25% of the US National Debt Incurred During Trump's Reign of Error

Lol, some people never waste a single moment to lie by omission if they can skew facts in order to blame Trump for something.

Obama raised the national debt by almost 10 Trillion, nearly DOUBLING the national debt, during his administration. That's a 50% increase, yet that fact was completely glossed over.


Because luk desperately needs someone to give him attention.
Lol, some people never waste a single moment to lie by omission if they can skew facts in order to blame Trump for something.

Obama raised the national debt by almost 10 Trillion, nearly DOUBLING the national debt, during his administration. That's a 50% increase, yet that fact was completely glossed over.


Because luk desperately needs someone to give him attention.
We're fully aware of your partisan deflections, Derpy. Please don't address the thread topic, you'll only further embarrass yourself.
We're fully aware of your partisan deflections, Derpy. Please don't address the thread topic, you'll only further embarrass yourself.

Poor luk, he's gone attention deficit again.
We're fully aware of your partisan deflections, Derpy. Please don't address the thread topic, you'll only further embarrass yourself.
It’s less than 25%, more like 23.7% and with bi-partisan support. Spending to keep the economy from a total meltdown due to COVID can hardly be blamed on Trump alone. Dems were dancing in the streets shutting down one city after another, spending like drunken sailors with very little oversight. Had Trump made any attempt to veto spending bills he would have been overridden by congress.
It’s less than 25%, more like 23.7% and with bi-partisan support. Spending to keep the economy from a total meltdown due to COVID can hardly be blamed on Trump alone. Dems were dancing in the streets shutting down one city after another, spending like drunken sailors with very little oversight. Had Trump made any attempt to veto spending bills he would have been overridden by congress.

You won't be able to reason with him.

First, because it's luk and he's not rational enough to reason with. Secondly, he has his little narrative and he's going to stick with it no matter how stupid it makes him look. Third, because this thread isn't about debate, it's just a bait thread to get people to post so that he can troll them to get the attention he needs.

By tomorrow this thread will be filled with trolls commenting on carbon water, derp, not a lawyer, Trump!, orange man bad, and so on because this thread exists for that sole reason.

What a bunch of cowardly simps. The facts don't lie no matter what asinine spin you idgits try to yarn.
Reducing the debt and balancing the budget are admirable goals, but it's a false issue with the Republicans that do neither. The debt isn't reduced under Republican administration; only under Democratic administration. The historical record on that is there to be seen. The very first bill the House Republicans came out with under the current Congress would have increased the debt.

This is a false issue played by the House Republicans. Their bluff should be called. If the government fails to raise the ceiling under already-incurred debt, some of which was incurred on the Republicans' watch and/or the government shuts down, let that be on the Republicans in the House and then available for voters to take into consideration in the 2024 elections. I see no reason why the Democrats should agonize over the issue.

Until then, Republicans being interested in either reducing the debt or controlling spending should be met with a horselaugh.

What a bunch of cowardly simps. The facts don't lie no matter what asinine spin you idgits try to yarn.
You're right, the FACTS don't lie.

Obama/Biden increased the National Debt by ~50% during their administration. That's a fact.
The problem with the numbers as presented above is that there is no context.

Why this is even in the news cycle is because McCarthy made some laughable tweet about Republicans ending wasteful spending.
Not as funny as Trump’s promise to eliminate the US debt in 8 years, but it still earns 3 chuckles out of 5, given the state of debt when Republicans leave office vs coming into office.

When Obama came into office the debt was sitting at $11.1 trillion. This was in January 2009 and the US was still very much feeling the effects of the 2008 financial crash. At the end of Obama‘s final year in office, 2016, the national debt was sitting at $19.9 trillion, which was an increase of $8.8 trillion over the course of eight years, during which there was a recession in the US that was longer than Trump’s presidency.

When Trump left office the debt was at $28.1 trillion. Roughly a $8 trillion lift in the debt, in 4 years. Now roughly $3 trillion of this was a result of COVID relief / stimulus, and had bipartisan support in Congress.
But things like the Trump led and Republican supported Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and a complete lack of restraint when it came to spending contributed significantly to the debt. Unsurprising stuff from the “King of Debt”.

More worrisome than 50% or 25% increases, is the servicing of the debt (paying the interest, which is part of the federal budget and spending), and the deficit and debt growth in relation to GDP.

In this regard the Trump administration sucks balls. The only two worse administrations with higher deficit growth, relative to the size of the economy was Lincoln and Dubya Bush. Trump’s third-place bigly deficit growth is beat by a president who needed to pay for the Civil war, and one who had to go and start two wars. Trump’s only political conflicts were with CNN and his 7-iron.

Even more troublesome for the US is that servicing this debt is a mandatory expense, along with the growing Social Security and Medicare costs that have to be top of any budgets because of the nation’s ageing population. At the cost of infrastructure, education, investment, social services, job training, etc…America’s future sacrificed to pay for the past.

Bigger debt means bigger debt servicing costs…

Stop paying the interest and see what the big lenders will do. Chinese passports for everyone!
The problem with the numbers as presented above is that there is no context.

Why this is even in the news cycle is because McCarthy made some laughable tweet about Republicans ending wasteful spending.
Not as funny as Trump’s promise to eliminate the US debt in 8 years, but it still earns 3 chuckles out of 5, given the state of debt when Republicans leave office vs coming into office.

When Obama came into office the debt was sitting at $11.1 trillion. This was in January 2009 and the US was still very much feeling the effects of the 2008 financial crash. At the end of Obama‘s final year in office, 2016, the national debt was sitting at $19.9 trillion, which was an increase of $8.8 trillion over the course of eight years, during which there was a recession in the US that was longer than Trump’s presidency.

When Trump left office the debt was at $28.1 trillion. Roughly a $8 trillion lift in the debt, in 4 years. Now roughly $3 trillion of this was a result of COVID relief / stimulus, and had bipartisan support in Congress.
But things like the Trump led and Republican supported Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and a complete lack of restraint when it came to spending contributed significantly to the debt. Unsurprising stuff from the “King of Debt”.

More worrisome than 50% or 25% increases, is the servicing of the debt (paying the interest, which is part of the federal budget and spending), and the deficit and debt growth in relation to GDP.

In this regard the Trump administration sucks balls. The only two worse administrations with higher deficit growth, relative to the size of the economy was Lincoln and Dubya Bush. Trump’s third-place bigly deficit growth is beat by a president who needed to pay for the Civil war, and one who had to go and start two wars. Trump’s only political conflicts were with CNN and his 7-iron.

Even more troublesome for the US is that servicing this debt is a mandatory expense, along with the growing Social Security and Medicare costs that have to be top of any budgets because of the nation’s ageing population. At the cost of infrastructure, education, investment, social services, job training, etc…America’s future sacrificed to pay for the past.

Bigger debt means bigger debt servicing costs…

Stop paying the interest and see what the big lenders will do. Chinese passports for everyone!
Perhaps you should read this before you go off half cocked on what administration spends more, or adds more to US debt: Biden in 2 years:


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Perhaps you should read this before you go off half cocked on what administration spends more, or adds more to US debt: Biden in 2 years:


What's your take on Trump increasing it by almost 25%? Do you have one or are you just going to defend the orange god at all costs - including making yourself look ignorant?
What's your take on Trump increasing it by almost 25%? Do you have one or are you just going to defend the orange god at all costs - including making yourself look ignorant?
Because you’re such a dope and you see only what you want to see, both parties have failed in their fiscal responsibilities. Try looking past your TDS on steroids it really makes you look stupid.
Because you’re such a dope and you see only what you want to see, both parties have failed in their fiscal responsibilities. Try looking past your TDS on steroids it really makes you look stupid.
Facts have zero to do with anything tds related, jagoff. This thread is about Trump's incurred debt and your tds is making you look even more ignorant than usual.
Want to cut the debt??
Put your GOLDEN COW on the alter to sacrifice.
We spend more money on "DEFENCE" than what? The next 3 largest economies??
We aren't out there defending the world really anymore.
OH... could it be that our politicians have sold their SOULS to the Military Industrial Complex.
Stop the legal bribing of OUR public officials.
They should NOT be spending all their time running for office by prostituting themselves.
BUT........... neither party is going to take their snouts our the trough because "it's not against the law"
Perhaps you should read this before you go off half cocked on what administration spends more, or adds more to US debt: Biden in 2 years:



Thanks for that partisan op-ed.

History is there…numbers don’t lie.

Given the current health of the US economy, there is plenty of work to be done. As government continues to struggle with reoccurring deficits, the debt increases. As serving the debt increases spending, so to do the deficits. And so the debt grows. Rinse & repeat.

This isn’t party specific - both are as bad as each other. Only the party colour of the fingers doing the pointing changes. And all, in equal measure, completely forget the shit job they did, or the part they played months and even years before that has brought us to whatever financial shitshow is currently being dealt with.

Ol’ Joe has got some work cut out for him, no doubt about it. In short order we’ll see where he and his administration succeed and fail, and can compare the numbers to the others that preceded.

One thing is certain though…if the US doesn’t get their financial house in order, they will be fucked. Royally fucked.
Right, but none of it is from giving away trillions of dollars to people in unemployment for over a year. Yeah, that's not debt.