A Revolutionary New Tampon


Secret Dream Machine
May 6, 2001
Some very lonely, very bored man somewhere had to be the one to come up with this product.

"Hmmmm," he thought, "i bet if i made a vibrating tampon, women would really love me. I'd get laid at least once in my life."

Somebody thought it was a good idea, the FDA has approved them for sale. What do you think ladies, will you be rushing out to buy vibrating tampons?

Yuck. I can't even stand the feeling of a tampon inside of me, much less have any desire to make it call attention to itself.
Wouldn't that sort of negate the function of the tampon?

Bloody bad idea. ;)
Is this for real?

Wouldn't use it - but curious to see how they would work.

Battery powered tampons?

Bet it livened things up at the FDA office!
It's supposed to be made of the same material as other tampons so it would be as absorbent.

I really wonder what group made up their market research, it doesn't sound like it's going to be very successful.
Interesting, but I think I'll stick with my Keeper. It might not do anything for cramping, but it's better than tampons any day.

I hope they don't advertise these things on television. :eek:

And, no, I wouldn't try them.
TedJackson said:
hate to tell you...it was on SNL Late Edition last Sat....


My wife and I had to pee (badly) after that skit. Very funny.
TedJackson said:
and Ruby....NICE AV!!!! were you grinding you teeth or just biting down really hard????

My mouth is relaxed. Does it look otherwise to you, Ted?
I would try anything to relieve cramps, but I don't think I could go into the office...
I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face plus the smoke breaks I would have to take...
phrodeau said:
Now, there's a thoughtful Valentine's Day gift. Thanks!

You're welcome.

I can't wait to see how the recipient reacts to such a thoughtful gift.