Abolish the military


Really Really Experienced
Nov 16, 2020
Having a military intimidates other nations into nationalization
Paving the way we had demilitarized and abolished the police
Because one thing leads to another and crime, as a result,

has devolved; it doesn’t have to be big now

just duke nukem now
Having a military intimidates other nations into nationalization
Paving the way we had demilitarized and abolished the police
Because one thing leads to another and crime, as a result,

has devolved; it doesn’t have to be big now

just duke nukem now
Uh, yeah, right. Here, why dont you just come with me, this way. There's this nice quiet room with some lovely soft music, and we have these little kittens, and the crayons are right there.... isn't that nice.... now, just relax and we'll get those sugar and additive free cookies for you and see what we can do to make you more comfortable.....
Having a military intimidates other nations into nationalization
Paving the way we had demilitarized and abolished the police
Because one thing leads to another and crime, as a result,

has devolved; it doesn’t have to be big now

just duke nukem now
I think you meant to say Nationalism.:giggle:

And when you wake up from your dream, buy a one way ticket to Costa Rica.
Having a military intimidates other nations into nationalization
Paving the way we had demilitarized and abolished the police
Because one thing leads to another and crime, as a result,

has devolved; it doesn’t have to be big now

just duke nukem now
Evidence of a clear case of Oligophrenia.