Am I The Cheater?

If the one in the relationship is the seducer, he/she is the cheater twice over. Potentially causing heart-ache and more to his/her partner and his/her fling.
When he gets caught, and she comes and punches you in the can say...hey, it wasn't me cheating.

next question will be....was it worth it...that you can only answer yourself...have fun
if you're asking for the biblical view then, yes, you are an adulterer even if you yourself are not married.

if you want my view you'll have to wait awhile because it's too early and i don't care enough right now beyond saying i think you're probably at least a bit of a selfish shit.

hypothetically, of course.
At best, you are co-conspiring with a cheater. At worst, you are a selfish fuckwad with no self esteem and potentially assisting with fucking up the lives of a woman and a few kids. Hypothetical, of course.
At best, you are co-conspiring with a cheater. At worst, you are a selfish fuckwad with no self esteem and potentially assisting with fucking up the lives of a woman and a few kids. Hypothetical, of course.

But if you spotted $500 on the street, would you pick up the money or walk on? You know the next person will, if you don't.

Analogous, if a person is out to cheat and you say no, he/she will move on and find somebody else. So by abstaining, all you do is miss out - you're not helping the wronged spouse or their relationship.
But if you spotted $500 on the street, would you pick up the money or walk on? You know the next person will, if you don't.

Analogous, if a person is out to cheat and you say no, he/she will move on and find somebody else. So by abstaining, all you do is miss out - you're not helping the wronged spouse or their relationship.

Miss out on what? The person who is cheating (and not in an open relationship) is most likely sneaking around. Make furtive calls, quick assignations. Probably not much time for wining and dining or strolls on the beach.

It's more likely to be wham, bam thank you for the great sex and now I have to go back to my partner or family. Whine, moan, bitch blah blah I'm not getting any at home or my partner doesn't show me enough attention.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking to pin a big A on anyone. I'm just saying that for most people who are cheating the cheatee is not getting a lot. But if that's what they're looking for then shrug. That's their choice.

It's not romantic or exciting when you get caught and the angry spouse gets into a bitch fight with you.

I had a no married man rule when I was dating too. I found out a guy I had been dating who lied was married and I was pissed off and dumped a drink in his lap. I know he had a great time dating me and showing me off to his friends. He had the cheek to show up at my work to get me to change my mind. What an asshole.

Now many years on I have seen the fall out of cheating when friends have done it and no one gets out unscathed.
What Debbie said. She's smart and always says it best.

Also, if I saw the money on the ground, I would pick it up and drop it off at the police station because doing the right thing when nobody is watching is, well, doing the right thing. Glad there are people like me everywhere to counteract the douchery. In fact, we outnumber the douches, it is just that the douches get all the attention because their douchery is Just. So. Loud.
What Debbie said. She's smart and always says it best.

Also, if I saw the money on the ground, I would pick it up and drop it off at the police station because doing the right thing when nobody is watching is, well, doing the right thing. Glad there are people like me everywhere to counteract the douchery. In fact, we outnumber the douches, it is just that the douches get all the attention because their douchery is Just. So. Loud.

self-righteous bitch
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Cheater cheater penis eater:
it looks like the line of demarkation is very bold with people on each side.
I do take to heart the fact that I wouldn't want to hurt anyone, including an unsuspecting wife.

I'm thinking cheating is a topic like politics. If you step in the waters, it's quite messy.
If it wasnt you, it'd be someone else for him. Enabling a cheater isnt so bad unless you know/are friends with the wife. Maybe this will bring a new spark to their marriage.
What Debbie said. She's smart and always says it best.

Also, if I saw the money on the ground, I would pick it up and drop it off at the police station because doing the right thing when nobody is watching is, well, doing the right thing. Glad there are people like me everywhere to counteract the douchery. In fact, we outnumber the douches, it is just that the douches get all the attention because their douchery is Just. So. Loud.

I am pleased there are people like you too. :) Some will scoff and say that we would pick it up if we could get away with it.

I wouldn't. Not just because it isn't my money but because that money could be all the owners money they have. Or they need it to buy food etc.

I lost my wallet once when my kids were small. It had all my id etc and a small amount of food money. I cried all the way to the local police station where to my surprise it had been handed in. I was so grateful and walked home knowing that I would have received a hiding for losing the money. Any excuse would do.

If it wasnt you, it'd be someone else for him. Enabling a cheater isnt so bad unless you know/are friends with the wife. Maybe this will bring a new spark to their marriage.

That is a good thing to tell yourself when you need to ease your conscience.

I know if my man cheated I would think he was so sexy 'cos he pulled. ;)

I'm thinking cheating is a topic like politics. If you step in the waters, it's quite messy.

It's like poo on your shoe.
A stinky and sticky mess. :D

A friend I know who cheated wasn't very happy. She said it was exciting in the beginning. All the sneaking around, the danger of possibility of getting caught, the hot sex. After awhile she found it sucked because they worked around when he wanted sex. Her hubby was getting suspicious. She jumped when her cellphone rang or worried hubby would notice a change in her.

Then she got caught and there was hell to pay. She lost a lot including her self worth. She was down on herself for years and had to start over financially and picking up her emotional well being and the kids dealing with the separation and how angry their Dad was for quite awhile. He started drinking heavily and she blamed herself.

So, just be aware it probably isn't all it's cracked up to be.

A couple of mistresses have commented here over the years and some of them felt it was a positive thing for them. They felt they got showered with gifts, attention without the baggage of being in a relationship and dealing with that side of it.
Everything's better than Cheetos.

Reminds me of my all-time favorite General Board joke:

Doctor! Doctor! My cock has turned bright orange!
Good Lord, son, what have you been doing?
Nothing, Doc, I swear! Just eatin' Cheetos and Skyping with Lorilei!
With the name "emma the librarian" everyone *knows* you are just waiting to take off your sensible glasses and grab the nearest man.:rolleyes:

You are assumed to be guilty even if all you do is remove your glasses.

All lady librarians are man-hunters pretending not to be...

I certainly hope so.