Article: Christian Conservatives alone in their views, face massive referendum


You're screwed.
Apr 8, 2003
Good article:

Christian Conservatives Face Reality: Increasingly, They Stand Alone

"By all indications, conservative Christians are poised to vote again overwhelmingly for former President Donald J. Trump in November. But now, they are facing the reality that many of their views are not widely held, and that to advance their goals nationally they need power at the highest levels — power that Mr. Trump suddenly seems less inclined to give.

In that way, the coming election feels like a referendum on the role of conservative Christianity in American public life. And some conservative Christians worry that it is a race that is harder and harder to win."
This is why conservative Christians are so focused on elementary school indoctrination now.
Once children learn critical thinking skills, it is too late to force Christian Nationalism orthodoxy upon them.

The average age of a conservative Christian is well over 60 now, and church attendance in general is in severe decline. At some level, they have to know their days as a meaningful political force are just about over, especially since they declared their cultural jihad "won" with the Dobbs decision.
Good article:

Christian Conservatives Face Reality: Increasingly, They Stand Alone

"By all indications, conservative Christians are poised to vote again overwhelmingly for former President Donald J. Trump in November. But now, they are facing the reality that many of their views are not widely held, and that to advance their goals nationally they need power at the highest levels — power that Mr. Trump suddenly seems less inclined to give.

In that way, the coming election feels like a referendum on the role of conservative Christianity in American public life. And some conservative Christians worry that it is a race that is harder and harder to win."
Could it be that there was a downside to evangelicals cutting a deal with Satan?
The founding fathers, for the most part, were Christian white dudes who had the forethought to specifically add wordage about the separation of church and state. They did not say our elected representatives must be non religious or that religious people could not select representatives that closely align with their beliefs.

Given the left's disdain for religion, specifically Christinity, why a Christian would ever vote Democrat escapes me. :)
The USA would be much better returning to separation between church and state.

Take your Christian Nationalists and shove them up your ass. Do the same with Islamic Nationalists.

The founding fathers, for the most part, were Christian white dudes who had the forethought to specifically add wordage about the separation of church and state. They did not say our elected representatives must be non religious or that religious people could not select representatives that closely align with their beliefs.

Given the left's disdain for religion, specifically Christinity, why a Christian would ever vote Democrat escapes me. :)
A lot of things seem to escape you.
Interesting how so many Christian Conservatives, when asked to defend their own ranks, respond instead by attempting to deflect to another religion.

That lack of character is probably the most threatening thing to their ideology - and it's a weakness which comes from within. 🙂
Interesting how so many Christian Conservatives, when asked to defend their own ranks, respond instead by attempting to deflect to another religion.

That lack of character is probably the most threatening thing to their ideology - and it's a weakness which comes from within. 🙂
Christians have been "standing alone" since the very beginning. Pontius Pilate was a registered Democrat. :)