All COLOREDS are equal, Some are more equal then others.


Jan 23, 2011
ABC Ignores Tim Scott’s Senate Appointment in Dec., By Jan. Hails Mo Cowan’s as ‘History’

In December, ABC’s World News saw no news at all in the historic appointment of African American Tim Scott to the Senate in South Carolina. No mention was made of it during the broadcast.

Only a month later, though, the same program suddenly hailed African American William “Mo” Cowan’s appointment to the Senate as history making.

When Republican Tim Scott was appointed to fill retiring Senator Jim DeMint’s Senate seat he became the first African American from South Carolina to be sent to the Senate since 1881. Further, when he took his seat he was the only black Senator from either party in Washington D.C. But despite all these notable historic facts, ABC’s World News never mentioned Scott’s appointment.

However, this month when the Governor of Massachusetts appointed African American, Democrat Mo Cowan to finish out John Kerry’s term, ABC suddenly found it to be a moment worthy of coverage.

During the January 30 broadcast of World News, anchor Dianne Sawyer was effusive over Cowan’s appointment.

And there’s another note out of Washington tonight. Look closely at this picture. That is William ‘Mo’ Cowan of Massachusetts. He will be heading to Washington, DC soon and straight into the history books. He will take over the Senate seat of the new Secretary of State, John Kerry. And that means, for the first time in America’s 236-year history, we will have two African-American Senators serving at one time in the Senate. The other is Tim Scott of South Carolina.

To recap, the first African American wasn’t news worthy enough to mention, but the second African American is history making.

As to the other two networks, Brent Baker notes that CBS Evening News ignored both appointments
Given the source, I wonder if Dianne Sawyer really "was effusive"...or did she simply mention it? Besides, the Republicans are the ones who are always whining about how we ought to be colorblind anymore.
He was off the reservation...

His picture was probably posted at the US Post Office where the motto is: No Amount of Tax Dollars will Keep US Solvent.

And the Republicans wonder why they have a problem attracting women and minorities...
You aren't really black unless you're a Democrat.


You cannot be a Cornball Brother!
And the Republicans wonder why they have a problem attracting women and minorities...

But they do, from Thomas to Rice to Haley to Jindal to Rubio...,

What you are saying is 'attracting the low-information voter...'

The person who follows Beyonce and Letterman...

When deciding which party is 'cool.'

They want to be cool too.

;) ;) :cool:
They really don't sit around wondering about this shit. It's the establishment Rinos and the media who worry about it. Most Republicans know that a large number of women and minorities are perfectly happy on the Democrat plantation sucking off the government tit.:rolleyes:

It's really establishment trucklers like Karl Rove Bill Kristol who sit around thinking about what conservative principles we can dismiss in order to be more like the Democrats.

They do not have core philosophies other than the 'Broken Windows' variant of politics, first you win, then you implement philosophy, but since they abandoned that, all they can do is modify what the National Socialists do when they win because they KNOW what their philosophy is!

A_J's corollary #14, “The Modern Moderate/Conservative is defined by the enthusiasm, and self-congratulatory cries of ‘reasonable,” displayed in taking up a position held by the New Age Liberal after they have abandoned that hard-won cultural victory for one even more to the Left.”
" Our blacks are better than their blacks"...Ann Coulter

" President Obama has a deep rooted hatred for white people".. Glen Beck

" We're not going to allow minorities to run roughshod over what you people believe in".. Jason Rapert

if you really dont want your party to be seen as harbouring a bunch of bigots.. maybe you should boot people like these from it