A Bill Maher Democrat


Jan 31, 2023
I'm a conservative, centrist Democrat, a Bill Maher Democrat

One of Hillary’s Basketful of Deplorables and Nazis needing to be deprogrammed.

I am scared for the Party which seems to be the Wrong-Way Party under the leadership of the Wrong-Way President. It's like they want Trump reelected so that they have a real enemy to fight again.

The Democrat Party that I grew up with has become the Party of children, of outrageous demands and temper tantrums. They have gone from being the Party for the oppressed to the Party of oppression. The Party of the exception being accepted by the rule. Look at what we’ve done to women, the ultimate oppressed minority for so much of the last century is no being told, you’re a majority who is oppressing a true minority by not letting them do things like using your bathrooms, changing areas and locker rooms, and worst of all, not letting men kick the snot out them in sports. A Party of children who will pull a fire alarm in Congress to shut down the political process when they don’t believe a vote is going to go their way. That’s now, “adulting.”

But if anyone not in the Party should do such a thing it’s treasonous and they must go to jail for being enemies of Democracy, i.e., majority rule because like all spoiled, unworthy children for the entire history of man, they think minority rule by terrorizing the adults is just and rightful, as in their natural right because, after all, children are the future. They don’t like majority rule when it’s not in their favor, so they act out.

And the adults have abdicated their responsibilities just as the infantilized terrorists, excuse me, mostly peaceful demonstrators, demand. They have become the Party of The Enablers. A Gathering of Cowards.

This is what happens when you refuse to spank children because you believe, fervently believe, that if you treat them like adults and give them adult responsibilities and let them make adult decisions then they’ll act like adults. Stupidest idea in the history of man. All it does is prevent them from growing up (or mutilating and otherwise artificially altering themselves with the help of brainwashed enablers).

To this Democrat Party,
the past is an indictment,
the present is intolerable, and
the future is irrevocably apocalyptic
unless everybody follows their dictates.

Where do I go to get my Party and its basketful of deplorables deprogrammed, or is it already too late?

I have NEVER seen someone get soooo much soooo wrong in soooo few words.

Only in DC comics’Bizarro World would any of the OP’s unhinged screed be greeted with anything but scorn and derision.

Welcome to - NOT 1950’s American Cis white male "utopia" history 101 - "JoeCokeHead".



I'm a conservative, centrist Democrat, a Bill Maher Democrat

One of Hillary’s Basketful of Deplorables and Nazis needing to be deprogrammed.

I am scared for the Party which seems to be the Wrong-Way Party under the leadership of the Wrong-Way President. It's like they want Trump reelected so that they have a real enemy to fight again.

The Democrat Party that I grew up with has become the Party of children, of outrageous demands and temper tantrums. They have gone from being the Party for the oppressed to the Party of oppression. The Party of the exception being accepted by the rule. Look at what we’ve done to women, the ultimate oppressed minority for so much of the last century is no being told, you’re a majority who is oppressing a true minority by not letting them do things like using your bathrooms, changing areas and locker rooms, and worst of all, not letting men kick the snot out them in sports. A Party of children who will pull a fire alarm in Congress to shut down the political process when they don’t believe a vote is going to go their way. That’s now, “adulting.”

But if anyone not in the Party should do such a thing it’s treasonous and they must go to jail for being enemies of Democracy, i.e., majority rule because like all spoiled, unworthy children for the entire history of man, they think minority rule by terrorizing the adults is just and rightful, as in their natural right because, after all, children are the future. They don’t like majority rule when it’s not in their favor, so they act out.

And the adults have abdicated their responsibilities just as the infantilized terrorists, excuse me, mostly peaceful demonstrators, demand. They have become the Party of The Enablers. A Gathering of Cowards.

This is what happens when you refuse to spank children because you believe, fervently believe, that if you treat them like adults and give them adult responsibilities and let them make adult decisions then they’ll act like adults. Stupidest idea in the history of man. All it does is prevent them from growing up (or mutilating and otherwise artificially altering themselves with the help of brainwashed enablers).

To this Democrat Party,
the past is an indictment,
the present is intolerable, and
the future is irrevocably apocalyptic
unless everybody follows their dictates.

Where do I go to get my Party and its basketful of deplorables deprogrammed, or is it already too late?
Who won the election in 2020?

Trump is still crying like the man-child he is that the election was rigged. He said before that election that he would only accept the result if he won. Right now he's making bizarre rants about what he'll do when he's elected for another term, stand by for more squealing in Jan 2025.
Neat, who did you plagiarize this time for this horseshit?

Not insightful....just more whining

Another - bellowing of a dying American Apex Cis white male - thread.



Maher lost his mind under Trump. That broke his link with reality and its been scary watching him.
Maher lost his mind under Trump. That broke his link with reality and its been scary watching him.

Maher lost his mind when the #metoo movement outed him for paying an 18 year old for sex when he was 57.

Is it any wonder Maher sought the safe space of the right wing enablers of rich and famous sexual predators???


Maher lost his mind when the #metoo movement outed him for paying an 18 year old for sex when he was 57.

Is it any wonder Maher sought the safe space of the right wing enablers of rich and famous sexual predators???



I must have missed that specific ME2 moment. I think part of that is that I supported and still do it as a collective sort of thing. I don't really care about any given individual on either side of the conflict. I wish they were still active cus I don't think it stopped. I hope like hell I'm wrong but if the last ten or so years has taught me anything about when a minority group is complaining about something it is always WAY worse than you think it is.
I remember back in the day when Bill Maher was considered part of the radical left and now he's somehow part of the center? This whole thing is laughable to me. Because Maher has taken stances against cancel culture and the social media obsessed younger generations he's been adopted as a darling by the right. Politics is really funny sometimes. 😁
I haven't seen much of Maher since he was cancelled by the Bush admin and moved to premium cable 20 years ago. This is the last video I saw of him:
For drought relief, he advocates hydrating the west with pipes across the continent, over the Rockies. That won't happen. He sounds like an idiot in this video.
I remember back in the day when Bill Maher was considered part of the radical left and now he's somehow part of the center? This whole thing is laughable to me. Because Maher has taken stances against cancel culture and the social media obsessed younger generations he's been adopted as a darling by the right. Politics is really funny sometimes. 😁
He was NEVER part of the radical left. He was left of center yes. Its not JUST his stance on Cancel Culture which people are having a real hard time coming up with examples of it that wouldn't have happened twenty or more years ago. If Rosanne had been dropping N-bombs in the 90s the only reason she might have kept her job simply because the internet was in its infancy and thus you could do crazy shit in your private life and nobody had their camera phone and made you go viral.

Politics is hilarious some of the time if we're being honest.
And he despises Trump and the MAGA movement and he's still to this day a staunch advocate for the legalization of weed. The whole thing reminds me of tulsi or Liz Cheney. They say or do one out of a hundred things that the other side agrees with and they suddenly forgot the other 99 things they said or did that made them hate them in the first place.
And he despises Trump and the MAGA movement and he's still to this day a staunch advocate for the legalization of weed. The whole thing reminds me of tulsi or Liz Cheney. They say or do one out of a hundred things that the other side agrees with and they suddenly forgot the other 99 things they said or did that made them hate them in the first place.

I'm not sure he still hates Trump, something in that man broke. At this point the only people who don't wasnt legal weed are people who make a profit off putting people in prison. I don't disagree with him on everything, there aren't a lot of people I disagree with on everything. He's still an athiest but he seems to be backing off a little. Liz is still fucking monster BTW. I think her charm was if you didn't follow politics too closely you didn't know who she was.
Wait the party that isn't adult and is run by children is the democrats?

The ones who are spending an entire decade run by a TV reality host who only stops lying long enough to break the law and cheat on whatever number wife he is on now.

The ones who just had two separate embarrassingly pathetic disasters about the position of speaker of the house

The party of Lauren bobert.

The party of Marjorie Taylor Greene

The party still whining and crying about making an election three years ago that wasn't that close and had no evidence to whine or cry about.

The party that prides itself on hating and hurting anyone who is not a straight, white, Christian male.

The party actively working for more school shootings

The party constantly fighting with soda and beer companies and children's television shows and all those scary things is out there suggesting it's good to be nice to everyone.

The party that couldn't accept an election result so they decided to try to overthrow the government and kill the vice president, who was one of their own.

Uh, okay.
Wait the party that isn't adult and is run by children is the democrats?

The ones who are spending an entire decade run by a TV reality host who only stops lying long enough to break the law and cheat on whatever number wife he is on now.

The ones who just had two separate embarrassingly pathetic disasters about the position of speaker of the house

The party of Lauren bobert.

The party of Marjorie Taylor Greene

The party still whining and crying about making an election three years ago that wasn't that close and had no evidence to whine or cry about.

The party that prides itself on hating and hurting anyone who is not a straight, white, Christian male.

The party actively working for more school shootings

The party constantly fighting with soda and beer companies and children's television shows and all those scary things is out there suggesting it's good to be nice to everyone.

The party that couldn't accept an election result so they decided to try to overthrow the government and kill the vice president, who was one of their own.

Uh, okay.
No! Not that party ^^^^^ The party that pulls fire alarms to interfere with a governmental process… THAT PARTY!
Wait the party that isn't adult and is run by children is the democrats?

The ones who are spending an entire decade run by a TV reality host who only stops lying long enough to break the law and cheat on whatever number wife he is on now.

The ones who just had two separate embarrassingly pathetic disasters about the position of speaker of the house

The party of Lauren bobert.

The party of Marjorie Taylor Greene

The party still whining and crying about making an election three years ago that wasn't that close and had no evidence to whine or cry about.

The party that prides itself on hating and hurting anyone who is not a straight, white, Christian male.

The party actively working for more school shootings

The party constantly fighting with soda and beer companies and children's television shows and all those scary things is out there suggesting it's good to be nice to everyone.

The party that couldn't accept an election result so they decided to try to overthrow the government and kill the vice president, who was one of their own.

Uh, okay.

No! Not that party ^^^^^ The party that pulls fire alarms to interfere with a governmental process… THAT PARTY!

Yeah, ineedhelp1 lost that round… bad.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Yeah, ineedhelp1 lost that round… bad.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Didn’t lose, just adding to his portfolio. He appeared to be in need of more attributes for the progressive Marxist party * AND I HEEELLLPED*
You mean the party that ousted their speaker for having the audacity to do his duty and fund the government he was a part of, and when they kicked him out and had no clear replacement for him stalling any other business being to actually govern.
Wake up to Democrats blaming the victim.

This is why the kids are alright and the criminals and illegals roam the streets with impunity.

It's the adults to blame! We're the real victims here! Where's our public assistance?
Food, clothing, shelter, medical services, yuo know all the things the childish Socialist Hells we voted for failed to provide us. They only gave us punishment.
Lord of the Flies government.

We're here to vote for that again and the Democrats, children who care, are going to give us that.
Wake up to Democrats blaming the victim.

This is why the kids are alright and the criminals and illegals roam the streets with impunity.

It's the adults to blame! We're the real victims here! Where's our public assistance?
Food, clothing, shelter, medical services, yuo know all the things the childish Socialist Hells we voted for failed to provide us. They only gave us punishment.
Lord of the Flies government.

We're here to vote for that again and the Democrats, children who care, are going to give us that.
You aren't a victim
Wake up to Democrats blaming the victim.

This is why the kids are alright and the criminals and illegals roam the streets with impunity.

It's the adults to blame! We're the real victims here! Where's our public assistance?
Food, clothing, shelter, medical services, yuo know all the things the childish Socialist Hells we voted for failed to provide us. They only gave us punishment.
Lord of the Flies government.

We're here to vote for that again and the Democrats, children who care, are going to give us that.
This struggle alt you're trying to make happen again after Season 1 flopped is boring, homie.

Bring back Vinny! :poop:

Wake up to Democrats blaming the victim.

This is why the kids are alright and the criminals and illegals roam the streets with impunity.

It's the adults to blame! We're the real victims here! Where's our public assistance?
Food, clothing, shelter, medical services, yuo know all the things the childish Socialist Hells we voted for failed to provide us. They only gave us punishment.
Lord of the Flies government.

We're here to vote for that again and the Democrats, children who care, are going to give us that.

Didn't really follow any of that.

Blaming the victim? Who? McCarthy? The one to blame for that is Republican congressman Matt Gaetz not Democrats. He's the one that stuck the knife into his conference's speaker's back and for no coherent reason other than to get attention for a possible run for governor of Florida in the future.