Battle of the Boyne Day


We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
The 12th of July in Northern Ireland is when the Protestants dress up in orange sashes and silly hats and parade, with pipe bands, to piss off the Catholics. It's a bank holiday, so everyone gets the day off. Except the police, hospitals, ambulance crews and the like.

Now I'd really have no problem with this except for one fact: They decided to park the coaches bringing these people to Armagh in my road. And start the bands practising from here. At eight o'clock in the fucking morning.

I hope they all die of heat stroke.
Two weeks ago I drove between Monaghan town and Armagh—my first time in the North. It was an eye-opener. The first town I came to was definitely not in the Jacobite camp.
Two weeks ago I drove between Monaghan town and Armagh—my first time in the North. It was an eye-opener. The first town I came to was definitely not in the Jacobite camp.

I drive that road every Sunday when I go for lunch with the 'rents.
I drive that road every Sunday when I go for lunch with the 'rents.

Was that your Porche I passed? I thought there was a whiff of fois gras trailing behind, but the penny didn't drop.
The 12th of July in Northern Ireland is when the Protestants dress up in orange sashes and silly hats and parade, with pipe bands, to piss off the Catholics. It's a bank holiday, so everyone gets the day off. Except the police, hospitals, ambulance crews and the like.

Now I'd really have no problem with this except for one fact: They decided to park the coaches bringing these people to Armagh in my road. And start the bands practising from here. At eight o'clock in the fucking morning.

I hope they all die of heat stroke.

When someone starts playing music in my area that I don't like, I usually join in and sing along to their music.

Using my own words, of course. 8)

When I get it just right, the crowd starts laughing at them and joining in with me.

They find that much more discouraging than being yelled at.
orange is a terrible color.

except when used for field hockey uniforms. then it gives me a boner for some reason.

and that's about as deep as i plan on getting today.
If only the Irish were heathen, so they could all live together like good Christians!