25% of the US National Debt Incurred During Trump's Reign of Error

every republican president since and including reagan has left us in a recession that a dem prez was tasked to and successfully pulled us out of.

why are simple facts so hard for you fucking imbeciles so hard for you to comprehenend?
If Biden just got out of the way we wouldn’t be going into a recession now. The economy was rebounding just fine till that incompetent fool took over, governing by executive fiat.
The same Billy Boy who eliminated deficits, until Dubya came to town? Nah, couldn't be.
Billy b was forced to balance the budget. Billy boy gets credit for Newt G and the Republican caucus. Ya have to give GHWB credit for increasing taxes which is always overlooked by Dems. The only credit Billy boy should get is being in office at the time, other than that he was along for the ride.
Billy b was forced to balance the budget.
By whom? Not the Republicans, who didn't give a single vote to his first budget.
Billy boy gets credit for Newt G and the Republican caucus.
Whose most memorable achievement was a government shutdown.
Ya have to give GHWB credit for increasing taxes which is always overlooked by Dems.
We're not the ones who are still bitter about "Read my lips" to this day. Besides, it sounds to me like you just admitted that raising taxes can be good for the economy. At least if a Republican does it.
The only credit Billy boy should get is being in office at the time, other than that he was along for the ride.
I don't know what planet you were on. I was in DC for much of his term, and got to watch up close as he fought more battles than most other presidents in my lifetime combined, including the aforementioned first budget that the Republicans didn't give a single vote to.
Billy b was forced to balance the budget. Billy boy gets credit for Newt G and the Republican caucus. Ya have to give GHWB credit for increasing taxes which is always overlooked by Dems. The only credit Billy boy should get is being in office at the time, other than that he was along for the ride.
Dem President Clinton gets no credit for getting us out of the mess W created but Pub Pres Trump gets no blame for his 25% increase mess that he created.

What is wrong with you?
The U.S. economy is rebounding. It's only Republican propaganda that says otherwise.

And if Trump had been competent, the economy wouldn't have to "rebound."
By whom? Not the Republicans, who didn't give a single vote to his first budget.

Whose most memorable achievement was a government shutdown.

We're not the ones who are still bitter about "Read my lips" to this day. Besides, it sounds to me like you just admitted that raising taxes can be good for the economy. At least if a Republican does it.

I don't know what planet you were on. I was in DC for much of his term, and got to watch up close as he fought more battles than most other presidents in my lifetime combined, including the aforementioned first budget that the Republicans didn't give a single vote to.


The other bullshit story is GW was at fault for the housing/banking crisis, well you can lay much of the blame at Billy boys feet when he repealed the Glass-Steagall act allowing commercial and investment banks to collaborate, laying the foundation for boiler room bankers to abuse derivatives and credit default swaps.
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The other bullshit story is GW was at fault for the housing/banking crisis, well you can lay much of the blame at Billy boys feet when he repealed the Glass-astragalus act allowing commercial and investment banks to collaborate, laying the foundation for boiler room bankers to abuse derivatives and credit default swaps.
In other words, we on the left who voted for Clinton but never liked him because he was basically a me-too Republican were right. Glad to see we're on the same page for once, Ican'thelpmyself.
Quelle surprise!

Another commentary / opinion piece from a right-leaning think tank that you present as a proof.

I guess it’s pretty easy for you to ignore facts and information that disagrees with, or does not support your desired outcome, yes?
Stop making Clinton, Obama and Biden into these fictitious super heroes. There are 3 branches of government. When it comes to spending and budgets congress plays a bigger role than the executive branch.
The U.S. economy is rebounding. It's only Republican propaganda that says otherwise.
This is correct. The current problems of the Tech sector are hiding the fact that the underlying economy is improving steadily. The market is waking up to the fact that Tech stocks should be valued just like others - on present performance, not solely on a speculated future. Once Amazon, Meta, Tesla, Google et al are re-valued on traditional criteria the economy and market will be significantly stronger.

Provided McCarthy does not blow everything up with Blackmail over the debt ceiling. That debt is already incurred and if the GOP forces a default it will make the GFC of 2007/8 look like a picnic.
If Biden just got out of the way we wouldn’t be going into a recession now. The economy was rebounding just fine till that incompetent fool took over, governing by executive fiat.
this thread is about trump's actual debt before we fired him. not about what you hope will happen just to say, "but biden!"
There are 3 branches of government. When it comes to spending and budgets congress plays a bigger role than the executive branch.
That depends on how you look at it. The Budgeting and Accounting Act of 1921 requires a president to submit a budget to Congress. So the version you probably heard in eighth grade civics isn't even close to the whole story. And either way, Congress passed Clinton's crucial first budget without a single Republican vote.
This is correct. The current problems of the Tech sector are hiding the fact that the underlying economy is improving steadily. The market is waking up to the fact that Tech stocks should be valued just like others - on present performance, not solely on a speculated future. Once Amazon, Meta, Tesla, Google et al are re-valued on traditional criteria the economy and market will be significantly stronger.

Provided McCarthy does not blow everything up with Blackmail over the debt ceiling. That debt is already incurred and if the GOP forces a default it will make the GFC of 2007/8 look like a picnic.
The economy is in the midst of wealth transfer from savings to credit. There will be massive layoff as the economy slows and excess cash is drained from the middle class. As consumer confidence drops so does spending which will result in layoffs putting more people on the government dole which will affect revenue. Higher interest rates, consistent high inflation and a looming recession The consumer is pulling back from spending which will slow the economy. Biden policy is in direct conflict with the FED, the huge omnibus bill could again cause a rise in inflation causing the feds to become more aggressive with rate hikes taking a bigger slice out of discretionary spending capability due to the increased interest on the debt which will cause more budget deficits to fund all these lavish programs. IMHO
That depends on how you look at it. The Budgeting and Accounting Act of 1921 requires a president to submit a budget to Congress. So the version you probably heard in eighth grade civics isn't even close to the whole story. And either way, Congress passed Clinton's crucial first budget without a single Republican vote.
And how often in the last 30 years has a president submitted a budget?
And how often in the last 30 years has a president submitted a budget?
I'm not aware of any times they haven't, though it wouldn't surprise me if Trump ignored that law like he ignores every law he doesn't like.
Reducing the debt and balancing the budget are admirable goals, but it's a false issue with the Republicans that do neither. The debt isn't reduced under Republican administration; only under Democratic administration. The historical record on that is there to be seen. The very first bill the House Republicans came out with under the current Congress would have increased the debt.

This is a false issue played by the House Republicans. Their bluff should be called. If the government fails to raise the ceiling under already-incurred debt, some of which was incurred on the Republicans' watch and/or the government shuts down, let that be on the Republicans in the House and then available for voters to take into consideration in the 2024 elections. I see no reason why the Democrats should agonize over the issue.

Until then, Republicans being interested in either reducing the debt or controlling spending should be met with a horselaugh.
Will be interesting to see how McCarthy spins his 3 votes to raise the debt ceiling under trump without asking for concessions.
Will be interesting to see how McCarthy spins his 3 votes to raise the debt ceiling under trump without asking for concessions.
He won't need to. His base (to the extent that he has one at all) only cares about this when there's a Democratic president.
Will be interesting to see how McCarthy spins his 3 votes to raise the debt ceiling under trump without asking for concessions.

Cynical, hypocritical republican politicians, who are truly representative of their base, don’t really have to spin anything.

They can just carry on carrying on.

Stop making Clinton, Obama and Biden into these fictitious super heroes.

I’m not. Sorry your guys are so shitty, and even the biased opinion pieces you quote don’t ‘trump’ the facts, or make the other guys appear as bad.

There are 3 branches of government. When it comes to spending and budgets congress plays a bigger role than the executive branch.

Interesting comment.
I wonder how well you will remember you said this, as you post over the next 2 years….
You're right, the FACTS don't lie.

Obama/Biden increased the National Debt by ~50% during their administration. That's a fact.
Do you understand how to actually do the calculation you are attempting?

Doing it the right way would actually benefit your argument. (But of course you don’t even know you were wrong)

But you think you are doing your calculation the same way the OP had it from the tweet, but alas you are not. Numbers and how they are reached are important, your understanding of that is comically bad and tragic.

But yes, let’s just look at numbers instead of hiding behind percents…

9.3 trillion and 8 years compared to 8.3 trillion in 4 years.

Yup…. Sure. Those don’t seem to lie and who needs a percentage calculation for any of it.

Which branch of government holds power of the purse?
And how many of the last 15 congresses were controlled by republicans? Guess you won’t be surprise to know it is 11. Funny how our debt exploded when it was majority run by the conservatives. But that doesn’t fit the narrative on the right does it?

What’s the line, did I leave out some facts there? Some omission?

Or are you (the royal you) turning a blind eye to them?

I’ll hang up and listen
According to the Trumpers here, Trump was just a figurehead, much like Queen Elizabeth, and the Dems controlled him like a puppet and his reign of error like it was their own.

This only proves that Trump was the weakest and most ineffectual President in US history.
Dem President Clinton gets no credit for getting us out of the mess W created but Pub Pres Trump gets no blame for his 25% increase mess that he created.

What is wrong with you?
You are misinformed. HW laid the foundation for the economic boom of the 90s that Clinton surrogates love to take credit for. Clinton wanted to take over the healthcare system which would have bankrupted the US, pubs fought him tooth and nail on that idea. Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall act leaving banks pretty much unregulated which led to the banking crisis under the Bush II admin. The Graham-Leach-Bliley act. Rewrote the *Community Reinvestment act* which put pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhood which played in big part in the banking crisis. Then there's the *Dot Com bubble*