At The End Of His Rope (open for 1F)


Literotica Guru
Apr 23, 2012
Closed for jenwishuknew

Mark Jones sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, then looked at his watch.

Thank God this week's almost over.

He looked at his computer and made a few final changes to the document he was working on, then sent it off to the client.

"Finally," he said, pressing 'send' on his email. As he was shutting down his computer, his cell phone buzzed. He answered it.

"Hey," said Alessandra, his wife. "My evening gown is still at the cleaners, so I need you to pick it up."

"What?" he said. "Why didn't you--"

She cut him off. "I've got to get ready," she said. The line went dead.

Mark gritted his teeth. God dammit, he thought. It's 5:45 on a Friday night, and she wants me to pick up her fucking laundry? What the fuck has she been doing all day?

He mumbled a goodbye to his secretary as he strode out of his office. He was still cursing to himself as he waited for the elevator.

God dammit.

Mark and Alessandra had been married for 12 years, and by all outward appearances, they were a happy couple. They had two great children, 10 and 8, and they had a big house in the suburbs. Mark had done very well at his firm, making partner several years earlier, and they were set financially. Alessandra hadn’t worked since she got pregnant with Mark Jr., their first, and she hadn’t needed to.

Mark didn’t particularly like his job, especially the long hours, but he kept at it. Someone had to pay for the big house, the cars, the vacations, and the parties like the one he and Alessandra were attending tonight. Some fancy shindig downtown with a bunch of people he didn’t know. Alessandra didn’t know them either, but it was a “see and be seen” event, and she loved those.

God dammit.

Mark was still seething as he walked through the parking garage and unlocked his car. He had worked more than 60 hours this week, putting out fires left and right, and all he wanted to do was go home and relax. But not only did he have to go to the party, he had to go pick up his wife’s fucking dress at the cleaners. He had no idea why she hadn’t picked it up herself. The kids were away at summer camp and she literally had nothing to do today.

“God DAMMIT,” he said out loud as he pulled out of the garage and into rush hour traffic. The last thing he wanted to do right now was run an errand. He was enraged.

Mark’s main problem wasn’t the errand, though. It was sexual frustration. Mark and Alessandra hadn’t really had much sex at all in the eight years since Kate, their youngest, had been born. Mark had been understanding at first -- of course, Alessandra was exhausted with a newborn and a toddler in the house -- but as the years went on, the drought continued. Beth never seemed to be in the mood for sex. She was already too tired, or “not feeling well,” or something else. On more than one occasion, she explained to Mark that she just couldn’t feel sexy because he “just wasn’t very romantic.” And she “didn’t feel close to him” when he wasn’t doing his fair share of the household chores.

Mark had tried romance. Flowers, sweet little notes, random gifts for no reason, backrubs… nothing seemed to work. He had tried to do chores -- driving the kids to and from soccer practice and ballet, dishes, laundry, trash, moving furniture when Alessandra decided to re-do a room, you name it. He did everything she asked, without complaint. He never brought up the fact that he was at work all day and she wasn’t working at all, or that she had a maid once a week and a babysitter whenever she needed one. He kept thinking and hoping that if he did enough “chore-play,” Alessandra would find herself in the mood for sex.

But she never really did. Sometimes, when he asked her for a handjob, she would sigh and reach for the lube, then jerk him off quickly while she watched the TV in the background. She hadn’t pleasured him orally since his last birthday -- always saying her jaw was sore and that she was worried she might have TMJ. And when they did actually have sex, once every two or three months, she wasn’t much more enthusiastic than a mannequin. Mark would secretly jerk off to porn on his computer sometimes, but it just wasn’t the same.

As his frustrations had mounted, Mark had started an intense exercise program. He had been lifting heavy weights five times a week for more than three years, running and watching what he ate. His training had made him exceptionally strong and fit, and he had had to buy new shirts and suits to accommodate his extra muscle mass. He was in the best physical shape of his life.


But none of that had really helped his sexual frustration.

Mark gripped the wheel tightly.


He saw the cleaners up ahead on the right. He looked in the rear view to move over into the right lane and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

Fuck this.

Mark squared his shoulders and pressed the accelerator down, passing by the cleaners without stopping. Moments later, he pulled into the garage at his home. He walked inside and tossed his keys on the table in the entry way and headed upstairs.

He stopped at the doorway to the master bedroom. Alessandra was across the room with her back turned to him, leaning close to her vanity mirror to put on makeup.

Mark had to admire the view. Alessandra was wearing nothing but a black bra, black panties, black heels and a strand of white pearls. She was in terrific shape for a woman of any age. She ran five miles every morning and played tennis at the club three times a week. She was lean and toned everywhere. Hell, she had a better body now than when they had gotten married. Mark loved that she took care of herself, but it only added to his frustration. She wasn’t particularly modest and often walked around the bedroom naked or in her underwear.

She saw him in the mirror. “You’d better get changed, we’ve got to get going,” she said. “Where’s my dress?”

Mark gritted his teeth again. He stepped into the bedroom. “I didn’t get your dress,” he said.

Alessandra turned around to face him. “You didn’t get it?” she said. “Why not? Go get it right now. We’re going to be late for the party. Go!”

“We’re not going to the party,” he said, calmly taking off his watch and laying it on the dresser.

“What are you talking about?” she demanded. “Of course we’re going, we’ve had the tickets for months.”

She took a step toward him. “GO GET MY DRESS, MARK,” she said coldly. “RIGHT NOW.” She turned back toward the vanity mirror.

Mark unbuckled his belt and slid it off.

“Listen to me very carefully, Alessandra,” he said softly. “We are not going to the party. We are going to stay right here, and you are going to do exactly what I tell you.”

He looped his belt tightly around his fist.
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Alessandra and Mark had been married for 12 years and to Al, it seems so long. She was only in her lower thirties but it still felt as if she had lived her life. The feeling didn’t just come out of a blue but the events…***** changing events had led her to believe that. It was fun and all when she was in college and naïve, that’s when she met Mark. Before that, she’s had two boyfriends and when she met him, she knew it was him that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. He was adventurous, sporadic and spontaneous back then.

She had graduated with a degree in finance as she always wanted to be a working woman but that dream washed away when she got pregnant in the first year of their marriage. She figured she’d wait two to three years and when their son was a little older, she can put him in day care and get a job. Though she didn’t really need to work, with Mark bringing in loads of money to keep everyone comfortable and give them all a luxurious life. She just had to get out and work to keep busy, keep sane than go insane being home bored.

Of course, her backup plan was ruined when she had her second child, a daughter and since then, she had to revert back to finding things to do to pass some time. Sure her husband helped her but most of the time, he was busy with work. Could you blame for not wanting to have sex after being tired of looking after their children. First five years of their marriage was a mess since the kids were young and required for her to stay up at night in case they woke up. Many times, they tried to have sex and were interrupted with the cries of their little one.

As they grew older, the little one wanted to sleep with them in their room because she felt scared sleeping alone…so there was that. Over the years, she had developed a set schedule to take some time out for herself, doing activities such as going out with her friends, groceries, shopping and of course, gym. She enjoyed working out and keeping fit after having two children wasn’t easy but she was up there. One couldn’t guess she’s the mother of two children seeing how slim and trim her figure was now.

She couldn’t really take out her frustration on children so she started keeping it inside her and that sort of changed her over the years. She became more demanding and started having things her way. Especially because he wasn’t around and many times, she had to make the decisions. It felt as if she was the working individual around the house and it sure was a bigger job looking after children and the house. Nowadays, it was portraying a perfect couple in front of her friends and when attending posh events, showing how they were the perfect couple was what mattered to her. She didn’t realize when she stopped enjoying the typical sex with her husband and demanded something different. Though she knew he wasn’t capable of that as he’s always been that vanilla type of guy and had same mundane sex ritual in bed. She did love him enough to not leave him and it wasn’t so bad of a marriage either. They have two beautiful kids to look forward to.


Of course they had fights like any other couple but she is the one who always had her way when it came to getting things done. She had become so demanding over the years that it might have been a little bit too much for Mark. Though he never raised questions and tried to keep her happy. But seeing that, she felt it was her right and his duty to keep her happy, never obliged to return the favor, not in recent years. So was the life of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Messy but still there. One of her friend’s husband was hosting tonight’s events at this new restaurant he was opening and it was going to be grand. It was entry only by invite and they had gotten their passes. Al has a reputation to maintain so was looking forward to going there once Mark would come from work with her dress that she’s supposed to wear tonight.

She heard the door open and she turned her head to look over her shoulders, “Good you’re home. We’re late already. Give me my dress.” She demanded but didn’t notice that he didn’t pick it up. She told him to pick it up when he did tell her that he didn’t bring it but it was him telling her they weren’t going to the party. She turned deaf hearing that, turning around as she stood up, adjusting the straps of her garter belt, “Excuse me? I am not in the mood to kid around. Go get my dress now. You should have been here 30 minutes ago. My friends already texted me inquiring where we are.”
Mark half-chuckled to himself.

She didn't listen to a word I said, he thought. Of course she didn't. Why would tonight be any different?

He slid his tie from around his neck and calmly placed his tie and belt on the dresser next to him. Then he took a deep breath and turned to face his wife again.

"You're not paying attention, Alessandra," he said quietly. "We are not going anywhere."

He stood very still, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Now," he said. "Your husband just got home from work. Come give him a big hug and kiss, and tell him how happy you are to see him."

Alessandra watched him chuckle and she could swear on her god that he had a different look about him in that moment. She couldn't pinpoint exactly what was different about him but knew there was something. Of course she didn't listen to a work he had just said since it came out of his mouth as if he was drunk or delusional.

She stood there, watching him turn around after removing his tie and then his belt. "Oh? You want to tell me why we aren't going anywhere? If you weren't interested in coming then you should have told me earlier. I would have gone alone. Besides bringing you with me means I have to leave early since you will get tired, as usual!" She always had a good argument.

Oh how he was wrong to think tt she was going to do what he had just asked. She stepped a little closer, sniffing, "Are you drunk? High on something because I am sure this is not you talking." She exclaimed and frowned at him, "Screw the dress, I will just wear something simple." She said and turned on her heels to go to her walk in closet, ignoring him.
In one quick movement, Mark stepped forward and caught his wife by the wrist, then spun her back around to face him. He gripped her shoulders tightly with both hands.

He looked directly into her eyes. "You're still not listening, honey," he said with a sneer. "It's time for you to start acting like a proper wife."

He let his eyes travel down her body, and then back up to her face.

"So fuck the hug and the kiss," he said in a low voice. "Get on your knees and put my cock in your mouth."
Alessandra felt him yank her back, making her turn and abruptly as her hands found the support of his torso, preventing from falling. She could feel his tightening grip on her shoulders and she scolded him, "You're hurting me. Let go of me."

She pulled back but found it hard to move away. It seemed his work out had made him stronger and hers, slimmer.

She watched him look right into her eyes as he spoke to her in a sneering tone of voice. She scoffed, "Oh I heard you alright. Look I don't have time your bullshit arguments. I have somewhere to be. So if you don't want to come... FINE. I'll go alone."

She sounded like a snotty little bitch in that moment. She expressed frustration on her face as she scoffed, shaking her head no, "Are you fucking kidding me? Look around... I have been with you over a decade because I AM YOUR FUCKING wife. Not your some girlfriend or a mistress."

That should be his wake up call. Luckily, the house was big enough to contain their shouting. She smirked, "Quickies used to be fun. This is pathetic. I'm not doing that. I have done make up and ready to leave. So how about I... You know what, never mind. I'm going." she said and pushed his hands off of her shoulders and started walking away, taking a step back but still turned towards him.
As quick as a flash, Mark pounced on his wife.

Lifting her off the floor in a bear hug, he quickly spun her body around so that she faced away from him.

He wrapped one of his arms tightly around her neck, and at the same time, rudely shoved his other hand down the front of her panties. He could feel the soft wet folds of her pussy under his fingers.

He pulled her hips hard back against his. He was certain she could feel his hard dick pressed against the cleft of her ass.

He growled in his wife's ear. "You still don't get it, do you," he said, pushing two fingers into her wet cunt. "You're going to remember tonight for the rest of your life. How you remember it is up to you, right now, this second."

He rubbed his fingers back and forth across her clit.

"So, Alessandra," he said, moving his fingers in and out of her pussy, "Are you going to be a good girl and obey me, or not?"
Alessandra wasn’t expecting anything from him so when he pounced on her, she let out a yelp. She was truly surprised. At first, she was thinking he was joking, trying to make some sort of a play but now it was certain to her that he was dead serious. Though she wasn’t scared of him. Besides, she knew some karate and few extra moves since she had started to take lessons from trainer at the gym. Whole bunch of her friends wanted to so she decided to as well.

She felt like a doll when he pulled her into a bear hug and spun her around as if she was some piece of object, “What…what the hell a. Put me down!” She shouted softly as she was still TRYING to be nice. She felt his grip around her neck tighten as his other hand shuffled past the waist band of her panties to play with her wet folds, “I am not wet if you are wondering. That means whatever you think you are doing, it isn’t pleasing me.”

She told him on his face as she tried to move but she felt him pull her back into him and that’s when she could feel his hardening cock pushing up against her pert little ass, smirking, “This is pathetic. This is turning you on?” She confronted, “Oh I am going to remember this for a very long time and if you don’t want to crash on the couch outside, I suggest you let go off me and I might just let you sleep in the bedroom.” She threatened him as she had locked the door behind her plenty times when they had a fight, him having to sleep on the couch for the night. Kids were young so they had no idea what was going on but that was his punishment in some ways and by the morning, her anger would have cooled down.

She nudged her upper back into him to pull back and hold onto his upper arms, almost scratching him a bit, “Obey you? What do you think I am? Your dog? Let go off me…I am already mad since you didn’t bring my dress. You don’t want me madder…”
Mark was surprised at how light Alessandra felt when he picked her up.

Either she's lost weight or I've gotten a hell of a lot stronger, he thought to himself. Probably both. Either way, she felt like a small child struggling in his arms.

He wasn't really listening to whatever she was chirping about, but she certainly was not swept up in the passion of the moment.

When she said, "You don't want me madder," he almost laughed. Instead, he squeezed his biceps around her neck, cutting off the blood flow to her carotid artery.

"This is called a rear naked choke hold, darling," he whispered in her ear. She seemed to forget that he had been in the Mariners for two years before they met. Within seconds, Alessandra's head fell to the side. She was out cold.

Mark knew he only had a few seconds before she woke up. He set his wife down on the floor in front of their bed, then quickly grabbed his leather belt. He looped it together to form emergency handcuffs, slipped one loop around her wrist and the other up and over one bedpost. He pulled it tight. Very tight.

Now Alessandra was still unconscious, but sitting up with her back against the foot of their bed. Her right arm was above her head, her right wrist secured to the bed post. She would have to cut through the belt to escape.

Now let's hear some more smartass bitching, he thought as he looked down at his wife. She was starting to wake up.
He wouldn’t have realized just how lightweight his wife was because of lately, he had only made contact with her when in bed, not really picking her off her feet to actually take her to their bedroom and all sorts of things a couple may do from time to time.

She didn’t give up her struggle just as he was getting more serious and adamant about not letting her go. It got her annoyed when hearing her, he only laughed instead. She felt as if he was choking her when he flexed his biceps around her neck, cutting off the blood flow to her head.

All she heard was him saying something about naked choke and next thing she knew, she was coming back around, god knows after how long. First thing she tried to do as she was coming around was to run her right hand through her hair. Finding it locked and tied above her head, she turned her head to both sides and then up to find herself tied to the bedpost.

She moved her left hand to clear strands of hair off of her face, looking around and finding him stand in front of her, “What sick joke is this. Take this shit off of me!” She demanded as she tried to untie her right hand with her left. She had no idea how the knot was done so it wasn’t easy. Failing at it.
Mark watched his wife come to, curious to see what she would do next. She spat a curse at him, then started trying to undo the belt that secured her wrist to the bed.

He smiled. She wasn't going anywhere. He calmly walked to his closet and found his other dress belt. This one was brown leather instead of black, but otherwise it was nearly identical to the one around Alessandra's wrist.

He returned to the front of the bed to find her still bitching and trying to pull her wrist free. He slowly looped the second belt together as he had the first, then grabbed her free arm and pulled it toward him with a violent jerk. He circled her second wrist with the belt and secured it to the other bedpost, pulling it tight once again.

Then he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Alessandra was sitting on the floor, yelling something at him. Her arms were spread wide, her wrists above her head, each one lashed tightly to a bedpost. He looked down to watch her breasts, still covered by that lacy black bra, rising and falling quickly. She was seriously pissed off.

Mark ignored his wife's protests. Slowly and deliberately, he unbuttoned his dress shirt and took it off, tossing it in the laundry basket. He pulled Alessandra's vanity chair over in front of her and sat down, casually unlacing his dress shoes and removing his shoes and socks.

He stood up and walked to their closet. He took off his dress pants and carefully folded them and hung them up. Now he was wearing only his underwear. He padded back over to the bed and stood before her. Watching his wife's face, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and slid them down his hips and off. He kicked his underwear away and stood tall, watching her eyes travel down his body to his privates.

How long has it been since she's seen me naked, really naked like this? Mark wondered. It had been a long time. She was always asleep when he dressed for work, and even when they did have sex -- and how long has that been? -- it was always in the dark. She didn't like having the lights on.

His erection had subsided since he had wrestled his wife into unconsciousness. His penis and testicles dangled rudely between his legs, just a foot or two from Alessandra's face.

He watched her and waited.
She found the tightness around her right wrist and her shoulder, aching a little since it was tied above her head and she was on the carpeted floor. She tried to pull and pull harder but she failed. She looked up at him when he smiled, looking back at her wrist, “What sort of joke is this. Take this darn thing off.” She still thought she was going to the party if he let her go or even better, she was willing to forget this ever happened.

“Where are you going…? Come back!” She twisted her hand but nothing happened. And in that time, she found him return to her with another belt, yanking her left wrist towards him and then tied it up to the other bedpost. It couldn’t have been easier as she tried to pull and twist her arm back but his had a stronger hold on her wrist. Before she knew, she found herself pulling both ends and the darn bedpost wouldn’t even more. Hoping that the belt would break but that was impossible.

She watched him step back, “Look, I don’t know what sick game you are playing here or what sort of porn or movies you saw, but I hate these sort of things. Had I known you were a pervert, I would have left you long time back. Now let me go!” She said and pulled hard on her wrists again as she watched him take a seat in front of her and undo his shoes and take his socks off. Before she knew, he was stripping his pants off and then walking back towards her only in his underwear.

She scoffed, “So what? Is this how we’re going to have sex? Don’t worry, you have failed to bring me an orgasm plenty times. This won’t help your performance.” She said as he stood right in front of her after taking his boxers off and tossing it away. “Phew…come on. This is pathetic. What is it you really want?” She asked him as she could soon catch the smell of his crotch. Now she really began to twist and turn her body along with her wrists, not knowing that soon it would start leaving marks on her wrists.
Mark laughed when Alessandra said something about her orgasm. Is she really this stupid? Does she still not get what's going on here?

He took his penis in his hand and lazily stroked it in front of her. He had never masturbated in her presence before--she had made it clear she didn't want to know anything about that.

He felt a tingle in his balls as he looked down at her. She was watching his hand slide up and down his stiffening penis. It's not like she had any choice. She was literally a captive audience.

He was semi-erect now, the head of his penis pointing straight at his wife's face. He gripped the base of his dick and stepped forward, then casually rubbed the tip of his penis on her lips. Some of her freshly-applied lipstick smeared on to the head of his cock.

He chuckled again.

"Open wide, Al."

Oh, she knew what was going on. She was just having hard time wrapping her head around that he could do such a thing. As if he was incapable of it. She’d laugh it off and discard this event as if it was a dream come the next day if she could. Of course, that wasn’t going to happen because this was real. He was real and whatever that was happening was damn real.

“This is disgusting. Get that thing out of my face…” She taunted as she hated the smell of it and the feel of it. That was why she never gave him a blowjob…other than first few years of their marriage when everything was FINE.

She knew he masturbated but it was an unspoken act that he never said anything about it nor she ever wanted to know about it. She had pulled her head back, looking up at him as he stroked his soft cock in front of her face. One could say she was disturbed by it but couldn’t do anything at all. She quickly shut her mouth and moved her head left and right but that actually ended with his lips brushing along the tip of his cock, smearing her freshly-applied lipstick. “Get away from me Mark. I am warning you. This won’t be good for you…” She said and leaned down, pushing up from her hips to bring her feet to rest on his knees. Hoping to stop him in the act. The hair was all over her face as she struggled to push him away.
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Mark chuckled as his wife tried to pull her face away from his dick. The footboard made that impossible. Then she turned her head from side to side, but all that did was smear more of her lipstick on his cockhead and his precum on her face. She was starting to look a little messed up.

Then she put her feet on his knees, as if she was going to try to push him over. Not a chance. Mark quickly chopped his hands down on her ankles, knocking her feet away and making her cry out in pain. He stepped even closer to her and used his legs to pin her knees back against the footboard. Now her legs were spread wide open and she was immobilized against the end of the bed. Her pelvis was titled straight up beneath him, her privates covered only by those sexy black panties she had never shown him before. She could struggle all she wanted--she did not have nearly the strength or the leverage to push her husband away from her.

And now he was very close to her. His entire crotch was now pressed firmly against her face. His half-erect cock sloped across her delicate cheekbones and his balls rested against her chin.

Mark reached down and pinched his wife's nose closed.

"I said open wide, Al," he said coldly.
She ended up bumping the back of her head into the footboard hard as she flinched back. It was obvious that she had no way out of it. On top of that, it ended up being bad with his precum smearing over her lips, making her lipstick smudge across and beyond her lips.

To make the matters worse, her feet on his knees were now pushed away and spread across the floor as she sat with her hands tied and now her legs, locked into an awkward spread position. She tried twisting her wrists but she had tried that already and knew nothing would happen.

Though, when he reached down to pinch her nose, she couldn’t help but open her mouth and then felt it get stuffed with his doughy feeling of his soft cock. Though, she’d be lieing if she said it was all too soft. It was just starting to stiffen as she moved her face but also felt it being locked. She squeezed her eyes shut when she felt another few drops of his precum swirl around her tongue in that moment. She looked up in that moment, looking so furious now but all that anger and power meant nothing at all for now.
Mark thought Alessandra would hold her breath until she passed out, but instead she opened her mouth to take a breath and he shoved his cock right in. He felt the warm wetness engulf the head of his prick and then a tingle ran through his body as he felt his wife's tongue swirl underneath his cockhead.

I bet that wasn't intentional, he thought.

He looked down at his wife and met her eyes. She was plainly furious, staring daggers right through him. At least she shut the fuck up for once, he thought.

He could feel his cock growing, pushing back deeper into her mouth. He held his hips firm and let his stiffening prick expand against her lips. He let go of her nose so she could breathe... for the moment.

He looked down at her with a contemptuous smirk.

"Now you're getting the idea, Al," he snarled. "Now be a good wife and suck your husband's dick, and don't do anything stupid. If you bite me, darling, I'll choke you with my cock until you pass out again, and then I'll fuck your throat while you're unconscious."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "And if you think I'm bluffing, honey, just try me."

He pulled his hips back and then pushed his dick back into his wife's mouth.
Alessandra wouldn’t want to pass out again. She didn’t like to lose her stand. She did once and it gave him an opportunity to tie her up. Only if she hadn’t, she would have made it tough for him to tie her up. She ended up opening her mouth to take a breath and found her mouth get stuffed. His soft cock, mushing all of inside her mouth, wetting the whole thing with her saliva whether she wanted it or not.

He’d find her mouth warm and her tongue struggling to move around. In turn, it would twirl around his shaft, giving pleasure even when she wasn’t trying. Just then, she tasted the saliva turn salty and she know it was his precum. She winced her eyes and tried to push him off but couldn’t. Her eyes met hers just as she opened her eyes, glaring up at him as she was furious now. Even she could feel his cock come to life and she was surprised that he was finding pleasure in all of this. As of her, she hated it.

It was soft to begin with and was okay but as it started to stiffen, her mouth started to feel tiny in comparison. Now, he had a decent cock but she never let him push it all the way inside her. After some inches, she felt immense amount of pain that she always asked him to go slow and not all the way. She felt disgusted by it all, tasting the salty and slimy precum in her mouth had her salivating…whether she liked it OR NOT.

She already had gotten an idea what was going on so when he snarled at her, she so wanted to bite him. Though she couldn’t even if she tried. First of all, his threat sounded very much real seeing what he’s turned into and second, her jaw ached now so she couldn’t even get that strong of a grip. Years of hearing tantrums and not saying anything, all that pent up anger towards her and their marriage was finally coming out. In that moment, he seemed like a beast and not her husband.

Okay, so she might not bite him and probably won’t even want to try it, but she wasn’t going to suck him still. She felt him pull his cock out a little and she felt good for a second but felt her mouth open wide when he slammed it back into her mouth, pushing all of her saliva that had pooled in the bottom of her mouth. She felt her throat open up, pushing her saliva down her throat and the rest out the other way, down her chin and onto her neck.
Alessandra was starting to look a little worse for wear. Her eyes were watering and her mascara was starting to trickle down her face. And she was drooling. A lot. Her saliva was dripping down her chin and on to Mark's balls, then running down her neck and between her tits.

Mark smiled a little. His wife wasn't exactly used to having his hard dick in her mouth. It was fully erect now, pushing deep into the back of her mouth. He could feel her lips squeezing and releasing his shaft, but he was pretty sure that was accidental.

She wasn't biting, but she wasn't sucking either. She seemed to be trying to push Mark's cock out of her mouth, but of course she had no leverage.

Mark pulled out of Alessandra's mouth and started to slap her face with his dick. It made wet little splat sounds against her cheeks. Such perfect cheekbones, Mark thought. Slap. Slap. Slap.

"What's it going to be, Al?" he asked sarcastically. "Are you going to be a good little wife and suck my cock properly, or would you rather I just fuck your face? Either one is good with me."

He bounced his cockhead off her pretty little upturned nose. "I'll give you five seconds to make up your mind."
Alessandra knew that she looked like crap by now, with the way he was treating her and had tied her to the bedpost. The way he was behaving with her and how he was choking her, it had made her eyes watery which ruined her mascara, mixed with her tears from gagging as it trickled down her face.

It was really becoming messy as her saliva had started to seep out of her mouth and onto her slender neck, down to her cleavage valley. Her gaze would occasionally looked up to his face, finding the man content, seeing him like that for the first time in years. She could feel him reaching his full length as he started to push deep into the back of her mouth. She couldn't even bite him if she wanted to.

All she could do was push but her hands were tied so not even that. She wasn't sucking but her mouth was full of saliva, which would be the lubrication his cock needed to enter in and out with ease. When he started slapping her face with his cock, not only it made sounds but it made her cheeks cover in her spit. Her hair that moved up to her face was caught and gotten stuck to her cheeks.

It was sure a messy scene as she sat there helpless. "Go fuck yourself..." she grunted as he asked her, struggled but it made no difference. She moved her head away but he got her nose, making it wet as her whole face felt sticky. "I don't need five seconds...this is all you can do, you coward." There, she said it. What would be the consequence of her calling him such a strong word? She will see soon.
Mark smiled. He had almost hoped that would be his wife's response.

Without another word, he pushed his cock slowly back into his wife's mouth. Inch by inch, he worked his prick in deeper and deeper, feeling her lips stretch wider around his shaft. He did not stop until his entire dick was in her mouth. His balls rested on her chin and he could feel the tip of his penis pushing against the back of her throat.

He heard her gag and felt her throat convulse around his cockhead. He looked down at his wife and saw her looking up at him, panic in her eyes. She obviously didn't think he would go this far. As she looked up at him she gagged again, involuntarily pushing her head forward and his dick even further down her throat.

"Breathe through your nose, honey," Mark said spitefully. He reached down and put both of his hands on her head, gripping handfuls of hair tightly in his fists. He pushed her head back against the footboard so she couldn't move at all. Then, as he stared emotionlessly into her eyes, he started fucking her face slowly. Pulling his cock all the way out of her mouth, then slowing pushing it back in, feeling her tongue on his shaft and her throat trying to close around his dickhead. His wife gagged every time the tip of his cock reached her throat.

He watched her as he fucked her mouth. Drool was pouring out of both sides of her mouth now, and his cock made loud squishing sounds every time he pushed it back into her.

"Your mouth feels just like a hot, wet cunt, Alessandra," he said as he started to thrust a little faster. "I'm going to have to start fucking your face more often. What do you think about that? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess it's hard to talk with your mouth full."

He laughed again and watched his cock slide in and out of his wife's mouth.
She couldn't go back to being his usual wife. This had crossed all the limits and he'd really made her feel filthy as he had used her nothign but as if she was just another animal. And he continues to use her in such manners.

She let out a long gasp as he pushed his cock back insider her mouth, pushing all the air out. He started working his cock deeper and deeper, stretching her pert lips. Her jaw was starting to ache and lock due to her jaw muscles growing tired. She could feel it.

She could also feel his cock in the back of her throat as he showed no mercy. It was as if he was a different man totally and she'd just met him. If she was standing in some corner and watching him do that to another girl, she would surely find it hard to believe that's her husband. Maybe some look alike.

She breathe through her nose upon him reminding but still it was so hard to do so. Feeling him slam her head back against the board, drawing his cock all the way out before shoving it back inside her maw, making that squishing sound of her saliva. Feeling him pick up his pace, the room filled with lewd noises and her grunts mixed with her moans. Moans of struggles, now pleasure.

She started to gag again as it tickled the back of her throat but not as much as she was before. Her throat would close on his tip, squeezing and massaging it, pleasing it against her own will in that moment. Her body did serve as a pleasure toy for him and his cock. She looked like a big mess and if she were to look herself in a mirror, she wouldn't recognize herself at all. She couldn’t do anything at all but move her legs but that wasn't enough. It was best for him to maybe finish so he'd actually let her go, let her loose.
Mark was enjoying the view from above, watching his thick, ugly cock slide in and out of his wife's pretty little mouth. She wasn't actively resisting any more, just staring up at him with those angry eyes as he fucked her face.

Every time he pushed his prick into Alessandra's throat, he could feel it spasm around his cockhead. The sensation was exquisite and Mark could feel a huge orgasm building in his balls.

"I'm going to cum in your mouth, Al," he said, smiling down at her. "How long has it been since you let me do that? Seven years? Eight? And this time you're going to swallow every drop. And you've never done that, not with me, at least. Always running to spit my cum in the sink, even before we got married. Well, Alessandra, things are about to change. A lot of things."

Mark gripped his wife's hair even tighter and pumped his bulging dick in and out of her face, faster and faster. He could feel her tongue underneath his cock and her throat milking his prick with every thrust. He grunted with every stroke, watching his balls slap lewdly against Al's chin.

Suddenly he felt the first wave of his orgasm hit and the first spurt of cum shot out of his cock and straight down his wife's throat. He shortened his strokes immediately so his cum would squirt right on to her tongue. He wanted her to taste it all.
She watched him with a stare so mean that could be read as if she was going to kill him after this. Though she had no idea that she'd have no authority after he's done with her tonight. She'd be scarred in a way that would haunt her forever.

This could very much be fun for her as well only if she were to be into such kinks. Maybe she was but had no idea. Who knows. Though it would be a surprising day in history when she'd come to terms with him. For now, that day was no way near. She'd grace herself seeing him jerk his hips into her mouth, thrusting inside her as if it was meant to be hole to be fucked. Her throat would spasm again and again, letting some of her drool slip down her throat, while some would slip out of her mouth.

Her eyes widened the moment he informed her that he was going to cum inside her mouth. She shook her head no, instantly tried to pull back as well but she ended up hurting/bumping her head into headboard, reminding she had no escape from this. What he said was right. She had only done this some times and of those times, she'd run off to spit it all out of her mouth.

She'd even go as far as to brush her teeth right after, as if rinsing wasn't enough. It was all coming back to her, a payback. After all those years. She felt him grip her hair and driven by his anger towards her, he started to fuck her mouth vigorously. Long strings of drool would reach from her mouth to various points such as her chest, his halls, thighs and even her belly.

Soft moans and grunts started slipping out of her mouth as he continued to ram his cock into her mouth. He wouldn't even listen to her anymore as he was his own man. Normally she's able to put him down but not anymore. And there it was, his first spurt of his cum that was shot in the back of her throat that actually slipped down her throat. Forcing her to swallow it in that moment, she winced her eyes, making her want to puke but it wasn't that easy. Maybe it was better that he spurt all his cum in the back of her throat. That way she wouldn't have to taste it. But again, her outsmarted her by making his strokes bit shorter, painting her tongue white while his stroke would continue to push that cum. down her tongue and into her throat. Feeling as if she'd puke any minute now but it just was her sensation to that cum. Slowly it slipped down her throat and she could do nothing about it except shake her head side to side, if he'd allow it.
When that first shot of cum hit her throat, Alessandra winced and tried to pull away, tried to turn her head. But it was no use. Mark's fingers gripped her hair so tightly that it was impossible for her to move her head. She just had to sit there while her husband emptied his balls into her mouth.

"That's it, take all my cum, you fucking bitch," Mark growled, as his cock twitched and pulsed and squirted more and more semen onto her tongue. He hadn't cum in more than a week, and he hadn't cum this hard in a long time.

Finally, his orgasm started to subside, but he held his cock in his wife's mouth. She wasn't going to spit out his cum this time.

"Now be a good girl and swallow the rest of my cum, darling," he said sweetly, smiling down at her.