Author tested sex games


Horned Storyteller
Jun 16, 2023
Not wanting to hijack another thread I decided to start a new one.

Games that I have really played.

Orgasm dice: I was dating two gals and gave each a die. Then they were each given the number of orgasms indicated by the die they rolled. (As the "director" I could have one of them give the other orgasms if I wished.)

Bottom card: With three to five people, each takes a playing card. The low card is the bottom and everyone else tops them.

Parts in a bowl: In a small group the sexual body parts of either all the gals, or everyone, is written on scraps of paper. (EG "Layla's breasts... Dave's pecker...) The scraps are thrown in a bowl and each player picks one... (You have to pick again if you draw your own part.) That part belongs to the drawing player for the night.

Behind curtain number two: Three sex toys are covered with something and one player must pick which one gets used on them.

Partners in a bowl: A variation of drawing house keys, but you don't have to leave the room to have sex.

Dirty Old Maid: A set of sex act Old Maid Cards are created (EG "Fellatio Fred" and "Bugger'n Bertha") then the players who draw the same card do what the card describes with one another.

For a freestyle version two regular playing cards of the same suit or number can be drawn to pair people up.

Or you can have three cards that are the same to create threesomes... four for foursomes...

The Dishwasher Game: Each player selects an impromptu sex toy from the kitchen. The new toy is run through the dishwasher but who uses it on whom is determined by chance (dice, cards, etc.).

Spin the bottle (advanced edition): Sex acts are written on cards, the spinner spins the bottle and performs that act with the person chosen at random.

Life imitates Art: A sex tape (I'm old, so it's an actual tape tape) is chosen at random and the audience must act out the scenes as they appear.

Musical chairs (advanced hetero edition): Guy sit on chairs, and gals walk... Or vice versa... When the music stops each walker must sit on the closest (already occupied chair)... No losers, only wieners... Uh... Winners.
I had an idea for one that, in my head, without details hashed out, sounded really hot. Granted I'm not in the type of marriage that would allow for me to play this, but perhaps someone with more experience in these types of things could make it work.

This would probably require 5 people, minimum.

One person would need to be chosen to be the "host", and will not be blindfolded.

All other players will be blindfolded. The host will whisper a number in each person's ear at random, and lead them to a table. Seating will be at random, the goal is for no one to know whom they are seated next to. No one may speak from here on to maintain the secrecy.

The host will draw a number from a vessel and the player whose number is drawn will become the subject.

If not already nude, the subject now strips down.

Depending on what is available (chair, need, couch, etc), the host will restrain the subject's arms and legs so the subject is powerless.

The remaining numbers are then drawn, and each player now gets to remove their blindfold and silently try to work the subject to orgasm by any means they wish within a set time limit.

Everyone will become the subject, and the host with each round. This can either be a sudden death type game where the round is over when the subject cums, or round robin where all players get a chance, so everyone gets to play with everyone.
We play the "Grocery Game". This is where, as the groceries are put on the conveyor, but before they are paid for, we each give a guess on how much they are going to cost.

Whoever gets the closest (up or down) get their sexual wish from the loser. (Though really there is no loser I assure you)
I used to play "the Alphabet Game" with an old girlfriend. You take turns kissing each other on a body part that starts with an A, then a B, etc. If you can't think of one, you get a point. Points are bad. Winner is the one with fewest points when you finish the entire alphabet. But somehow, we never made it much past P.
Musical chairs (advanced hetero edition): Guy sit on chairs, and gals walk... Or vice versa... When the music stops each walker must sit on the closest (already occupied chair)... No losers, only wieners... Uh... Winners.

Have you seen the eagerness and haste at which people sit down on the chairs during a game of musical chairs? That's how you break your dick, my friend. :eek:
I've played the game where you have to collect every shade of lipstick on your cock, with both girls and guys. And the one where the guy is blindfolded and has to pin the cock in the mouth.
I've played the game where you have to collect every shade of lipstick on your cock, with both girls and guys. And the one where the guy is blindfolded and has to pin the cock in the mouth.
I think the first part of that was called a rainbow party at one point.
I remembered another one I have played at a nude beach. It's called Find Your Mate. A bunch of naked guys (or women) are lined up in a row. One of the liner-upper's wife (or husband) is blindfolded, and they have to find their spouse by feel alone. When they think they have found them, they have to kiss them before removing their blindfold to see if they were correct. Most of the time, the woman will drop to her knees and suck his dick rather than kissing him, which always gets lots of cheers from the spectators. Especially when she is wrong!
Musical chairs (advanced hetero edition): Guy sit on chairs, and gals walk... Or vice versa... When the music stops each walker must sit on the closest (already occupied chair)... No losers, only wieners... Uh... Winners.
So the men stay seated as the women sit and straddle down? There has to be a loser... maybe if a man cums too soon... he is out? There are many options for this sex game. I'd love to know more. It's fascinating.


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I played a game of Strip Trivial Pursuit with a cocky young man who wrongly assumed that I'd be the one getting naked.
Did he actually get all the way naked, or did he quit?
I totally expected him to quit because he seemed like a jerk who would. However, to his credit, he just got increasingly quiet and got down to nothin' on. The agreed-upon rules were that hands couldn't be used to hide anything, and he went along with it. He went from what I imagine were thoughts like "I am totally gonna get this chick naked" to "Aw, jeez...I am losing in a big way."
I totally expected him to quit because he seemed like a jerk who would. However, to his credit, he just got increasingly quiet and got down to nothin' on. The agreed-upon rules were that hands couldn't be used to hide anything, and he went along with it. He went from what I imagine were thoughts like "I am totally gonna get this chick naked" to "Aw, jeez...I am losing in a big way."
I actually respect him for that.

That begs the question: Was he so mad/embarrassed that his cock was actually shriveled up when he got down to nothing, or did the cock have a mind of its own?
That begs the question: Was he so mad/embarrassed that his cock was actually shriveled up when he got down to nothing, or did the cock have a mind of its own?
Oh, he had a full-on hard-on before he even took off his briefs. He was definitely embarrassed, but I can only guess as to the psychological causes of the erection. At the time, I got the impression that he was mortified both that he was losing so lopsidedly (to a girl, no less) and that I'd be seeing him naked in a manner not of his choosing. I never thought that he was "enjoying it" at all. I suspect that once it dawned on him that he'd be naked soon, he felt a stirring in his loins that he wanted to suppress. I bet he struggled internally in an attempt to stifle it, but soon the boner train was unstoppable. It can be like a cascade effect, right?
I actually respect him for that.
Same here. His being a good sport about it kept me from tormenting him during and after the game. (I think the only teasing I did was saying about his erection, "Oh, it's so cute!") If he had wimped out before the full monty, I would have made sure that others were aware of him doing so. He kept me from strutting and bragging and teasing by living up to his side of the bet. A handful of people knew about the game and asked me, "So...what happened?" I remained coy and said little more than "If I had lost, you'd probably have heard all about it by now." As far as I know, no one learned anything about Mr. Happy being at full attention. (I will admit two things. One: in the very unlikely event of my losing, I would have gotten naked myself and would probably have been as turned on as he was, albeit much less obviously. Two: despite my being fully dressed, I admit that I was rather aroused from being within reach of an unsheathed erection and the knowledge that I could have been the naked one.)
Oh, he had a full-on hard-on before he even took off his briefs. He was definitely embarrassed, but I can only guess as to the psychological causes of the erection. At the time, I got the impression that he was mortified both that he was losing so lopsidedly (to a girl, no less) and that I'd be seeing him naked in a manner not of his choosing. I never thought that he was "enjoying it" at all. I suspect that once it dawned on him that he'd be naked soon, he felt a stirring in his loins that he wanted to suppress. I bet he struggled internally in an attempt to stifle it, but soon the boner train was unstoppable. It can be like a cascade effect, right?

Same here. His being a good sport about it kept me from tormenting him during and after the game. (I think the only teasing I did was saying about his erection, "Oh, it's so cute!") If he had wimped out before the full monty, I would have made sure that others were aware of him doing so. He kept me from strutting and bragging and teasing by living up to his side of the bet. A handful of people knew about the game and asked me, "So...what happened?" I remained coy and said little more than "If I had lost, you'd probably have heard all about it by now." As far as I know, no one learned anything about Mr. Happy being at full attention. (I will admit two things. One: in the very unlikely event of my losing, I would have gotten naked myself and would probably have been as turned on as he was, albeit much less obviously. Two: despite my being fully dressed, I admit that I was rather aroused from being within reach of an unsheathed erection and the knowledge that I could have been the naked one.)
This might be my favorite recollection on Lit of all-time.

I know this guy was sort of a cocky prick, but I just find myself loving him.

Not just finishing the game when he knew he was about to lose, but to actually drop the briefs when he KNEW he was hard is another level, especially because this wasn't some boyfriend-girlfriend having fun as some sort of foreplay. Dude did NOT want to be in this situation, but still saw it through. Maybe he thought you'd have sympathy for his predicament. But it really feels like it wasn't even remotely something either of you were thinking about, even if you did find yourself quietly aroused.

I think it was cool to not torment him too much, but you had to mention the boner in the room or it actually would have been even more awkward. The "oh, it's so cute," line is perfect. Nobody wants to hear their boner is cute, but it's the perfect funny line for the situation. It might have been made his boner stand up even more.

The other way I respect him? He actually got hard. I know for sure I'd have been the total opposite. Too embarrassed and too frustrated to even think about it growing. Maybe had I gotten a few answers right and you had removed some clothing, but you dominated the game from the start.

I wish I could interview him right now. So many questions.

Did he panic as the boner started? Did he think you might give him a handjob, at least? Did he go back to his room and jerk off to the memory as soon as he was alone, or was it such a source of embarrassment that he never wanted to think about it again? But that leads to the other question. Has he EVER jerked off in the years following thinking about that moment? Did he ever foolishly play Strip Poker again, but this time won?
I wish I could interview him right now. So many questions.
Same here. After this little incident, I never spoke to him again. I saw him a few times in public, but he kept his distance. I suspect that he wanted to avoid any chance of me embarrassing him by telling everyone around us what happened. I wish I could report that he became a better person after being humbled, but I really don't know how he changed, if at all.
Did he panic as the boner started?
I know he didn't show any outward signs of panic, but I bet that he was roiling on the inside. I bet there was a twinge that he felt first and ignored, but then there was another one that made him think, "Uh-oh..." Those twinges must turn into feelings of engorgement, and once that gets going, there's no stopping it. Does that sound about right?
Same here. After this little incident, I never spoke to him again. I saw him a few times in public, but he kept his distance. I suspect that he wanted to avoid any chance of me embarrassing him by telling everyone around us what happened. I wish I could report that he became a better person after being humbled, but I really don't know how he changed, if at all.

I know he didn't show any outward signs of panic, but I bet that he was roiling on the inside. I bet there was a twinge that he felt first and ignored, but then there was another one that made him think, "Uh-oh..." Those twinges must turn into feelings of engorgement, and once that gets going, there's no stopping it. Does that sound about right?
Yes, you have that correct. Once the first couple "steps" happen, it's all about damage control at that point. If you have gotten past the flaccid stage and into the getting erect stage, it's going to go full boner. At that point, it's up to the guy to at least think about whatever it's going to take to get it down.

Like I wrote, for me, I don't think it would have happened. You do have control over it before it starts, and that's where he lost it. I'm just so impressed that he was able to keep it up for a little bit, because my boner would have been scared straight.

The more he was embarrassed, and then you pointing it out, was just too much for the little guy.

But, here's the thing: Since it was a boner at first sight, it actually would have been even worse for him to go through the stages of deflating right in front of you. I can't even imagine. I start to squirm even thinking about how much I'd be blushing.
Yes, you have that correct. Once the first couple "steps" happen, it's all about damage control at that point. If you have gotten past the flaccid stage and into the getting erect stage, it's going to go full boner. At that point, it's up to the guy to at least think about whatever it's going to take to get it down.
I don't think that he was in a position to focus on unsexy thoughts to get the boner to deflate. Think about grandma or what he needs to buy at the store? That might work in some circumstances, but not when an embarrassing disrobing is happening. There were too many distractions to have a successful boner killer.
But, here's the thing: Since it was a boner at first sight, it actually would have been even worse for him to go through the stages of deflating right in front of you. I can't even imagine. I start to squirm even thinking about how much I'd be blushing.
Which would be the worst? Straight-up exposed hard-on? Revealed shrinkage? Deflation from hard to soft?
I must admit that I never considered the deflation aspect as something that would be embarrassing.
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The more he was embarrassed, and then you pointing it out, was just too much for the little guy.
He was rock hard before I saw it uncovered and before I said anything. I could have made some stupid '...or are you just happy to see me?' joke, but I didn't. I'm sure that he was very much aware of the tenting in his briefs and aware that I was staring at it. The poor guy couldn't hide it, so all he could do was not make it worse. I don't know exactly how it works, but I bet he avoided any movement below his waist that might risk stimulation.
He was rock hard before I saw it uncovered and before I said anything. I could have made some stupid '...or are you just happy to see me?' joke, but I didn't. I'm sure that he was very much aware of the tenting in his briefs and aware that I was staring at it. The poor guy couldn't hide it, so all he could do was not make it worse. I don't know exactly how it works, but I bet he avoided any movement below his waist that might risk stimulation.
I don't want to interrupt, I just wanted to say I was glad I came across your recollection, there's something very arousing about it both from your perspective and imagining the thoughts and emotions that the guy must have been feeling
Which would be the worst? Straight-up exposed hard-on? Revealed shrinkage? Deflation from hard to soft?
I must admit that I never considered the deflation aspect as something that would be embarrassing.
I suppose everybody's opinion will be different, but I've taken time to think about this. Keep in mind none of the choices you gave are good for someone like me, but if I have to pick.........

From best to worst

1. Straight-up exposed hard-on: Don't get me wrong, this would suck. But when it comes to a cock, at least it's being showed off in all its (hopeful) glory.

2. Revealed shrinkage: This would be bad. If the woman has some comedic chops, this could be really bad. This is the opposite of the one above. You aren't showing your best side at all. If all these choices are embarrassing, at least let yourself think that the woman was impressed by your hard-on. She's very likely not going to find anything arousing about the little thing that is scared to come out and play.

3. Deflation from hard to soft: This is THE worst thought, at least for me. "Hey, look at me at my very best. Now look as my very best as it keeps dwindling right before your eyes. This is not a magic trick I want to show you. At least going from soft to hard gives a much better show, and it might be something the woman actually is turned on by or intrigued with. They might be intrigued watching a cock deflate, but more so for the image it will give when they want to laugh about it later.
He was rock hard before I saw it uncovered and before I said anything. I could have made some stupid '...or are you just happy to see me?' joke, but I didn't. I'm sure that he was very much aware of the tenting in his briefs and aware that I was staring at it. The poor guy couldn't hide it, so all he could do was not make it worse. I don't know exactly how it works, but I bet he avoided any movement below his waist that might risk stimulation.
My, gawd. Congrats for coming up with the one scenario I never even pondered. Without question, this tops all of the worst possibilities.

But it does lead to one question that I forgot to ask him, assuming I found him and now am getting the chance to interview him.

"Dude, why when you started getting the stirrings of a boner, did you not excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and jerk off? It would have solved so many issues for you."

Oh, and one more thing I'd add at the end of the interview.

"Maybe you should hit the books and study a bit before you engage in strip Trivial Pursuit the next time. It might not come up, but it doesn't hurt to know what Samuel Langhorne Clemens' pen name is."
I suppose everybody's opinion will be different, but I've taken time to think about this. Keep in mind none of the choices you gave are good for someone like me, but if I have to pick.........

From best to worst

1. Straight-up exposed hard-on: Don't get me wrong, this would suck. But when it comes to a cock, at least it's being showed off in all its (hopeful) glory.

2. Revealed shrinkage: This would be bad. If the woman has some comedic chops, this could be really bad. This is the opposite of the one above. You aren't showing your best side at all. If all these choices are embarrassing, at least let yourself think that the woman was impressed by your hard-on. She's very likely not going to find anything arousing about the little thing that is scared to come out and play.

3. Deflation from hard to soft: This is THE worst thought, at least for me. "Hey, look at me at my very best. Now look as my very best as it keeps dwindling right before your eyes. This is not a magic trick I want to show you. At least going from soft to hard gives a much better show, and it might be something the woman actually is turned on by or intrigued with. They might be intrigued watching a cock deflate, but more so for the image it will give when they want to laugh about it later.
I would have thought that true shrinkage would be considered the worst of the three. The full boner and the deflation are sufficient to convincingly say, "I don't have a micropenis." In my experience, guys don't want women to see shrinkage before seeing it at full attention at least once before. Then it can be funny.

If deflation is the worst, would you be hoping that it stays hard and seen by someone who you don't want to see it?

Maybe worst would be full boner, then partial deflation, and then rebirth. "Oh! You're enjoying this more than I would have guessed."
"Dude, why when you started getting the stirrings of a boner, did you not excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and jerk off? It would have solved so many issues for you."
I don't think we explicitly had a rule against that, but leaving the scene, even for a fake run to the bathroom, would have been frowned upon and probably been cause to cancel the whole thing. No, getting dressed to go to the bathroom and being gone for more than a minute or two would have been unacceptable. Besides, the dude was 19 or 20, so it might have returned quickly to its boner state and then be more likely to deflate.
"Maybe you should hit the books and study a bit before you engage in strip Trivial Pursuit the next time. It might not come up, but it doesn't hurt to know what Samuel Langhorne Clemens' pen name is."
The wise thing to do would have been to ask around a bit and find out if that cute college girl you want to disrobe for you has any rep for being good at a game you want to challenge her at. Just because you beat your dimbulb friends, that doesn't mean you'll beat her.