Awakening the Bubble (need one)

She pulled her top off and tossed it aside and Jason's eyes widened. Her breasts were the most glorious things he had ever seen. The sight of them alone made his whole body tremble and his penis surge as if it were eager for more. Heck they even made his mouth water. What the heck did that mean? Man sex was weird. All kind of weird things happen to you.

He look down and realized his pants were around his ankles and he still wore his shirt. Megan said it was time to have mutual pleasure, the actual sex. Her finger ran along the top of him and he trembled with those tingles that she could give him.

He chewed his lower lip. "Umm you got naked." He said, still staring at her chest. "Does that mean I should be naked too?" He asked wondering what she was going to do with him first.

He really likes her breasts though. He couldn't pull his gaze away. He wondered if sex was touching them as he licked his lips.
Well that was a good sign he was loosening up, his actually asking if he should be naked too. “You can if you like Jason. It isn’t necessary, but can make it nicer.” She told him with a grin.

She watched amused as he hurriedly stripped down, noticing he didn’t take his eyes off her chest the whole time…. which made his stripping a bit awkward and clumsily done…. him returning to standing and staring at her, her chest more exactly, something that made her grin.

“You can touch them if you want.” She informed him, giggling. “Try rubbing the nipples…. the hard points in the middle of each.” She suggested, as he reacted to her offer.
At her approval Jason jerked his shirt off and threw it....somewhere. He doubled over and tugged his pants away from his ankles quickly. Acting quickly all so that he could gaze at Megan's chest as quickly as he could. He was then naked with a girl, nevermind girl, another person period for the first time.

He should be nervous, scared, and really uncomfortable. Instead he wanted to touch Megan's body, wanted to explore her soft skin and smooth perfections. Jason didn't realize it yet, but he was coming to appreciate and understand the enjoyment he got from a woman's body more and more with each passing minute.

His eyes jerked up when she told him he could touch her. Instantly his hands launched forward and grabbed her chest. Like with her ass, he ran his hand over them. He couldn't believe how soft and wonderful they felt. They shaped themselves to his hands when he squeezed, moved left or right if he wanted them too. And her nipples dug into his hands with each movement.

"These are great!" He told her. "Soft and smooth, like pillows." He smiled.

"Are we going to have sex now, because my penis us throbbing so much it is getting uncomfortable. I think I might have too much pressure." He asked her simply and innocently.
Megan watched amused as Jason felt and squeezed her breasts with such fascination….. okay, it felt really good too….. and giggling when he compared them to pillows.

“Thanks, they are sort of like those.”

When he asked her is they were going to have sex now as his penis was over pressured, she smiled broadly….. oh was he ready now, she was sure. “Yes…. Seems that little caveman of yours is getting over excited.” She giggled.

She placed a hand on his chest, maneuvering him back towards the bed till he bumped into it and then pushed down so he was sitting, giving him her most alluring smile the whole time. She moved in so she was straddling his legs, and then giving him a wink, she reached down holding his penis and directing it towards her opening as she slowly lowered herself onto him, moaning long and deep as she felt him slide inside her. She shifted her hips around till she had his full length in her, her breath already growing heavy, and laying her hands on his shoulders, brought her knees up on to the bed on either side of him.

“Okay…. here…. we….. go….” She said between breaths, grinning.

Shifting to get her balance, she started to slowly move up and down on him, rolling her hips as she did……
Jason watched as she climbed on top of him, wondering what she was doing. Then she grabbed his penis and moved it between her legs. As she pressed him to her hole, he suddenly realized what it was all for. His eyes went wide as she sank down upon him. "OH BLESS IT!" He screamed in pleasure as her tunnel completely engulfed him. He became aware of every nerve ending his penis had, because he could feel her every fold and curve sliding down his length and squeezing along him.

She braced herself and began to pump herself up and down. He groaned and arch his back as the sensations consumed him. Sensory overload was an understatement as he was coated in her juices, making him slick and helping her pump herself up and down his wiener.

"Megan that is.....oh jeez!" He moaned, wiggling under her as the pressure built up to damn near bursting. The constant sensation of her tunnel pumping up and down, the feel of her tunnel streching open around him each time she buried him deep into her.

"I can't take it Megan. The tingles! I'm going tingle!" He cried and with that, his shaft jerked inside of her and spurted forth his hot jizz into her belly. Over and over he spurted, he never thought it would stop. Each pulse sent a thick spurt of cum into Megan's womb. "AAAHH!" He shook and trembled under her.
Megan smiled harder and harder with each reaction, expression and sound Jason made as she rode him with increasing tempo, somehow finding pleasure in his pleasure, and the innocent wonderment he had for it all….. it felt so great to teach him this stuff.

She’d near seen herself get so wet, so fast before, but she had his member drenched in her juices in a few short moments, helping his rather good size slide easily in her, and her walls gripped and squeezed him like her body wanted nothing more than to pull him deep into her aching tunnel. Also her center burst into flames of a burning desire she not felt so strong and intense with anyone else before….. it was almost like she was experiencing her first time too!

She hadn’t expected him to last too long the first, even with the precaution to relieve the pressure earlier, especially seeing how hard he’d gotten the second time without even being in her yet. So she had intended on having him pull out of her when he came, but the intense pleasure had her preoccupied so she missed the warning signs….. even his cries of not being able to hold it anymore.

“Oh god…. Jason…. n….” She started to call, but stopped as he exploded inside her, not only indicating it was too late, but the feeling of his seed spraying all over her inside sent her into a mini orgasm that made her thrill to her toes.
This time the tingles made his body shake uncontrollably. As he spilled his seed into Megan's his eyes rolled up into his head and he moaned loudly. After a minute or two he stopped cumming into her and he flopped back onto the bed, breathing heavily. He panted a bit to catch his breath.

"Jimminy Chirstmas Megan." He breathed. "That's sex?" He sat up to snuggle his face between her breasts. "That was the best dang thing I ever felt." He giggled into her chest as if he were drunk on the bliss.

IT was then that the doorbell rang. Jason jerked back and looked at her in horror. "The pizza!" He said. "Hurry we have to get clothes or people will think us improper!" He urged her off of him and scrambled around the room to find his clothes.

It didn't occur to him that having sex with his foster sister was wrong. He didn't think anything was wrong with the sex. He hadn't known anything about it until just then, but the idea of a stranger knowing that he was naked terrified him.

"Don't tell the pizza guy that we were naked okay?" He told her, as if it was something she would do.
She too had to catch her breath a bit, bracing her hands on the bed to either side of him as she shuttered under the orgasm, smiling as he sat up again, burying his face in her chest as he exclaimed his enjoyment.

“Yes that was sex.” She confirmed, thinking now was not the time to tell him it was just one position…. or one version of one of the three basic positions….. and just basic direct sex.

It was then the doorbell rang, reminding her about the pizza, and Jason suddenly panicked. She climbed off him, at his urging, and stepped aside as he rushed to get dressed…. making her grin.

She wasn’t worried. Heck she had a couple times done the answer the door in the nude to the pizza guy thing when it had been possible, and besides she knew who was delivering it tonight.

“Okay, I won’t.” She replied smiling.

She calmly picked up her clothes and walked out and into her own room, tossing the clothes on her bed and grabbing her robe again to don. After what they had done she’d needed another shower really.

She wrapped her robe about her as she padded down the hall, tying it closed and crossed to the front door, opening it to see Susie standing before the door in her pizza uniform which looked a bit loose on her slight frame, and the hat covering most of her short dark hair. Being a couple inches shorter than Megan, the pizza box looked huge in Susie’s arms and the two liter coke rolled back and forth nearly uncontrollably.

“Think you’re funny do you Megs?” She said handing the box to Megan. “My boss gave me a five minute speech about delivering on time or it comes out of my pay thanks to you.”

“Sorry.” She giggled, and then glanced at the clock. “He should have kept it shorter, you’re one minute late.” She said turning back to face Susie.

“What?!” The girl cried.

Susie stumped back and forth several times, and then looked at Megan, her voice becoming pleading. “Come on Megs, I can’t afford twenty buck for a pizza, I’m saving for that little dress at the mall. You know that.”

“Well…… we might be able to work something out.” Megan said with a wicked grin.
Jason finished dressing a few moments after Megan left the room. He darted into the bathroom to use a washcloth to wipe off his crotch so his privates didn't stick to his underwear. After he was finished he moved downstairs only to hear a girl pleading to Megan to not make her pay for the pizza.

"Please Megan don't make me pay for this." She said, "I am saving up for that dress you know?"

Jason knew that voice, it was Susie Pickett. Susie was another one of Megan's hot friends. Susie was short, petite, blonde, and not incredibly smart. But that last part didn't mean anything to Jason's penis when he looked at her. He wondered why she was pleading with Megan so much.

The smell of the pizza made Jason's stomach growl and he moved over to the girls and reached for the pizza and coke. "What's going on here? Do we have enough money?" He asked. "I'm hungry I can go get something from my piggy bank." He offered.

Jason realized after he said it that he was doing something completely different for him. The first being downstairs at all, especially when someone strange might be in the house. The second being openly conversational with anyone, even Megan. IT was not normally in his nature. But something had changed after that sex with Megan. Somehow, talking didn't seem that big of a deal. Nor did being near someone.

His eyes ran over Susie's body openly. Which while not very appropriate, a much better thing than Jason hiding behind a corner or something.
Megan’s grinned at Jason as he appeared, noting also that he had come right in and walked up to them, something he never did before….. seemed the chick had left the nest and was flying high!

Susie too reacted to Jason’s appearance, but with shock and confusion, as she’d not seen him but as a face around the corner staring then disappearing fast….. what had him walking out here as normal as can be now?

“We have the money alright.” Megan told him, smiling. “It the pizza is late being delivered, which by their promise, we don’t have to pay for it because of that.” She informed him, as she let him grab both things from her.

“Yeah, but if you don’t I have to… or technically it comes out of my pay check.” Susie wined. “Twenty bucks could mean I won’t have enough money to get the dress in time for the dance in a couple weeks.”

“I told you, we might be able to work something out.” She told Susie again, seeing Jason staring at her friend rather intently, like he might be up for more fun. “Don’t you think so Jason?” She asked him with a wink, before turning back to her friend with a huge grin.

“What are you thinking Megs? You have that same grin you had the night you of the truth or dare game where you made me do all the embarrassing stuff.” Susie asked nervously, and then glanced at Jason as he stared at her then back to Megan as she noticed she was wearing only her robe. “You only order pizza when your parents are out for the night, so what are you doing in only your robe with only the peeping tom here around?”

Megan just shrugged, still grinning.
Jason may have been out of his shell a bit, especially out enough that he didn't mind walking around in full view of a stranger. But that didn't mean that he had any idea about what Megan had worked out or plans in that head of hers. He jerked his gaze from staring at Susie enough to see a certain smile on her face. It was the same smile that MEgan had went she was talking to him about sex.

His eyes opened wide, "Are you going to have sex with her Megan?" He asked with such a hopeful innocence it was hard not to laugh. Then he frowned and looked down at the pizza box, "IF you do that then your pizza will get cold." He said. Microwaving pizza never got it to come out as good as fresh pizza and he didn't want Megan to put aside eating to have more sex. Besides they just did it, how many times could she want to do it.

Jason's gaze went back to Susie and he could feel that tingling in his balls, he wouldn't mind doing it with her too. She was pretty, petite, her breasts smaller than Megan's but perky. Jason thought her body looked tight, and he couldn't help wondering if her hole would be different than Megan's.

(OOC: I like visual references for the characters. Would you like me to find a picture for Susie or do you want to?)
Megan burst out laughing at Jason’s boldly forward question, especially at how he said it was such a straight and honestly intrigued face.

Susie on the other hand was shocked greatly and her mouth hung out for several minutes before she started to cry out again. “Sex?! Those little times are supposed to be a secret Megs! How does he know about them?” She whined pointing at Jason.

“He is a good guesser.” Megan told Susie as she stopped her laughing, waving Jason towards the table with the pizza as she followed him, skipping over his question to respond to his second comment. “Don’t worry; we are eating right now, so the pizza won’t get cold.”

Susie closed the door, and tagged along after them, still calling after Megan as she got glassed for the coke and came back to the table, sitting on one of the chairs. “Come on Megs….. what is going on?” Susie continued, then suddenly stopped again glancing between Jason and Megan in her robe… and only her robe it was fairly obvious, new shock growing on her face. “Oh god Megs, you didn’t?! Not with bubble boy here!”

“His name is Jason.” Megan said calmly between bites on her pizza.

She hated nasty nicknames, they were ways of being cruel, and besides Susie could hardly talk. The girl was rumored to jump anything with a dick….. in fact in cruder circles the rumors suggested it didn’t have to be human….. and it had earned her the nickname of Su-easy Pickett, not a complimentary name. And it was true in many ways, Megan knew, for Susie did tend to screw any guy with a half decent sized penis, which resulted in her not really being treated with tenderness usually.

Susie sat beside her, still stuttering disbelievingly at the idea, as Megan enjoyed her food, just smiling as the little blonde went on and on. Finally Megan leaned over and whispered in her ear, making the blonde’s eyes bug out and her face to grow more shocked looking.

“No! You’re kidding right?” Susie said as she looked at Jason, eyes wide as Megan whispered more. “Really? I mean for honest goodness real?!”

Giggling, Megan straightened back up, nodding readily.

“Wow!” Susie exclaimed, now staring at Jason…….

(ooc: you want one than by all means go find one you like for Susie... ;) )
Jason dug into the pizza while Susie seemed to scoff at him and Megan in disbelief. Jason chewed a big bite and looked at Susie. "Megan taught me what sex was." He told her proudly. "It's pretty awesome. The tingling part is the best part, but then it makes a mess."

He drank some coke and ate his pizza slice, unrealizing there was anything bad about what he said. Taboo was not something that he understood. That and the subject matter itself. It never occured to him that he should be having sex with Megan, nor talking about it with her friend Susie.

While he ate and Megan just giggle at Susie staring at them. He didn't understand what the big deal was. Sex was something you could just do with people if you wanted or so it seemed.

Jason finished his piece of pizza and reached for another slice. "Hey Susie you wanna have sex?" He asked casually.

Susie :