After many hours of debate, we have determined that the best TV theme song ever is


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
the theme from Hawaii 5-0.

No, I'm sorry, do not even try to argue, we have done exhaustive research and discussed it thoroughly, so I'm afraid if you do not agree, you are simply wrong. (But this does not make you a bad person.)

Everybody knows the Jetsons theme kicks all asses.

And then Batman...
I would have voted for Rawhide... the sound of those cracking whips alone have changed America...;)
Batman was in fact a close contender. But those tympani (sp?) drums just clinched it in the end.

Honorable mention was given to 'Barney Miller' for that funky bassline intro.
Yes Rawhide was considered as well but didn't make the final cut I'm afraid.
the only one that i could actually sing right now is hawaii 5-0

some people might think that is a bad thing if they heard my singing :)

but at least it shows its memorable ... so so far im agreeing with peachy
sorry am temporarily distracted because Madness are on The Kumars at No. 42 (are you guys getting that on BBC America yet?)
You mean "The Partridge Family" theme didn't get concidered? *lol*
I've always hated the Hawaii 5-0 theme music -- it's so 70s banal actiony, like Starsky and Hutch or Mannix, or Charlie's Angeles. No soul at all.

The best of the best are Mission Impossible, Baretta, The Avengers, The Rockford Files and the Sunday Night Mystery Theme (a lot of people call it "The Columbo Theme"), and Underdog. But nothing anywhere beats Peter Gunn.
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Peter Gunn did come up for dicussion, as did Sanford and Son.

Hawaii 5-0 banal? No way! It the Ventures, fer cryin out loud.
Now look I'm posting back to back like one of them fucktards Azwed hates so much.
there was a shortlived show called "grand" on some years ago~i like the theme song.
Please at least tell us that the Jefferson's Theme song was considered
Happy Days...

Come on, think of the song, the lyrics, and of course, "The Fonz"......ayyyyyyyy!