At what age do you wean a child from breastfeeding?


Literotica Guru
Sep 9, 2013
John Travolta's wife Kelly Preston was still breastfeeding their son when he was two years old.

Is that normal?

While many guys would be envious at sucking on Kelly's sweet tits I just think that is just a bit old to still be suckling. Gives me a flashback to Game of Thrones when that crazy queen was still breastfeeding her son and he was like 9 years old.
John Travolta's wife Kelly Preston was still breastfeeding their son when he was two years old.

Is that normal?

While many guys would be envious at sucking on Kelly's sweet tits I just think that is just a bit old to still be suckling. Gives me a flashback to Game of Thrones when that crazy queen was still breastfeeding her son and he was like 9 years old.

Is anything connected to John Travolta normal?
Vinnie Barbarino flying around in his own 707, wearing a white leisure suit and cowboy hat hooked up to an e-meter.
for me, teeth. they had teeth, they could eat elsewhere.

but then I always hated breast feeding. the hormones were like morning sickness and I didn't like being stuck in one place until they were done.

in undeveloped places, where clean drinking water is harder to come by, feeding babies longer is a life saver. in the western world, I wonder if it's more for the mother than the child.
I weaned my sons when they were about 15 to 18 months. I felt they were ready to go onto a sippy cup and it worked out well.

My youngest talked fairly early and would ask in public if he could have a booby drink and played grab a boob. ;)

It was a wee bit embarrassing for those around me.
I loved breast feeding, I loved the way my boobs looked and felt. The longest I got to was 12 months. Two year olds can eat whatever you eat, it's time to move them to the high chair.
honestly, I struggled a lot with breastfeeding and expressing just wasn't an option.

Mine was formula fed from about three months.

I think if they have teeth they don't need breast milk, but hey, each to their own and I'm not going to tell any mother how to raise her child.
I loved expressing! it made life so much more convenient at times, plus my youngest just couldn't get to grips with latching on for the first two weeks. despite what the midwives said, after two weeks of expressed milk in a bottle he started breast feeding just fine.
...I think if they have teeth they don't need breast milk, but hey, each to their own and I'm not going to tell any mother how to raise her child.

Heaven (or hell) forbid anyone tell anyone else how to do anything.

Unless of course, its who they have to rent their property to, or to use politically correct language when speaking about demographic special interest groups, or how to run their small business, or well, thousands upon thousands of other things that used to be considered basic fundamental freedoms.
Heaven (or hell) forbid anyone tell anyone else how to do anything.

Unless of course, its who they have to rent their property to, or to use politically correct language when speaking about demographic special interest groups, or how to run their small business, or well, thousands upon thousands of other things that used to be considered basic fundamental freedoms.
Freedoms that are abused receive legislation restricting them. I guess you should have been born a few decades earlier.

Be glad you can still turn right on a red light. After enough bicyclists get clobbered, that freedom's going to go away.
Check this dumb fuck out:


I nursed all three of my childre until they were two. The world health organisation recommends youngest just turned two and still snuggles night sometimes for a little.drink.
It's a comfort thing...a personal thing....i cut my kids of in public once they could hold sippy or regular cups because by that age they have your shirt have off from pulling and tugging.
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Mine were around 12 to 18 months. The only reason my middle son nursed to 18 months was he didn't want to take regular milk from a sippy, and I had this thing that babies need milk.

Usually, once a child starts taking most of their fluids from other sources, the milk supply begins to dry up, and the natural course of action is the child weans themselves. Sucking a little bit of milk from a boob becomes way too much work when you can get it easily from a straw or cup.

I had one friend whose three year old would try to lift her shirt and ask for "booby peese!". For me, that was a bit much, once they can ask for it by name!

However, it didn't creep me out or anything, even though that might not have been right for me, personally.

That TIME cover, the boy looks like he's got to be five, and I think by that age, it's more about the mother's neediness than the child's. That's just my unscientific and personal opinion, however.
Jennifer breastfed until about 4 months old and then she went to whole milk. We bonded and she got her nutrients and then we were done. She loved her bottles a lot more.
I still stop in to the house I grew up in for a swig on the way to work.

Others find that disgusting but I have not been ill in several years and am in terrific health according to my physician. I cannot prove the correlation to my almost daily drink but the evidence is strong.
Yeah, in my opinion if the kid can ask for it or get something for themselves, it's...time to stop.

Time to find another bonding activity, possibly puzzles.
Time to find another bonding activity, possibly puzzles.

The nutritional value of puzzles is unproven.

Even those impossible 2,000 piece puzzles of white-colored marbles will not help grow and maintain strong bones.
The nutritional value of puzzles is unproven.

Even those impossible 2,000 piece puzzles of white-colored marbles will not help grow and maintain strong bones.

I believe that if you are tall enough to stand on a chair and nurse in such a manner, you are at risk for scoliosis.
Back in the day I had to be breastfed because I was a sickly baby and they just did not have the formulas that are available today. I imagine that even todays formulas are not as good as breastfeeding but seeing a kid two years old sucking on moms tiits gives me the creeps.