30 in 30 Companion Thread

Well done. Angeline! You ended with a beauty. :rose::rose:

Thank you. I adore that song and that version of it, especially, and wanted to somehow sum up what all the poems were about. Not sure I'm done with that last triplet--it needs work. But I know I got my love of music across! :heart:
I really, really like your blitz!

Speaking of things popping out of your mouth, I think yours would be really fun to read. Would you mind if I took a crack at recording it? :)

Of course not...feel free to record anything of mine you'd like (just tell me where I can listen to it, that's all I need)

Of course not...feel free to record anything of mine you'd like (just tell me where I can listen to it, that's all I need)

Thank you. :) And, I'll send you the link as soon as I've done it. Could take a little bit. Angeline's blitz took several days before I could get through it without screwing it up.
Angeline, The Roots of Rhythm Remain In Me is really lovely, and you absolutely got your love of music across. Congratulations on finishing your 30/30 and doing so with such style. :)
Angeline, The Roots of Rhythm Remain In Me is really lovely, and you absolutely got your love of music across. Congratulations on finishing your 30/30 and doing so with such style. :)

Thank you. I don't even want to think of that thread's name for a few days lol. I feel like I just dropped the albatross off my neck!
Nice blitz Harry (lol I first wrote blintz). So was it difficult to get into? I thought yours went very well, you got into the flow of it.
Nice blitz Harry (lol I first wrote blintz). So was it difficult to get into? I thought yours went very well, you got into the flow of it.
.. :)
ty, once I had the bones of it laid out so graciously by you lot wasn't hard at all. a few ideas for the next one. Congrats on ending your run
.. we'll make a good pair, the deep and the banal

Cut it out, Harry! If you're banal, so are we all. I'm not listing my clunkers and cop-outs from that thread because I'm no masochist...but we all know they are in there. As are everyone else's. We all have good days and meh days there. :)

Champers???!!! (That's a triple interrobang cause I'm excited!)

You're off to a great start. I think I've stayed at that place, too. Got any Toblerone left from the minibar? :kiss:
Cut it out, Harry! If you're banal, so are we all. I'm not listing my clunkers and cop-outs from that thread because I'm no masochist...but we all know they are in there. As are everyone else's. We all have good days and meh days there. :)

Champers???!!! (That's a triple interrobang cause I'm excited!)

You're off to a great start. I think I've stayed at that place, too. Got any Toblerone left from the minibar? :kiss:
wait, wait! wiki went nutz when I searched for the whole thing
now to go back and see what I missed
ETA: WIKIBLURB> Writers using informal language may use several alternating question marks and exclamation marks for even more emphasis

I see Ash has been here before us :rolleyes:
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wait, wait! wiki went nutz when I searched for the whole thing
now to go back and see what I missed
ETA: WIKIBLURB> Writers using informal language may use several alternating question marks and exclamation marks for even more emphasis

I see Ash has been here before us :rolleyes:

LOL. He is very good indeed with the interrobang. (Sorry Ash, not saying anything pervy about anything but your punctuation!)
Sorry but I had to say

Champs, I've enjoyed your first two pieces.

Remec, your 1-29 is so very lovely. :)

Tod, it's gonna be fun seeing you posting regularly again.

(C)alli, (C)alli, all in free! Damn, this s going to be fun

It seems I'm a glutton for punishment. :D

I wasn't planning on diving in until tomorrow, but the bug was planted and wouldn't let me get to sleep so...

It's a themed run, I'm not saying what the theme is though, I'll leave it as a guessing game for y'all :D
I wasn't planning on diving in until tomorrow, but the bug was planted and wouldn't let me get to sleep so...

It's a themed run, I'm not saying what the theme is though, I'll leave it as a guessing game for y'all :D

Yay! This is going to be fun. :)
I'm hoping to get through it. I want to say I have a theme and can drag 30 poems out of it, but alas, I may get 12 before I start looking at my toes again for inspiration.

Get yer werds on, fellow travellers!
Remec, your 1-29 is so very lovely. :)

Thanks :kiss:

I think I will try and wrap my thoughts around the spare Fertility poem I was working on for Annie's challenge as a final outing, but we'll see what manifests.

Thanks :kiss:

I think I will try and wrap my thoughts around the spare Fertility poem I was working on for Annie's challenge as a final outing, but we'll see what manifests.

Well, it looks like you've got it wrapped up and tied with a bow. :) Congrats on finishing your run!

Now, I need to wrap my head around something before my day runs out. :D
Congrats Remec! :rose:

I salute you for having the will to begin again not just once or twice but 7 times. :eek: Guess 8 is your magic number as there were certainly some magical pieces in this run. :cool:
there's an amazing upswell of creativity, and how geat to see it flowing over into the 30/30 thread and not drying up when the individual monthly challenges end.

so interesting reading you all, and - more than that - being moved in different directions (emotionally as well as intellectually) by the words you all pen. tonight's reading has left me quietly reflecting. thankyou. :rose::rose: