Abortion has been outlawed but what stops a woman from drowning the baby?


Literotica Guru
Aug 5, 2015
Abortion has been rightly outlawed but it’s still too easy for a woman to kill the baby inside her by getting in a pool. Once in the pool she can go vagina deep and then drown the baby.
That would be murder aka infanticide and not related to abortion
Then we need to pass a law to stop pregnant women from going in pools, lakes, tubs, or other bodies of water.
Why? Existing laws cover infanticide and have you never heard of birthing pools?
Might some smother their babies?
So a law to remove pillows and cushions is needed.
However they do it, killing a live baby is murder and is already covered by the laws.

You have no proof this happens.
Of course it could and would happen. There’s no law against a woman going in a pool here in the states.

A pregnant woman in a pool would drown the baby if she goes vagina deep.
There is no law against a pregnant woman going into a pool. Why should there be? If the baby is inside her it can't drown. Its life is kept going by the umbilical cord and it is surrounded by liquid all the time.

Even when a baby is born it is still kept alive by the umbilical cord until it takes its first breath so even if born underwater it wouldn't (and doesn't) drown.

You are suggesting a law for something that is impossible.

As I suspected, your knowledge of human anatomy is VERY defective.
If this isn't parody, the OP is doing a phenomenal job of demonstrating the histrionics and irrationality of the anti abortion freaks.