously so she refused to give him one. When he stopped and turned toward her again she felt her own body itching to accept his offer, prolonging her leaving even more.

Sandra glanced down at his hand before moving back up to his face, searching his eyes once more. While he voiced her own thoughts the look in his eyes didn't quite match it. She found herself taking a step toward him before she halted herself. As much as Sandra was desiring Barry's touch once more she knew she better not get used to this. He was brought to her to simply teach him of the wrongs he had committed and yet here she was taking enjoyment from his body, the same enjoyment he had given and taken away from so many others.

She turned her attentions back to the door intending to leave yet the sound she heard kept her feet planted in place. Barry's sigh actually sounded as if he regretted something, but before she could really think on it more she heard the water turn on. Sandra turned for one final glance before she decided to leave.

The way Barry's body moved under the water had her fingers gripping her robe even tighter in her hand. Her eyes followed the movement of the water over his body and before long felt the answer of that call inside of herself. She groaned, convincing herself with every step she took toward him that this would be it. Sandra was pissed at herself for being tempted like she was and yet at the same time she was curious about it. No one had ever tempted her like Barry had even though she felt a cold hatred for the man and his actions.

One moment she was across the room intending to leave and the next she was without her robe in her hand, pressed to his back while her hand filled with him instead. Her teeth nipped at his shoulder while her nails slipped down over his back lightly, following the same trail left by the water. Sandra said no words to him as her hand gripped his ass and her other hand gave his soft cock a squeeze.
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Barry saw the look in Sandra's eyes, saw the desire to take his invitation. It was that look that made him wait until she turned her attention back towards the door to turn from her once more, a heavy sigh slipping from him in the process. The actual disappointment that Barry felt at Sandra's denial of his invitation surprised him. It didn't make any sense. Barry's remained lost in his thoughts as he turned on the water and adjusted the temperature, not even looking to see if Sandra had stayed or left. He had a good suspicion of what she'd done, and there wasn't anything to be done about it.

The first touch of the hot water on his sweaty body pulled a low moan from him. He leaned forward, resting his hands against the wall, letting the water simply pound down on him as he let his head sag, his eyes closed.

Deep down, Barry knew that it was a bad idea to let Sandra get to him, get inside his head. It was exactly what she wanted, and it would only hurt him in the long run. His head slowly shook, acknowledging the thoughts in his head as truth.

It was the nip of Sandra's teeth that pulled Barry from his own thoughts. His head lifted, and another moan slipped from his lips. He didn't fight her, not her teeth on his neck, her nails down his back, her grip on his ass, or the squeeze of his cock. He didn't know why he didn't fight her, but it didn't matter to him just then.

"I'm glad you decided to join me." Barry said as he let his head roll back down, letting the water beat down upon his neck and back once more. He didn't move just then, and he didn't really want to, not yet. He just wanted to linger in the shower between the relaxing feeling of the water, and the enticing feel of Sandra behind him.

"It will be awfully hard for me to wash myself with you so close. Would you care to step back, or perhaps do the honors yourself?" Barry asked, innocently enough. "I'll even return the favor if you'll have me." He didn't move after he spoke, but rather gave Sandra time to consider the question he'd asked. Either option was acceptable really, but he knew which option they'd both enjoy more.
Hearing his moan had Sandra's fingers slipping along his cock, her lips and teeth traveled down across his shoulder as the water began to cover her as well. She didn't care, in fact what she did care about was pulling more sounds from him.

Her fingers released their grip on his ass before her hand started to massage his ass cheek just to gauge his reaction. Barry's words weren't exactly what she had in mind but what he said did spring hope within her. Never once in all of her research on him did she ever know of a time where he offered to wash another woman. Most of the time it was fuck and kick them out. The ones that actually did get to stay certainly didn't get any pampering from him.

Sandra slipped her hands around him, abandoning her enjoyment of his skin for a moment. Flipping her palms up she whispered to him, "I can't very well wash with no soap now can I?" As she waited she shifted her stance just slightly to rub the front of her against his back. Her lips and teeth continued on their path to his shoulder before turning back the way they had come, back toward his neck.

Sandra knew this was probably a bad idea, but she was throwing caution to the wind, hoping that what she had done thus far was making some kind of impact on him. She pressed her body closer to him as she felt the weight of the soap in her hands, "Good boy." Sandra didn't wait for his reaction to what she said, she just simply started to lather her hands up before holding the soap for him to take.
Barry remained perfectly still, as Sandra's fingers, lips, and teeth moved where they wanted on his body, well, as still as he could with muscles constantly twitching and flexing beneath her knowing touch. His mouth also wasn't entirely still, letting a slow, but continuous stream of soft moans and panting breaths.

Something about Sandra got deeper under his skin than any other woman he'd been with. He didn't understand it, and didn't know really, why he didn't fight it. He still didn't know why he hadn't wrung her neck at the first available opportunity, and there had in fact been many opportunities.

It wasn't until Sandra's hands stopped moving that Barry tuned back in to the world around him. He heard Sandra's words, and couldn't stop the soft chuckle that slipped from his lips. "No, I suppose not." Barry said softly, removing one hand from the wall so that he could reach for the soap. His movement was slow, not wanting to disturb the lips and teeth trailing from his neck to his shoulder, or the less than subtle press of her breasts and pussy to his back and ass. He couldn't resist flexing slightly though, letting her feel the clench of his muscles before placing the soap into her hand.

Sandra's physical response to that slight clench, pressing herself closer pulled a long sigh from Barry, but her words caused him to tense up even more, almost flinching as his eyes snapped fully open. He didn't like those words, nor what they implied. They forced him to remember who he was with, and why she said she'd brought him here. His head turned as his hand reached to take the soap from her once more. Barry looked back over his shoulder, but didn't speak, not yet. His head turned back towards the wall as he forced his taught body to relax, taking a deep breath to make things easier.
Sandra felt his body tense at her words and she knew she had hit a nerve. Instead of making it known though she kept her movements going and when he glanced at her over his shoulder she smiled to him before nipping lightly at his shoulder again. Her lathered hands turned and started at his waist. Running up the length of his chest. Sandra wasn't immune to the effect of the feel of his body under her hands, in fact she did enjoy herself by rubbing against his back again.

Her hands moved slowly over his chest before over his shoulders and moving around his arms. As she stretched her hands down the length of his arms, it pressed her into him even more, that is when she took the moment to let it be known to him what she felt, "Didn't like that did you? Being called a good boy. Too bad, I give special treatment to my good boys. Are you sure you aren't one of them?"

Sandra's hands moved back down his arms to run over his back, soaping up his skin before moving down to his ass. Her fingers massaged over his ass cheeks even dipping between them, "So many things I could do with you Barry if you just open yourself up to it and be my good boy. I promise I won't tell, it can be between us." With that she paused her movements but only for a second, wondering why she was offering silence for him.

She continued to lather over his ass before she slipped down the length of his body to his legs, working her hands over the backs of them and massaging out any tension there was. Sandra knew being tied up like he had been and the fight he put up there would be tension and she wanted to release it for him. Her hands moved to the front of his legs, slowly moving up and massaging over those muscles as well.

As Sandra rose she pressed into his soapy back as her hands wrapped around his cock, "You have enjoyed what I have done thus far, even if I did push some of your boundaries. Why not give in to that and enjoy it, learn from it." As her words left she started to stroke over his cock, gripping it more firmly than before, "Let me show you how much you will enjoy things you never imagined before and all it takes is you being a good boy for me, can you do that Barry?"
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Barry's breathing got slower and deeper as Sandra continued to run her soapy hands over his body. He tensed up every time she spoke, not liking her words in the slightest. Despite them though, he found himself unable to pull away from her. He started to shake his head again, hoping that it would help strengthen his resolve. The feeling of Sandra pressing herself against his back though, had him anticipating her touch even more.

Barry didn't need to anticipate for long, because Sandra's hands kept going. He found himself leaning forward even more, pushing himself back against her hands as they slid down his back to his ass. Her gentle touch there elicited a low moan from him, one he hoped was drowned out by the noise of the shower.

The feeling of Sandra's hands moving farther down was an even bigger surprise than her accepting his invitation of joining him in the shower. He didn't stop his head as it slipped forward, but he did open his eyes, enabling him to watch her hands as they moved over his legs. He saw her hands slide from the back of his legs to the front. He even watched as her hands rose, wrapping around his cock, which had long-since hardened for her.

Through the entire experience, Barry found himself unable to move, almost in a trance. Sandra's grip on his cock as she stroked him though, pulled him out of it. When he'd had a little time to let her last statement process in his mind, Barry finally spoke, voicing the question that had been in his mind ever since she'd called him a good boy.

"And if I don't take to your lessons Sandra, if I don't or can't take to the pain, what then? You could do so many things with me Sandra, but what would you do if I can't do what you ask?" Barry knew that his question would likely sound like an accusation of sorts, but there really was no other way around it. Despite that though, he still didn't pull away from Sandra. He let his head fall forward once again, letting Sandra think on his question, and likely decide his fate.
Barry's words struck her but not from accusation, he actually sounded sincere in them. She expected many things from Barry, fight mostly, but sincerity at something like this was the unexpected that shocked even her. Sandra felt her fingers slowing as she thought on his words, thought about the what ifs even if for a moment.

She released his cock and ran her hands up his chest, letting her nails rake down his chest and belly slowly. She made sure they weren't as light as a lover but they weren't the hardest she could do either. As the sound escaped Barry, Sandra moved back from him long enough for the water to cascade over his form. She did enjoy watching the water slide down every inch of him and her eyes followed the movement. She recalled the vibration in his body as her fingers had dipped lower on his ass, which made her wonder how open he already was to some of the things she had in mind for him.

Sandra moved around Barry, dipping under his arms that were braced against the wall. Her eyes caught a glance of his own, but for some reason he seemed as if he didn't want to see the reaction on her face. Was he concerned with what she thought? Her fingers moved up under his chin and she raised his eyes to her own. She searched them for a moment before she drew closer to him, taking on the spill of the water. As she drew closer to him she felt his body tighten, like he was expecting the worse. Sandra leaned into him even more, brushing her lips lightly along his, not really kissing him, more like teasing him. She whispered to him, though loud enough to be heard over the water, "Are you willing to try for me Barry? That is all that I ask of you is that you try. If you can't then you will be free to leave, but I need to know you are willing to try...for me."

Sandra kissed him softly as her nails again moved to rake down his chest and belly before her fingers wrapped around his hard cock. As her hand moved up his length she raked her nails lightly over the length of him as her lips parted from his, "Just try for me Barry, that is all I ask." Sandra was shocked that she was asking him to try. This was becoming more than she first imagined, this was her giving him an out but asking him to stay. She knew deep down that this was bad news but for the moment she couldn't help but offer it to him. Something about him drove her crazy and pulled her to him time and again when she should just walk away.

Sandra looked to him, waiting for his answer as her hand moved over him and her nails lightly raked right behind it, giving him an idea of what was in store for him if he accepted.
Barry felt Sandra's hands leave his cock. Thankfully, he was able to resist the urge to flinch or moan in dismay. Truthfully, he expected the worst just then, for what else could he expect after a question like that? The nails that slowly raked their way up his belly and chest though, were harder to resist, and his body quivered from them, another low moan slipping from his lips.

It was Sandra stepping back from him that had Barry truly expecting punishment. He did open his eyes though, if only to watch the soap slip down his form as the water cascade over him. He let out a soft sigh, but didn't move. He was in Sandra's domain, and he hated how helpless it made him feel, even now that he was freed from the bonds.

Barry caught a glimpse of Sandra in his peripheral before she was moving under his arm and rising before him. He kept his gaze lowered though, not wanting to see the look in her eyes, the reaction on her face. He felt her fingers sliding along his chin, and again, when he knew he should turn away, or even walk away, Barry allowed it. He didn't even fight her as she lifted his chin so that his eyes met her own. He stiffened again as she drew close, much as he'd done when she'd called him a good boy the first time.

Though he hadn't been sure what to expect, aside from some sort of pain, the feeling of Sandra's lips sliding along his own, and her whispered words, weren't even on the list of things he considered possible just then. He didn't pull from her as she then kissed him, and he even found himself kissing her back, despite the nails that raked down his chest and stomach once more. They caused him to moan into their kiss, until they reached his cock. Her nails lightened a bit on that sensitive bit of himself, but were still very present as she stroked him, raking his cock lightly in the process, pulling a sharp gasp from him. He had no doubt that she'd notice though, even if it was muffled by the kiss.

Barry's head moved forward and to the side as the kiss broke, his breath hot against her neck as her nails continued to work over his cock, the strange sensation that was a mix of pain and pleasure sliding through him. "All this work and preparation Sandra, after everything I've done. Why would you let me go? Why would you let it all go to waste?" Though his words asked one thing, Barry's body didn't go with them. He remained where she could reach him, unmoving as her nails continued their slow and tortuously pleasurable path along his now achingly-hard cock.
Sandra expected just about any reaction from Barry, but his words actually threw her for a moment. She felt his breath blowing over her wet skin and it made her shiver slightly. Her hands never paused in their ministrations of his hard cock and she felt him pulse in her hand.

She never considered what she had said to him but his words brought it to light for her. She was really telling him she would completely release him if he wasn't able to handle what she wanted to do to him. Even after everything she had seen, had learned about him, how angry it made her, she still was willing to let him go. Sandra wondered why that was, what had changed, much less the fact that she was talking like she would keep him when in fact she was simply supposed to make him pay and teach him a lesson. She rested her lips along his shoulder and realized something had changed between them, but she couldn't even begin to figure out when it happened.

Her hands slowly released his hard cock and traveled up his chest. Sandra pulled her lips back from his shoulder as her hands slipped over his neck up to his cheeks. She cradled his face in her hands and pulled him back to look at her. Her blue eyes searched his hazel ones like she had done so many times before, "If you are willing to try for me Barry and you can't handle it, I will let you go, if you want to go. I was asked to teach you a lesson in how you treated women Barry, but......I want you to want this Barry. I don't understand it and don't know when it changed, but I'm willing to let you go if you are willing to try for me."

Sandra really didn't know what his answer would be. She pretty much laid her cards out to him, telling him of the desire that coursed through her at that moment. She found herself pressing closer to him even as her thumbs brushed lightly over his cheek waiting for his response....a response she was teetering on an invisible edge to hear.
Barry forced himself to hold still, even as he felt Sandra's lips on his shoulder, and her hands stroking slowly along his cock, her nails still raking over the taut skin. When her hands did move though, sliding slowly up his chest, to his neck, and even to his cheeks. Still, Barry didn't stop her, not even as she pulled his head away so she could meet his gaze.

The words that Sandra spoke couldn't be more true, and the look in her blue eyes told him as such. Barry's hands lifted to cover her on his cheeks as he thought about what she said. In the end though, he couldn't help but chuckle. His head slowly lowered as he leaned forward and down, scooping up the soap while he tried to think of how exactly to word his next thoughts.

While he was thinking, Barry let his other hand fall to take Sandra's. He pulled her slowly forward, more fully into the spray of the water as he backed out of it. "Don't understand and don't know when pretty much sum it up don't they?" Barry asked as he release her hand and soaped both of his up. His gaze lowered briefly as he thought about what he was going to say next, worried about how she'd take it.

"You know..." Barry started as he placed the bar of soap into her hand. "When you had me tied up, my mind was filled with all the things I wanted to do to you when I got free." Even as he spoke, Barry moved his soapy hands to Sandra's shoulders, pressing gently with the pads of his fingers. He lingered there for but a moment, moving slowly over her shoulders before sliding slowly down her arms, pressing with his fingers once more. Barry let his gaze follow his hands as they moved down her arms to her hands, taking each of her smooth hands in his own before letting his touch move to the side. As his hands touched Sandra's thighs, Barry lowered himself slowly to his knees, his gaze still following his hands and the soapy trail they left in their midst.

With an even gentler touch, Barry let his hands trail down Sandra's legs, applying gentle pressure with both his fingers and thumbs, almost massaging as he moved his hands down her legs to her feet. He paused there, looking back up at Sandra. "Though I don't know when the change happened, or understand it any more than you do, I freely admit that I don't feel that way anymore. That being said, what would you ask of me if I were willing to try?"

Barry could only hope that Sandra believed him. He made no move to stand though, also hoping that that would help his case. He remained there on his knees, waiting for her response, hoping for a positive one.
As his hands braced her own her heart and breath actually held, Sandra wasn't sure why but it did, almost like she was afraid of what he was going to say. Then he laughed and lowered his head. For the first time in a long time Sandra actually felt confused, almost like she was on the verge of being dumped.

Barry took her hand and lead her into the water even more. She stayed silent, battling what she was feeling inside. As she watched him lather his hands up and hand her the soap she still was unsure what this all meant for them. She held the soap for a bit before reaching back and depositing it. It felt like she was moving just to do something, not because it was something she wanted. Sandra hated this feeling, it is this feeling she tried to stay away from.

As his hands moved along her shoulders and arms she could feel the reaction her own body succumbed to. She listened to him, knew he told the truth because she saw it in his eyes many times when she looked upon him, at least when he first got there. As he lowered himself and started to wash her legs she couldn't help the building need in her body.

His question actually threw her, Sandra wasn't sure how to respond to it. Her eyes looked upon him as he knelt in front of her, something she had seen many times before, but never once expected it from Barry. Her mind was spinning with the possibilities and yet still she couldn't think of an easy way to voice what exactly it was she was wanting from him. "Simply put, for you to be open."

Sandra knew there was so much more than that but being open was the basis for everything else that came to her mind. Sure there were things that she could explain, but part of her didn't want to tell him what they were. Many times hearing it put a fear in someone that shut them down, so she learned never to speak of it, to just do it instead and that has worked out for her so far. "Barry," she paused, not completely sure what to even say that she hasn't said up to this point, "I will want to do many things with you and unlike your experience thus far, you will have a way to get out of them if you truly can not take what I am doing. I just have this desire, this urge to show you so much more than you are used to." It was true, Sandra had this gnawing urge to show him every aspect of her life, from the soft and sensual to the dark and bloody. But the question remained would Barry want this. If he did that was half the battle.
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As his hands had been moving, Barry could almost feel Sandra's body quivering under his touch, and when he'd looked up at her from his knees, it had not been hard to see that there was a battle going on inside of her. When she spoke though, her words made sense. Whatever it was she had planned, would likely have been far easier when he'd been bound and helpless, and her not caring at all about his reactions probably didn't hurt either.

Barry's gaze lowered once more to Sandra's feet, but he spoke all the same. "You and I are an interesting pair Sandra. In any other arena, we would be forbidden to do anything with each other. Our positions in the professional world make any sort of relationship impossible." Barry paused, turning his hands over and sliding them back up Sandra's legs, the backs of his finger tips tracing lightly over her flesh. "But here, we can break those rules, and nobody can stop us, and truthfully, I have wanted to break them for some time." Barry didn't know if his words were actually truly voicing what he wanted to say, so as his hands reached her thighs once more, he said it outright. "I've wanted you since the day I first saw you Sandra, and now...I mean, if wanting you means wanting to try this, then yes, I do want to try." After he spoke, Barry took a slow deep breath, his hazel gaze shifting from her blue one, and down to the beautifully smooth skin that his hands teased. There was nothing he could do but wait, and hope she understood.
Barry's head lowered and she began again to wonder what he was thinking and if she was going to find herself on the end of the rope that she obviously was hanging herself with. Sandra didn't put herself in these situations anymore for this reason. She hated being at the mercy of someone's opinion or desires.

His voice started but shortly after she felt his hands move. His fingertips started back up the path he had taken. Her eyes drifted close as she listened to his words, which were true, they wouldn't have been able to do anything due to their positions in competing companies. That may very well have been part of the reason why there was always tension between them.

Her eyes slowly lifted when he mentioned wanting to break the rules that seemed to be around them. Clearly she hadn't heard him correctly. Sandra was struck hard by his next words. They both had obviously been keeping their own secrets. Sandra had always watched Barry but the one thing that kept her away from him, besides her position, was that he fucked over every woman he came in contact with. Let alone the impression she got when she did see him, she never once would have considered that he wanted nothing more than a roll in the bed.

His tone now, however, spoke of much more than just that roll, since he obviously would be open to what she had in mind for him for something he had been wanting for a long time, her. Her tongue flicked over her lips lightly as she considered his words carefully, just to make sure she wasn't reading into something that wasn't actually there.

When his gaze moved from her own she became fully aware of his fingers brushing over her thighs. A raging inferno wouldn't even begin to be an accurate description of the fire that raged inside of her in that instant. She felt her body growing wet, her nipples harden even more than they were already. Between his confession and the feel of those fingertips teasing over her skin with a promise of much more Sandra was finding herself lost in it. "Show me," was all she could whisper out to him. Her walls crashing down around her, opening up herself to this man, the same man she had hated for years with a fiery passion, now that passion had turned into something else. She thought for a moment what he would do with that small challenge.
Barry of all people knew full well the power of his own experienced touch, and the effect it could have when he chose to use it. He could still see the battle raging within Sandra, and he actually suppressed a smile, knowing he'd caused it. When she spoke her final two words though, he let a slightly cocky half smile come to his face, arching an eyebrow as he looked up at her, almost questioning the statement.

Despite that look though, Barry leaned forward as his hands moved once more. "Show you what Sandra?" Barry asked teasingly as his hands dipped inwards, trailing down her inner thighs as they spread for him. His gaze never left hers as he leaned forward, letting one hand move up to her hip, holding her in place as he stuck his tongue out and slide it up the full length of her heated and weeping sex. When he reached the tip of her pussy, he brought his other hand around, positioning it just as, sliding a finger into her easily as he flicked her clit with his tongue. He let his experienced mouth linger there, closing his lips around her clit and sucking gently upon it as he slid his finger back and forth inside of her. As his tongue rejoined the fun, flicking against her clit randomly, not wanting to give her the power to anticipate it's strokes, Barry added a second finger in her pussy, keeping to that slow and deliberate pace, wanting her to feel every motion of his fingers inside of her.

Barry knew what they both wanted, and he was in no mood to prolong it, not her first orgasm anyway. So, his left hand tightened on her hip, holding her in place as best he could as he added one more finger, and a bit more speed. His tongue worked furiously on her clit now, flicking and circling the helpless nub relentlessly as he finger-fucked her, wanting to bring her off quick and hard!