An evening in front of the PC- Ask me Anything!


Mar 12, 2002
I figure since the hockey game is on, and since honey generally ties himself up with other sports news on a Saturday evening, I have some time to be on the computer...

so... feel free to ask me whatever you like, and I'll do my best to answer those questions.
Were I at my place, yes, because I have a calling plan, but here, no, cus I don't have one here at honey's place
Why is it that people in the amateur picture board have such long sig lines, can't they see everytime they post it makes the page 10 feet long? One offensive person would be snake.....
ridddder said:
Why is it that people in the amateur picture board have such long sig lines, can't they see everytime they post it makes the page 10 feet long? One offensive person would be snake.....

I asked that same question on the Playground... got some interesting answers.

Hi , Ridddder... :)
*grin* I don't know, actually.. I suppose they just want to show off things that are important to them. But it's not just Am Pic people who have long siglines.. there are some people from the GB who are guilty of that as well.

Also, maybe it's because many of the siglines in the Am Pic board are pictures, and therefore, are more accepted in that type of board?
red_rose said:
Why aren't you watching the hockey game?

Just didn't feel like listening to Jim Hueson (however you spell his name) scream out ridiculous cliche's and such.

(sorry all you hockey fans, but the guy DOES use a lot of cliche's)
vix, i don't have a question...i just wanted to say i like this look like an adorable librarian...
littlekateyes said:
How are you, where have you been, how was your holiday? I love the av.

I'm well (ill, but well), I've been at home to visit family, and my holiday was interesting, to say the least... and thank you.
vixenshe said:
I'm well (ill, but well), I've been at home to visit family, and my holiday was interesting, to say the least... and thank you.
Ill with? I hope you feel better soon. :)
MaggieH said:
vix, i don't have a question...i just wanted to say i like this look like an adorable librarian...

Thank you! :D I was an adorable paper-writer when I took that pic
Here, we call bacon in a circle "Canadian Bacon".

Do you all call the strip form "American Bacon"?

What color would you say your hair is?

It looks cherry...
vixenshe said:
so... feel free to ask me whatever you like, and I'll do my best to answer those questions.

Do you know where The Laurel Point Inn is? That's where I was today. :)
Shaq said:
Here, we call bacon in a circle "Canadian Bacon".

Do you all call the strip form "American Bacon"?

What color would you say your hair is?

It looks cherry...
I call Bacon in a strip 'American Bacon', or just bacon.

And my hair is supposed to be 'Noir Fatale', Black Cherry. (There are 3 Noir Fatale colours, Cherry, Midnight something or other, and a bluish one).
Re: Re: An evening in front of the PC- Ask me Anything!

Mia62 said:
Do you know where The Laurel Point Inn is? That's where I was today. :)

Nope, not a clue... where is it?
SFDom said:
What is the meaning of life? (that'll keep you busy for a bit)

To be or not to be, that is the question....

The meaning of life is happiness....

We learn through each successive life....

Any of those work?