At least 20% of the population are socially conservative yet there is no wholesome...


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
entertainment in the mainstream culture whatsoever.

Social and/or moral conservatives are AT LEAST 20%. This is an extremely low estimate and is an absolute minimum. Based on various criteria you could put the number at anywhere from 20% to 40% or even by some definitions an outright majority, which far far exceeds the number of gays (about 2-3%). Even including casual bisexuals, gays certainly are less than 10%, even being really generous and throwing in all the young women who messed around with their sorority sisters a few times in college its still almost certainly less than the percentage of social conservatives. Yet, gays have long had their own pop culture and are now fully integrated into the regular pop culture as well. Gay themes outnumber family values themes by about 100% to 0% in today's pop culture.

There is literally no effort to provide entertainment to this potentially large and ignored niche market. The only wholesome entertainment at all is the occasional kids movie (which are sometimes even questionable too) and some third rate Christian music which prattles on about Jesus all the time.

Clearly, Big Entertainment is willing to deliberately ignore the potential massive profits from the Values Sector of society by absolutely refusing to provide ANY mainstream entertainment for it. They would rather LOSE money for their own ideological reasons. Something is wrong with this picture.
There is some excellent Christian Music and there are some good Movies but I miss shows like the Walton's and Little House on the Prairie. (Don't say a word!!!!;))
Are you kidding us?

There's an entire channel (Fox News) dedicated exclusively to the amusement and titillation of Social and/or Moral Conservatives.
Are you kidding us?

There's an entire channel (Fox News) dedicated exclusively to the amusement and titillation of Social and/or Moral Conservatives.

Yeah, but that's just propaganda, I think he means like, sitcoms and cartoons and reality tv and whatnot.
You know another place gay themes outnumber family values themes? THE SITE YOU ARE CURRENTLY POSTING ON.

Well, and everywhere. Because when he says "gay" he means "anyone who isn't strait" which sociologists tell us is 90% of the population. There are about 10% of people who are attracted to one gender exclusively on either side- either gay or strait, and everyone else is somewhere along the sexuality scale.
No adult has watched wholesome entertainment in thirty years or more. Because people like that don't exist anymore and probably never did.
No adult has watched wholesome entertainment in thirty years or more. Because people like that don't exist anymore and probably never did.

When I say "wholesome" my brain goes to food. So I'm trying to think of what the entertainment equivalency of delicious beef stew is.
I think it's the Twilight Zone.

Watch the Twilight Zone.

And eat awesome beef stew.
"Social conservatives" are responsible for turning Discovery Channel into a fucking reality network.

Stop ruining TV, idiots.
I'm sure that the Lawrence Welk Show is on some weird channels in some parts of the country.
I found it funny that Breaking Bad was on the wholesome questionable list.
Doctor Insanus please stop posting. I've been alive for nearly six hundred years, I remember slavery, the Spanish Inquisition, the Halocaust, Disco and Vetteman's fist post and I've still never seen anything in all of history that justifies you'r goddamn siggy.
There is some excellent Christian Music and there are some good Movies but I miss shows like the Walton's and Little House on the Prairie. (Don't say a word!!!!;))


Doctor Insanus please stop posting. I've been alive for nearly six hundred years, I remember slavery, the Spanish Inquisition, the Halocaust, Disco and Vetteman's fist post and I've still never seen anything in all of history that justifies you'r goddamn siggy.

Oh I love it's so fucking offensive watching that greasy little troll crawly out of a couch coochie .

Fantastic post btw....
Your stomach, it very very strong. Mine not made of adamantium. Only cast iron. Cannot handle, cannot handle!
Yeah, but that's just propaganda, I think he means like, sitcoms and cartoons and reality tv and whatnot.

But, when RWs do that stuff, it's never any good. It's like with RW editorial humor and stand-up comedy and political cartoons -- they're never funny. They're fucking embarrassing, and not to their intended targets. Something about RW politics seems to kill the esthetic sensibilities. RWs somehow have a deficiency in the Imagination Gland.
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Disney ain't wholesome enough for you?! It's certainly mainstream.

Not anymore, they even have Tinkerbell twerking now.
entertainment in the mainstream culture whatsoever.

Social and/or moral conservatives are AT LEAST 20%. This is an extremely low estimate and is an absolute minimum. Based on various criteria you could put the number at anywhere from 20% to 40% or even by some definitions an outright majority, which far far exceeds the number of gays (about 2-3%). Even including casual bisexuals, gays certainly are less than 10%, even being really generous and throwing in all the young women who messed around with their sorority sisters a few times in college its still almost certainly less than the percentage of social conservatives. Yet, gays have long had their own pop culture and are now fully integrated into the regular pop culture as well. Gay themes outnumber family values themes by about 100% to 0% in today's pop culture.

There is literally no effort to provide entertainment to this potentially large and ignored niche market. The only wholesome entertainment at all is the occasional kids movie (which are sometimes even questionable too) and some third rate Christian music which prattles on about Jesus all the time.

Clearly, Big Entertainment is willing to deliberately ignore the potential massive profits from the Values Sector of society by absolutely refusing to provide ANY mainstream entertainment for it. They would rather LOSE money for their own ideological reasons. Something is wrong with this picture.

Go to Branson, MO

I want if there is a free-market solution to that?
Not anymore, they even have Tinkerbell twerking now.

Dude, Tink's always had a hot ass.

Having said that, I like that Tink, in that gif, from Peter Pan, much better than the one who talks and shit.

Plus, she heals me in battle and I really need that shit.