A Tribute To Liberals And Government

I wonder who got elected in 2008?

I wonder who got elected in 2008?


In March 2008? Nobody got elected and the numbers on your electoral college map were still 8 months in the future. The catch phrase of the times was "Bush is the most evil man ever; he started two wars, and a recession."

want to try again?
In March 2008? Nobody got elected and the numbers on your electoral college map were still 8 months in the future. The catch phrase of the times was "Bush is the most evil man ever; he started two wars, and a recession."

want to try again?

My point is you're listening to a guy who's one good play was written in 1983 (Glengarry Glen Ross). Time is subjective.
My point is you're listening to a guy who's one good play was written in 1983 (Glengarry Glen Ross). Time is subjective.

I'd disagree with the one good play thing, Mamet has written some wonderful stuff. What I find hilarious is the RWCJ insistence that celebrities shouldn't be taken seriously on any subject, unless they agree with the RWCJ meme du jour, when everything they say should be carved on stone tablets and displayed on the court house steps.
I'd disagree with the one good play thing, Mamet has written some wonderful stuff. What I find hilarious is the RWCJ insistence that celebrities shouldn't be taken seriously on any subject, unless they agree with the RWCJ meme du jour, when everything they say should be carved on stone tablets and displayed on the court house steps.

How many celebrities are coming out for oppressing: minorities, gays, poor, blacks, Hispanics, and really anyone that isn't Paul Ryan.

And if they are could they really be called a celebrity? I mean sure everyone likes the Duggars but they're not really famous.
I think of how many eunuchs would be walking around if that happened in my day.:D

I'm sure it happened, but just didn't have a fancy name for it then. I thought frat guys just rubbed Nair or Neat on a guy's eyebrows when he was asleep...not...that.

Keeping up on sexual slang is a full time job. Before Miley, I thought twerking was an eye twitch. Until today, I thought "dogging" was someone who was working very slowly, to waste time...apparently, it has a whole new connotation these days.