A minor bitch....


Really Experienced
Sep 27, 2002
It bugs me when people give you a low rating and don't tell you why.

Let's be frickin honest here, we're doing our best. If you don't like the story, tell us why! I got a lot of feedback from Book Of Magic that told me exactly where I was screwing up, and I APPRECIATE IT! The criticism has led to my current effort, which I am enjoying quite a bit, but somebody has already given me a low rating here.

I'm fairly certain it was a 1, because my ratings with 8 votes went from a 5.00 to a 4.5 in one shot. Now, if you're going to rate me that lowly, please give me an explanation why! I don't care if you just hate the scenario, or you get offended by something I've written, or even if you're having a bad day, but just TELL ME! As it stands right now, I suspect it's a certain jag-off that we've had words about before. If that's the case, thanks a lot, you've proven that I'm a good author because you hit the other authors I like.

Sorry to bitch, it just doesn't feel good to get a one, especially when youve heard nothing but praise and honest critique before.

This is silly...

You should worry about the quality of your story and not the rating of your story. If it's good, it'll all average out. 8 out of 9 isn't bad, and if you end up concentrating on the people who don't like what you're doing, you're gonna have a disappointing writing experience.

The cream rises, just give it time.
Thanks for the words of encouragement SausageKing...

As I said, it was a minor bitch, not really that important. I am appreciating the vast amounts of support that people are giving me, it's just the occasional saboteur that gets on my nerves...

Somebody's being a jag off.

I got another 1 today, with a nice little note with one word on it. "Poor"

I said it before, Tell me why you didn't like it if you're going to rate it the worst rating possible.

Thank you so much. I find it rather suspicious that the vote was just enough to put me off of the top twenty.
Oh well, enough bitching.

brevdravis said:
Somebody's being a jag off.

I got another 1 today, with a nice little note with one word on it. "Poor"

I said it before, Tell me why you didn't like it if you're going to rate it the worst rating possible.

Thank you so much. I find it rather suspicious that the vote was just enough to put me off of the top twenty.
Oh well, enough bitching.


Just ignore the rating system because someone at CHYOO cares more about their ranking than having fun. I think it would be nice if they added a feature that would let you know who voted for you.

Eh, don't sweet it, I've had stories nuked into the ground as well. :)

The rating system is quite flawed.

As an example, I have an editor score of about 3.9 However, when I check the ratings, the scores I get for threads I have added to my own stories are usually above the overall story's score. Now what the hell is my editor score supposed to mean? That I'm not being selective enough for some people? Or that my story isn't original? Or what?

I have a writer score of about 3.8 Then again, when I check the ratings for various threads, I have loads of scores from 4 to 5, a few between 3 and 4, and very few 1-2 (most of them concentrated on a single story that I didn't want anything close from realistic anyway. Think I scared somebody, but he kept on reading to make sure to nuke all the threads individually...). So what? I am usually a very good writer, *except* on a precise story or two? Hum...

Don't stress too much over your Chyoo rating... I had a story in the top 20 as well once, and as for you, it was mysteriously "nuked" out of it shortly after. Maybe was it a really sincere nuking? Don't forget that when your story is featured on one of the "tops", more people are bound to read it.

But oh well... I'm just rambling now...

Ya, I'd like more comments than "good" or "bad" as well... :D

Apparently, from Dacia's posts, she got hit by this jag off too.

Sounds to me like someone is trying to boost their story rating by sabotaging the good ones.

Can we all try to get together and stop this? Just take a little time and vote for how you really feel on the stories you like. That way it will cancel out whoever is being a jerk.

brevdravis said:
Can we all try to get together and stop this? Just take a little time and vote for how you really feel on the stories you like. That way it will cancel out whoever is being a jerk.

A fine idea (which I occasionally try to do). Unfortunately Chyoo's rating system is so painfully slow as to make it quite difficult to do on a consistant basis. Which I guess is why the sabateurs can do the damage they can with very few votes.