25% of the US National Debt Incurred During Trump's Reign of Error

That's twice now you've tacitly suggested raising taxes helps the economy. Some Republican you are!
According to the health insurance companies, anyway. What Clinton was after works quite well for the rest of the world. In Australia we don't live in fear of our medical bills, and last time I checked, the country wasn't bankrupt.
Neither is Canada.
It did help set the stage, true. But there goes your claim that Clinton was a wild-eyed leftist. Truth is, he was a bit right of center.
It's always entertaining watching ican't step on his dick
You mean the oil company subsidies that keep our gas prices much lower than the rest of the world? Why, that could lead to gas getting so expensive our credit card companies harass us every time we fill up!
I saw what you did there......lol
Look...this may be true...but the debt is increasing because spending exceeds revenue. This has NOT changed under the Biden administration. I am not saying the Republicans are right to fight raising the debt ceiling. They are 100% wrong. If you want to lower debt...have that conversation when a budget is made.
If you want to lower debt...have that conversation when a budget is made.
That's the fundamental problem here. The Republicans don't care about lowering debt, they just want to destroy Social Security, Medicare, etc., and doing that directly isn't really politically feasible.
That's twice now you've tacitly suggested raising taxes helps the economy. Some Republican you are!

According to the health insurance companies, anyway. What Clinton was after works quite well for the rest of the world. In Australia we don't live in fear of our medical bills, and last time I checked, the country wasn't bankrupt.

It did help set the stage, true. But there goes your claim that Clinton was a wild-eyed leftist. Truth is, he was a bit right of center.

You mean the oil company subsidies that keep our gas prices much lower than the rest of the world? Why, that could lead to gas getting so expensive our credit card companies harass us every time we fill up!
As opposed to Biden pushing to spend billions upon billions subsidizing green energy?

I never ever stated that tax increases were a totally bad thing if followed up with spending cuts, just the opposite. But I was in favor of the Trump tax cuts and it worked, please don’t spread your bullshit it was a tax cut for the rich.
The House controls the purse strings. The GOP controlled the House during Trumps first two years. They passed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act which the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Congressional Budget Office estimate will contribute between $1 trillion and $2 trillion to the national debt by 2025.

Democrats controlled the House the following 4 years. During the Trump administration it passed bipartisan budget acts that added about $2 trillion more. Then along came Covid and the CARES Act and omnibus spending packages that added trillions more. The Democratic Congress has accelrelated its spending binge since Biden was elected. The American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, the 2022 omnibus bill and other things have added another $5 trillion or more to the debt.

None of this is to assign blame to one party and exonerate the other. Democrats and Republicans in the House have both heaped on loads of debt.
Wait, you aren’t looking to assign blame to any one party?
This thread is about the national debt, not impeachments. Congress controls the purse strings. Congress has passed mountains of debt over the past 6 years. Dems controlled the House 4 out of those 6 years.
Yup, sure looks like you aren’t.

What other things do you espouse to not do and then do anyway?
As opposed to Biden pushing to spend billions upon billions subsidizing green energy?

I never ever stated that tax increases were a totally bad thing if followed up with spending cuts, just the opposite.
So you like tax increases with spending cuts?

How about tax cuts with spending increases? Because that sure is what happened.
But I was in favor of the Trump tax cuts and it worked, please don’t spread your bullshit it was a tax cut for the rich.
How did they work exactly? Please do share oh wise one…

So the wall was going to be paid for by Mexico, these tax cuts were going to pay for themselves… what else ya got?

Wait, let me write all this down, I hear I could get a Netflix deal…
Wait, you aren’t looking to assign blame to any one party?

Yup, sure looks like you aren’t.

What other things do you espouse to not do and then do anyway?
Congress controls the purse strings. Both parties have held control of the House since the beginning of the Trump Administration and both are complicit in piling on debt that’s accrued during that period.
As opposed to Biden pushing to spend billions upon billions subsidizing green energy?
This isn't complicated, Ican'thelpit. The supply of fossil fuels is finite - sooner or later we are going to run out, it's only a question of when - and in the meantime they're doing immense damage to the environment. The sooner we find a viable alternative, the better. So yes, I am all for Biden pushing to spend billions subsidizing green energy.
I never ever stated that tax increases were a totally bad thing if followed up with spending cuts, just the opposite.
Not in so many words. But you have always - at least as long as you've been here - been a full-throated supporter of the party that does always say tax increases are a totally bad thing, no exceptions.
But I was in favor of the Trump tax cuts and it worked, please don’t spread your bullshit it was a tax cut for the rich.
That's exactly what it was, and it's extremely well-documented (if you're not a Fox News addict). And it only "worked" as far as Wall Street was concerned.
That's the fundamental problem here. The Republicans don't care about lowering debt, they just want to destroy Social Security, Medicare, etc., and doing that directly isn't really politically feasible.
You are quite the compulsive liar,
This isn't complicated, Ican'thelpit. The supply of fossil fuels is finite - sooner or later we are going to run out, it's only a question of when - and in the meantime they're doing immense damage to the environment. The sooner we find a viable alternative, the better. So yes, I am all for Biden pushing to spend billions subsidizing green energy.
there is a viable source, incorporating nuclear into the green energy push.
Not in so many words. But you have always - at least as long as you've been here - been a full-throated supporter of the party that does always say tax increases are a totally bad thing, no exceptions.
Another lie. I don’t believe in raising taxes to spend more. That doesn’t reduce the debt.
That's exactly what it was, and it's extremely well-documented (if you're not a Fox News addict). And it only "worked" as far as Wall Street was concerned.
Congress controls the purse strings. Both parties have held control of the House since the beginning of the Trump Administration and both are complicit in piling on debt that’s accrued during that period.
But you are so quick to say four of the last six years… just keep your story at both have it? Or go with the 11 congresses of the last 15 with an R… that tells the really story since they control the purse strings. Fiscal “conservatives” sure love to cut taxes and spend.
But you are so quick to say four of the last six years… just keep your story at both have it? Or go with the 11 congresses of the last 15 with an R… that tells the really story since they control the purse strings. Fiscal “conservatives” sure love to cut taxes and spend.
Correct. Four of the last six years since the start of the Trump administration.
Correct. Four of the last six years since the start of the Trump administration.
And… since the President signs off…. The four are credited to DJT. No veto was it? Maybe he was planning his stop the steal rallies instead of looking at what he was signing. Word is he isn’t a big reader.
This isn't complicated, Ican'thelpit. The supply of fossil fuels is finite - sooner or later we are going to run out, it's only a question of when - and in the meantime they're doing immense damage to the environment. The sooner we find a viable alternative, the better. So yes, I am all for Biden pushing to spend billions subsidizing green energy.

Not in so many words. But you have always - at least as long as you've been here - been a full-throated supporter of the party that does always say tax increases are a totally bad thing, no exceptions.

That's exactly what it was, and it's extremely well-documented (if you're not a Fox News addict). And it only "worked" as far as Wall Street was concerned.

You have to recognize sycophants like ineedhelp1’s (aka “the water boy”) compulsive need to blindly carry water for their rich idols.

ineedhelp1 just “can’t help” it.

👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

And… since the President signs off…. The four are credited to DJT. No veto was it? Maybe he was planning his stop the steal rallies instead of looking at what he was signing. Word is he isn’t a big reader.
Trump gets no hall pass for signing the Covid relief and omnibus bills. Wasteful spending is bipartisan.
If Congress had sent him a bill, yes, he could have.
And would have been cheaper, but not effective. Good that people knew what they were doing were handling it.

Although all the PPP fraud would recoup a ton of money, and the big profile offenders were those on the right.

I guess conservative until they see others getting money so they should “get theirs” too.
No, they didn’t?

So funny how science is only good when racists wanna try to prove something about how one race is better than another, but when the same science is there to protect all citizens- they are getting in the way of freedom.

People who are dying STILL from COVID aren’t vaccinated. And you know what that is, survival of the fittest. You wanna ignore the warnings… you get COVID and it’s worse for you than others. But then of course, you end up using more public resources and it costs more- so you wanna blame someone- blame all that could wear a silly mask and/or get a jab.
You are quite the compulsive liar,
That, of course, is what Republicans always say when called out on their extremism. As I always say, it works precisely because the truth about them is so outlandish - to low information voters, it sounds like we must be exaggerating. But we aren't!