Aids 200,000,000


Literotica Guru
Mar 27, 2003
Nice number and now half are women. What was once thought to be a strictly gay white male disease. Has now crossed over into our world. These people did not take the warning they were given in 85. Thier attitude towards "barebacking" not me wont happen to me. Yea right!! Fags only think of themselves they careless about anothers life. They are selfish people who deserve to die as they spread their disease. Without even thinking about it.

The classic fact is one that betrays his wife. You know the closet fags who are married with kids. Who go out and ride "bareback" with strange men. And then come home and dont have the decency to wear a condom when he fucks his wife. Knowing what is at stake. Plays the game for as long as he can take it then drops the bomb on her. Got to love that.

AIDS is not funny but now we see the scenario of "bug chasers" and "gift givers". This is frigging nuts. People wanting the virus and those ready to give it. They have said out of the new cases 23 percent were wanting the disease. The number has been disputed. But also has been backed by the editor of the mag. And for record it was stated why doctors would give false info. Or not tell the truth in the first place. Either way when you have a force of gay men who are getting a rush out of passing the disease. It is them wanting to get back at us for whatever the reasons they have. They dont seem to care so maybe you should when you back these people. Why care about another who cares less about you.

These people give blood regularly never mentioning thier lifestyle. They have the attitude I'm not going alone. If they really were worried about it. The numbers would not be so high. So stand behind your gay friends as they try and kill people closest to you.

to be cont....
I would be more concerned with SARS...non-sexually transmitted and a much faster killer.
so sad

Bob_Bytchin said:
I would be more concerned with SARS...non-sexually transmitted and a much faster killer.

And that is why we have this problem. People like you who do not care. Thanks for the support.
It seems to me, d8rape, that you are already fixed in your opinion about things. Do you want to debate or proclaim?

It's easy enough to state your position but are you willing to open your ears? If not, please create your own website and leave us alone.

Re: so sad

d8Rape said:
...Thanks for the support.

are you saying that with a 'bartyles & james' kinda accent?

those are classic commercials.
Yes but the support was to boobybuttfuck. For giving an example of what i was saying. They dont care they have other things to worry about than AIDS.
i too support boobybuttfuck.

however, you must decide which to fuck first... the boobies, or the butt...
AIDS is completely preventable. One chooses to put oneself at risk. End of story.
lizthewizz2000 said:
It seems to me, d8rape, that you are already fixed in your opinion about things. Do you want to debate or proclaim?

It's easy enough to state your position but are you willing to open your ears? If not, please create your own website and leave us alone.


For this thread stating facts. We can debate all you want but that does not change the facts on this matter. On this thread i cant open my ears for you and others will be trying to dispute what is real. I cant have you changing my mind on a subject such as this. Or i will be thinking all is good. When in fact all is not good.
d8Rape said:
For this thread stating facts. We can debate all you want but that does not change the facts on this matter. On this thread i cant open my ears for you and others will be trying to dispute what is real. I cant have you changing my mind on a subject such as this. Or i will be thinking all is good. When in fact all is not good.
Well, if this is about facts, let's see - you accept that AIDS is transmitted by both homo- and heterosexual sex, needles, and blood products - and from this you conclude that it's all homosexual's fault? Interesting...

This may come as a shock to you - brace yourself - but homosexuals are not the only ones that have sex, the only ones that give blood, or the only ones that share needles.

The origin of AIDS is quite simple: AIDS is caused by HIV, and HIV originated in Africa when SIV crossed over from apes to humans (as a result of contact with the blood of infected apes in regions where they are hunted for food). Once HIV entered the human population in Africa, it spread very quickly via heterosexual sex, due to the wide-spread and socially acceptable use of female prostitutes by males - who then gave the disease to their wives - who passed it on their children.

So, homosexuals played no role in the cause of AIDS - the people who hunt monkeys started it, and heterosexual men turned it into an epidemic.

Assuming you to be a heterosexual man: damn you and your selfish kind for bringing the plague of AIDS upon the world! :mad:
d8Rape said:
For this thread stating facts. We can debate all you want but that does not change the facts on this matter. On this thread i cant open my ears for you and others will be trying to dispute what is real. I cant have you changing my mind on a subject such as this. Or i will be thinking all is good. When in fact all is not good.

when was your last HIV test?
what was the results?
Anna Leigh said:
when was your last HIV test?
what was the results?

3 months ago and I get one every 6 months. I do practice safe sex. But one can still get AIDS from oral sex not as likely but very possible. And I am free of any STD's. I bet half the people here can't say they get tested every 6 months. Sure one might say it's not necessary so often. And I reply so what!
are you neurotic or worried or just eager to spend the money on a test that often?
d8Rape said:
3 months ago and I get one every 6 months. I do practice safe sex. But one can still get AIDS from oral sex not as likely but very possible. And I am free of any STD's. I bet half the people here can't say they get tested every 6 months. Sure one might say it's not necessary so often. And I reply so what!

You can wear condoms, and practice the safest sex around...but the only true way to prevent AIDS is to abstain and not engage in intravenous drug use.

Even with all your preventions, it just takes fucking one that coughs to give you SARS.
Great post, as usual, crysede.

BTW, d8,

Those infected individuals who give blood are not spreading AIDS or HIV. Every donation is tested and the infection rate that slips through is about 1 percent or less.

Just adding facts to your facts.
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We (the industrialized world) are going to have to stop the AIDS pandemic sooner or later.

Do you want to try and stop it at 200,000,000 or at 2 billion?
Problem Child said:
We (the industrialized world) are going to have to stop the AIDS pandemic sooner or later.

Do you want to try and stop it at 200,000,000 or at 2 billion?

True enough.

Some progress in teh medical field leads to better treatment and a less likely death warrant when diagnosed with HIV. (Not Aids, necessarily.)

But, no cure yet.

However, careless sex is ultimately the biggest factor in terms of transmission. Prevention isn't that difficult if one uses their head, uses their condoms and doesn't permit other's body fluids from entering their own bloodstream.
d8Rape said:
Nice number and now half are women. What was once thought to be a strictly gay white male disease. Has now crossed over into our world. These people did not take the warning they were given in 85. Thier attitude towards "barebacking" not me wont happen to me. Yea right!! Fags only think of themselves they careless about anothers life. They are selfish people who deserve to die as they spread their disease. Without even thinking about it.

The classic fact is one that betrays his wife. You know the closet fags who are married with kids. Who go out and ride "bareback" with strange men. And then come home and dont have the decency to wear a condom when he fucks his wife. Knowing what is at stake. Plays the game for as long as he can take it then drops the bomb on her. Got to love that.

AIDS is not funny but now we see the scenario of "bug chasers" and "gift givers". This is frigging nuts. People wanting the virus and those ready to give it. They have said out of the new cases 23 percent were wanting the disease. The number has been disputed. But also has been backed by the editor of the mag. And for record it was stated why doctors would give false info. Or not tell the truth in the first place. Either way when you have a force of gay men who are getting a rush out of passing the disease. It is them wanting to get back at us for whatever the reasons they have. They dont seem to care so maybe you should when you back these people. Why care about another who cares less about you.

These people give blood regularly never mentioning thier lifestyle. They have the attitude I'm not going alone. If they really were worried about it. The numbers would not be so high. So stand behind your gay friends as they try and kill people closest to you.

to be cont....

You sure seem to know a lot about the homosexual lifestyle. Moth balls or cedar?
MissTaken said:
Great post, as usual, crysede.

BTW, d8,

Those infected individuals who give blood are not spreading AIDS or HIV. Every donation is tested and the infection rate that slips through is about 1 percent or less.

Just adding facts to your facts.

This is not true the red cross recently admitted to distributing thousands of quarts of blood without properly testing it. And also has addmitted to it not being the first time.

Just adding more facts that will fuck up your infection rate.