Avoiding Bed

baby do not fear for i scott baio international ladies man and all around boob feeler will sleep with you right after i give you a celebrity pounding while you tell me that im in charge you can even call me chachi

never let it be said that scott baio didnt give back to the community
No, I don't feel like that.

But I swear my roommate's bed keeps moving...and she's not even in the room! :eek:
This is a case where a plant is no substitute for a dog.

I'm dumb-assed tired, so I'm not allowed to post anymore.
Goodnight, Lavy.:nana: You're my first banana post.
I've gone to bed twice and gotten up because I couldn't sleep. Think I want to be hanging around you freaks this late at night?

Lav, I know what you mean about an empty bed. *hugs*
lavender said:

I just look at the bed and don't want to get in there. I wish I could go sleep on the couch and avoid the bed, but my roommate fell asleep out there.

A lazy boy chair works better than the couch for me. :rose:
i've actually found this before its really hard to describe but when lisa has been away i've stayed up and actually been scared of going to bed real fear ... its very rare i get myself into that sort of state and this one time had special circumstances

but i do understand what you mean lavender im really sorry because i know it can feel awful i think its a mixture of being really tired leaves you vulnerable to your other emotions
I dont sleep real good, however I used to find that laying on the couch with a blacket, the cat, the TV going and a corner lamp on (so as it wasnt toooooo bright), I used to drift off to sleep quite easily......
Maybe it was the terribly boring movie or infomercial that put me to sleep......Im not sure...:D

But it used to work for me......

However if that doesnt work, a couple of shots of JD's doesnt go astray! :p
You know what I did when I couldn't get the lonely, too big bed thing out of my head? I got some material and made a bed mate. Like a giant pillow person. Worked pretty good, too. Even if it did turn out looking like Fabio.

Nothing against Fabio, he's just not my type of guy.