ASSHAT AWARDS: Best of the Worst PMs and Emails Received

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chris9 said:
And are you stunned to? Are you stuttering yet? :p
Well to be honest, it was interesting to read your profile there, and learn a bit more about you ;)
FurryFury said:
Where's the picture? *looks hard and wonders if she is going blind*

Fury :rose:
See the " ;) " in my original post? I was just making fun of this guy, adding the profile info so people could understand the joke :D Seems like I wasn't so very successful :eek: I'm not posting my face over there before it'll be up as my AV here.
chris9 said:
See the " ;) " in my original post? I was just making fun of this guy, adding the profile info so people could understand the joke :D Seems like I wasn't so very successful :eek: I'm not posting my face over there before it'll be up as my AV here.

*smacks head with palm*


I shouda known!

Fury :rose:
Anyone else had a pm recently from someone with no registered posts claiming to want to learn about being a male submissive, then describing three group sex acts in detail however they seemed to lack all elements of submission??

Can't believe it was only me who got that :rolleyes:
shy slave said:
Anyone else had a pm recently from someone with no registered posts claiming to want to learn about being a male submissive, then describing three group sex acts in detail however they seemed to lack all elements of submission??

Can't believe it was only me who got that :rolleyes:
Aw, not me!
shy slave said:
Anyone else had a pm recently from someone with no registered posts claiming to want to learn about being a male submissive, then describing three group sex acts in detail however they seemed to lack all elements of submission??

Can't believe it was only me who got that :rolleyes:

It's cause you're so special! :kiss:
shy slave said:
Anyone else had a pm recently from someone with no registered posts claiming to want to learn about being a male submissive, then describing three group sex acts in detail however they seemed to lack all elements of submission??

Can't believe it was only me who got that :rolleyes:
He wants to do Andante, and have you watch? :eek:
AngelicAssassin said:
He wants to do Andante, and have you watch? :eek:


If only it had been that interesting a pm!!

It just talked about being given him commands to have sex with people.
I wish people would read more porn and have an active imagination before they decided to try and write down what they wanted.


Of course, if he wants Andante he can pm him and ask him.

Gracie has volunteered to watch so I can read a book and relax whilst they are all busy.

I wouldn't want to get in the way now, would I!

shy slave said:

If only it had been that interesting a pm!!

It just talked about being given him commands to have sex with people.
I wish people would read more porn and have an active imagination before they decided to try and write down what they wanted.


Of course, if he wants Andante he can pm him and ask him.

Gracie has volunteered to watch so I can read a book and relax whilst they are all busy.

I wouldn't want to get in the way now, would I!


You can read while that is going on?
So the other day I get this PM:

asshat of the week said:
you sound like the perfect sub/slave. tell me more and send me your pics for my review. As a slave, your sexual orientation is of no importance, they do whatever they are told with whoever they are told. :)

I am very experienced and would love to own a slave girl like you. you would be kept naked or nearly naked most of the time. you would rarely wear panties and bra in public and would dress very skimpy. So when bending and sitting people would see your tits, cunt and ass. I love to discipline, bind, cage and use you as a sex toy of course but I would expect househould duties to be done such as cleaning in the nude....

I look forward to reviewing pics of your body..

get all your girlfriends to join collarme... there is a shortage of nice sub/slaves to train/own!!

I admit, I jumped in his shit big time, because it says all over my profile that I'm not available, yadda yadda yadda.... And yes, I was in a mood that day.

me said:
Who the heck do you think you are?

First, my profile clearly states that I am NOT available. Second, your profile states that you are in PA, and I am most assuredly not in PA, again as clearly stated in my profile. Third, don't ever presume to give orders to a girl who does not belong to you. Fourth, I will most certainly NOT "get all my girlfriends to sign up here." Not all women are submissive and I like and respect the ones who are too much to put them in the path of a man like you.

Get a clue! Check the ego at the door and read profiles and actually look for someone with whom you are compatible.....

PS You also stated "If you wish discrete training...."

Discrete: 1. Constituting a seperate thing; individual, seperate. 2. Consisting of unconnected distinct parts.

Discreet: 1. Having or showing a judicious reserve in one's speech or behavior, respectful or modest. 2. Lacking orientation or pretension, unobtrusive.

I prefer my "training" to be concrete, rather discrete. However, I do thank you for my daily chuckle. I'm sure the 9 or so submissives on this site with whom I've shared your PM will enjoy it.

My sent mail file shows that he did read my original reply, so he replied by sending me the exact same PM as he sent originally. Oh yeah baby! Nothing says "I heart you" like sending her a form letter! Anyway, I do find him amusing and I expect he was trying to annoy me by re-sending. I haven't decided if I'm going to reply yet. I am sort of having fun messing with him.
snowy ciara said:
So the other day I get this PM:

I admit, I jumped in his shit big time, because it says all over my profile that I'm not available, yadda yadda yadda.... And yes, I was in a mood that day.

My sent mail file shows that he did read my original reply, so he replied by sending me the exact same PM as he sent originally. Oh yeah baby! Nothing says "I heart you" like sending her a form letter! Anyway, I do find him amusing and I expect he was trying to annoy me by re-sending. I haven't decided if I'm going to reply yet. I am sort of having fun messing with him.
i wonder if thats the one who was the reason i deleted my collar me profile....if it is he will start getting really rude in the PMs he sends.
WHAT THE HELL.............
I was on Yahoo IM and somebody sent me a message about my 'ad' at . I never heard of that site, I am not member, and and and . Damn. Their IM profile had NO info for gender, marital status, age, etc. Just a name 'babysarah188'. That name is not listed in the Yahoo member directory. I hate getting hit on in cyber space. I get that enough at the local 7-11 and Quik Trip.
greenmands said:
WHAT THE HELL.............
I was on Yahoo IM and somebody sent me a message about my 'ad' at . I never heard of that site, I am not member, and and and . Damn. Their IM profile had NO info for gender, marital status, age, etc. Just a name 'babysarah188'. That name is not listed in the Yahoo member directory. I hate getting hit on in cyber space. I get that enough at the local 7-11 and Quik Trip.
I suspect it was somebody advertising for that site. Every time I log into Yahoo IM I get a ton of spam crap like that, so I don't sign in there anymore. Fuckwads. :rolleyes:
I once had a girl contact me. She told me "someone else" had told her I was fun but couldn't say who. She also told me it "hurt" her feelings the way people treated her when they found out she was underage. The words spam and entrapment entered my mind.

I was nice. I sure as hell didn't talk about anything that could be illegal with her though.


I'm convinced it was a random contact. I rarely talk to anyone on any chat thingie now and I'm always invisible when I sign in because there are some people out there that don't realize my time is just that, my time.

Fury :rose:
FurryFury said:
I once had a girl contact me. She told me "someone else" had told her I was fun but couldn't say who. She also told me it "hurt" her feelings the way people treated her when they found out she was underage. The words spam and entrapment entered my mind.

I was nice. I sure as hell didn't talk about anything that could be illegal with her though.


I'm convinced it was a random contact. I rarely talk to anyone on any chat thingie now and I'm always invisible when I sign in because there are some people out there that don't realize my time is just that, my time.

Fury :rose:

I know what you mean about staying invisible. Although with me it's cause whenever I go visible I get slammed. I can't do more than three conversations, and take care of the kids. It makes me cranky.
graceanne said:
I know what you mean about staying invisible. Although with me it's cause whenever I go visible I get slammed. I can't do more than three conversations, and take care of the kids. It makes me cranky.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Six months ago I was getting slammed too. Now most of those folks have probably, hopefully, forgotten all about me!

Fury :rose:

LunarKitten said:
Woohhooo...I have a new sig line!!! :devil:

Aww! How wonderful! *smiles*

Fury :rose:

FurryFury said:
I'm convinced it was a random contact. I rarely talk to anyone on any chat thingie now and I'm always invisible when I sign in because there are some people out there that don't realize my time is just that, my time.

Fury :rose:

Ah ha! I was right. I have every thing locked down so tight that almost no one can find me. Invisible is good. For some people it is usually on. Never is it on for everyone. I still have the generic address for 360. Yahoo doesn't like that but they can live with it. :)
ThorkelGriersen said:
Ah ha! I was right. I have every thing locked down so tight that almost no one can find me. Invisible is good. For some people it is usually on. Never is it on for everyone. I still have the generic address for 360. Yahoo doesn't like that but they can live with it. :)

Good for you! Time is too precious to be pushed into what you are not interested in!

Fury :rose:
It's not a PM, just a mean-spirited observation of mine:

Have you seen the movie "Napoleon Dynamite?" Have you ever noticed how half the Doms on collarme look (and write) just like Napoleon's brother Kip?
NemoAlia said:
It's not a PM, just a mean-spirited observation of mine:

Have you seen the movie "Napoleon Dynamite?" Have you ever noticed how half the Doms on collarme look (and write) just like Napoleon's brother Kip?


Freakin' idiots! Gosh!

Fury :rose:
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