The Senate is supposed to be "the saucer into which the passions of the House are poured for cooling". What kind of nonsense is that?! In all of American history, how many instances have there been of which we can honestly say," The House passed that crazy bill -- thank God it died in the Senate!"?
To the contrary, for the whole of American history, the Senate has been nothing but an instrument of obstruction that is ALWAYS regrettable in hindsight. Throughout the antebellum period, the highest priority of all Southern politicians was to make sure there would always be at least as many slave states as free states -- just so that no antislavery legislation would ever make it out of the Senate. In the 20th Century, the Senate was usually the place where civil rights legislation, and even anti-lynching legislation, would go to die (not seldom, by filibuster -- that silly and pointless rule is a whole other discussion). And it was the Senate that stopped the U.S. from joining the League of Nations, thereby making that organization too impotent to prevent WWII.
World's greatest deliberative body my ass.
The Senate should be abolished, all its powers and functions devolved on the House. A unicameral, or dromedary, legislature is better than a bicameral, or Bactrian, legislature.
To the contrary, for the whole of American history, the Senate has been nothing but an instrument of obstruction that is ALWAYS regrettable in hindsight. Throughout the antebellum period, the highest priority of all Southern politicians was to make sure there would always be at least as many slave states as free states -- just so that no antislavery legislation would ever make it out of the Senate. In the 20th Century, the Senate was usually the place where civil rights legislation, and even anti-lynching legislation, would go to die (not seldom, by filibuster -- that silly and pointless rule is a whole other discussion). And it was the Senate that stopped the U.S. from joining the League of Nations, thereby making that organization too impotent to prevent WWII.
World's greatest deliberative body my ass.
The Senate should be abolished, all its powers and functions devolved on the House. A unicameral, or dromedary, legislature is better than a bicameral, or Bactrian, legislature.