A Strange Request

What can I say.........

WOW!!!!!! That was incredibly hot!! And to think....... the last girl in a short skirt that purchased a popsicle that I knew only sucked the top part of it off in 5 seconds! Imagining you there in that parking lot with that popsicle deep inside........ *shiver*

Thank you all for sharing your dares, this has been very inspirational for a few that I might have my Pet attempt soon! :D
Re: What can I say.........

MenCanBAngels2 said:
WOW!!!!!! That was incredibly hot!! And to think....... the last girl in a short skirt that purchased a popsicle that I knew only sucked the top part of it off in 5 seconds! Imagining you there in that parking lot with that popsicle deep inside........ *shiver*

Thank you all for sharing your dares, this has been very inspirational for a few that I might have my Pet attempt soon! :D

Perhaps you should consider having your Pet join us in the Group Challenge that is coming up soon. Deadline to sign up is August 7th. Just so there is no confusion, by Group Challenge we mean that a group of us will all be doing the same challenge on our own and then need_to_be_bad is going to post the results of how each of us did the challenge. It should be great fun!

I am glad that you are enjoying my naughtiness. I can assure you it is my pleasure.
Hello NTBB, Nymphonan, et all,

Thanks for all of the "hard work" you do to make this a most interesting and erotic thread.

If I feel the need to get my motor running fast and hard, all
I have to do is mosey on up to this thread and find the latest
adventure. I've been spending way too much time here. LOL.

Thank you NTBB and Nymphonan for sharing not only your adventures but also for your beautiful writing style - You make it come alive in my mind's eye.

:rose: :kiss: :rose:


She’s moved to the head of the class..............

Now I think it should be very clear to all
why I picked Nymphnan to be my teaching assistant.
She has shown what can be accomplished through
imagination, hard work/play and advanced naughtiness.

She is a shining example to all of us.

Let’s all keep up the bad work

Remember education is FUN......demental. :)

need to be bad :heart: :heart: :heart:
Play a round of Benwah Golf for my Birthday

Hi all,

I just found this thread yesterday and it got me so hot I stayed up all night reading it. I just sent the link to my wife, who I think will enjoy it as much (if not more) as I did.

It's my birthday tomorrow, so if one of you ladies reads this and feels like fulfilling my birthday wish (Even after my birthday), it'd make me a very happy birthday boy.

My dare is this:

Wear a short, preferably loose, skirt and polo shirt with no bra and no underwear. Go to your most convenient adult supply store and purchase an inexpensive set of benwa balls (a set that you wouldn't mind losing).

At night, after it's likely to be cosed, travel to a golf course with little or no security and park outside. Don't touch yourself at all. I want you to reserve all of your excitement for the rest of the night.

Here's the real challenge: Without panties I want you to walk from the tee-off to the hole of the first hole. When you make it to the first hole, you may touch yourself and bring yourself close to orgasm once, but do not orgasm.

Then start with the tee off on the second hole and walk to the green on that one. You must now bring yourself to the brink twice without going over.

Repeat until you cannot stand it anymore and have an orgasm in the open on the green.

When you have your orgasm, allow the balls to slip out, into the hole if you can, and leave them there for some happy golfer or caddy to find the next day.

Let us know how many holes you get. In this case, a higher golf score is better.

Maybe if we generate enough interest, the next Summer Olympics will include Benwah Golf.
Sounds like a very interesting round of golf!! It sure makes my putter flutter thinking of Nympho sinking her putt!
docsnore said:
Sounds like a very interesting round of golf!! It sure makes my putter flutter thinking of Nympho sinking her putt!

Why Thank you Sir and if I had time for golf I might be tempted to give it a try. Right now though, I don't have time for golf. I will certainly keep this one in the back of my mind for "Someday". It sounds like fun.
Nan you are definitely moving up the naughtiness ladder at a very good pace. I'm going to have to think hard to come up with a challenge for you. Great stories and great fun so far :rose:
Re: Mental Image

lickit123 said:
To, NTBB and Nymphonan,

I know and understand you can't show pictures. I know that you two ladies must be beautiful outside because you are so beautiful inside. Would you be so kind to give us a mental image, any dinensions you would care to give, color of hair and describe your pussy, hair color, shaved, runway, etc. I am sure the other guys and gals would like it also.

lickit123 Nymphonan, you have responded to nearly every post since the onset of the challenge. I guess In am not in the click.

My deepest apologies for not responding to your post. I did not mean to skip over you or make you feel that you are "Not part of the click". I hope that you can forgive me for my oversight. :eek:

In response to your mental image question, I look very much like my Avatar. In fact that is why I picked it. 5'8", brown hair and eyes.

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
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A Teacher’s Reminder

I’d like to offer a simple reminder.
The intent and spirit of this thread
is one of playfulness. What I share
here is offered as a gift to inspire,
excite and generally promote as much
hardness and wetness as possilbe.

Anyone who feels a need to be demanding,
bring negative energy here, or have any
attitude other than gratitude (especially
in regards to my lovely teaching assistant,
Nymphonan, who has gifted us all with so
much attention, even when circumstances
prevented me from being here), may need
to re-evaluate why they are here.

Again, just a teacher’s simple, gentle, firm reminder to “play nice”
or you could find yourself in detention. :)

need to be bad

PS. If anyone desires to know what I look like,
check out my early posts in this thread.
Well Stated NTBB, I believe that you made it abuntantly clear that you wanted to recieve the challenges as a PM, and that you choose the ones that turn you on the most and feel they are also non-career threatening, and a response it not required from you.
Also i believe that you may have recieved so many more then there is possible time to perform them,
unless there is some wealthy person here willing to hire you for challenge stories so you didn't have to go back to the classroom and it needs to come with health benefits and a 401K plan.
Otherwise like you said, play nice and we will enjoy the naughtiness!
Have a wonderful weekend, Keep us UP!
wow...that was a week! But now it's Friday and I'm ready for some action on this thread. Nymphonan came through during the midweek...now let's get everyone UP for the weekend!
it's a beautiful Saturday....the sun is shining...in my neck of the woods at least....c'mon ladies...time to get naked! LOL
Wow Nymphonan has just pointed me to this thread and i've read through some of th challenges thats been done...

Very hot!!!

Congrats to all you who have taken on the challenges... Im gonna go back to the very beggining soon and read them all and try to think one up...

Have fun what ever your doing :D
Nymphonan has taken it one level UP!

Good morning everyone and I hope that your weekend was productive and that you all have something to share with us.
Taking it up a level is one way of putting it I suppose. I have just completed another challenge, you can see the results of the challenge on the Amature Picture Feedback thread. The link is now in my sig line. Hope you all enjoy.
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Nymphonan said:
I have just completed another challenge from my SO, you can see the results of the challenge on the Amature Picture Feedback thread.

Bravo!!!!! Absolutely fantastic pics Nympho....... I must say your have a delicious ass and breasts!! That popsicle looks so lonely..... Hmmmmmm wonder what else might slide in with it? :D

Love what your doing to keep my degenerative mind going!

I'm starting a new thread of my own for my Pet to post her tasks as well. I have given her a task to perform today and she will post it as soon as she's completed these tasks.. I have linked the thread for you below.

Have a Masterful day!!

My Pet's Tasks
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It’s Exciting

Fifteen women have been sent the group challenge.

Now, the excitement of seeing who accepts the
challenge and how they fulfill it, each in their unique way.

Stay tuned.............for more.

Wishing you all pleasure.

need to be bad