2024 Nude Day Contest support thread

I could adapt the story I'm working on right now to it, I suppose. It definitely would fit the theme and I could work nude day into it as well. The contests are a nice way of boosting visibility for stories.
Well, I'm having a thought. We'll see if I can get it done in time.
I should work something up. Two years ago, this contest was what got me to finally make an account and publish something. It's still one of my better stories.

I got a story idea yesterday that ticks a lot of the boxes, but is way too dark and science fictiony to fit the spirit of it, so maybe I'll be struck with another inspiration.

I'm tempted (again) to subvert the trope. In a world... where everyday nudity is the norm, somebody starts a movement for "clothes day", and people discover how sexy it is to take them off each other in private.
Nope, totally disagree on the highlighting. As a writer I enjoy the challenge of using Nude Day and nudism to create something erotic.

Case in point my Holly story and my No Words Needed story used National Nude Day as an event that spiralled into the eroticism. Holly was forced into her situation because of her job having a special exclusive Nude Day event. No Words has two desperately shy people who through a huge misunderstand with a party and it being on Nude Day come to discover their mutual attractions.

My feeling is sex (eroticism) is an easy potential when you get people naked. Just my opinion and I fully realize that it is only my opinion.

I mean really, what is so erotic about the Winter Holidays, Halloween and April Fool's Day - but the potential is there.
I LOVE this challenge! I of course appreciate and respect all opinions and tastes, but I find nudity in itself incredibly erotic and arousing. For me, that's where it all starts...get those clothes off! 😉
‘Here’ seems to lead to a list of monthly contest results. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.

Again, thanks for taking this on.
Hey TP. After the list of results there is a passage in red "hundreds of dollars in cash prizes every month." Then a black line across the page. The rules start after that black bar.
National Nude Day: July 14th
Contest starts: June 14th
Contest ends: July 5th
Winners announced: July 12th
I seem to have trouble understanding the dates for these contests. So, we should submit prior to June 14th as the stories "go live" on that day, correct? The stories amass votes through July 5th, at which point the contest is over with winners being announced on July 12th? And we're over and done with the entire thing before National Nude Day happens? I just want to plan my writing schedule. Thank you!
I seem to have trouble understanding the dates for these contests. So, we should submit prior to June 14th as the stories "go live" on that day, correct? The stories amass votes through July 5th, at which point the contest is over with winners being announced on July 12th? And we're over and done with the entire thing before National Nude Day happens? I just want to plan my writing schedule. Thank you!
You can submit any time up to the Contest close date. Obviously, the later you submit, the fewer votes you get. If you submit before June 14th, the stories get held in the queue, then go live on the 14th.

Voting then closes and the site announces the winner a week later (after running whatever contest sweeps they're going to run.

Get writing, Freya! (This is why I'm rubbish with the Contests - apart from the topics not inspiring me at all, I'm crap with deadlines. I still have a story unfinished from three Geek Day anthologies ago, and this year's Mickey Spillane thing is a long shot).
Hey Freya. Lit posts contest stories as of the start date. As long as your story is clearly identified as a contest story when submitted you can submit a bit early. I'm really not sure how early. Submissions are no longer accepted for the contest but will post as regular stories as of the close date which, yes, is before the actual National Nude Day.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
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If you submit before June 14th, the stories get held in the queue, then go live on the 14th.
Wow, I didn't know that, thanks.

So if I correctly predict the tags for future years, can I dump years worth of entries so when I die, my zombie account will keep releasing new stories?
Wow, I didn't know that, thanks.

So if I correctly predict the tags for future years, can I dump years worth of entries so when I die, my zombie account will keep releasing new stories?
Not sure about that...

But yes, Laurel can schedule release of chapters. She released my 104k Arthurian novel (13 chapters) with two day gaps in between which meant it had category front page presence for about six weeks in total.
I've got two unfinished ones from last year. Here's hoping I can finish them both now!
In “notes to admin” section for contests we should only write for which contest this story is, or we can add something else, like clarification why I believe my story should go to that specific category (as well as complaints about weather and birthday wishes)?

So far I’ve seen that contest rules empathise heavily that the notes should be exactly as specified by contest rules, but I’m not sure if that’s “exact match”, or “search by text”.
In “notes to admin” section for contests we should only write for which contest this story is, or we can add something else, like clarification why I believe my story should go to that specific category (as well as complaints about weather and birthday wishes)?

So far I’ve seen that contest rules empathise heavily that the notes should be exactly as specified by contest rules, but I’m not sure if that’s “exact match”, or “search by text”.
When the official page on the contest is posted, it will include a phrase identifying the contest, and advice that this phrase should be copied and pasted in the Notes to Admin box of the story submission form. If you want to write more in the box, feel free.
When the official page on the contest is posted, it will include a phrase identifying the contest, and advice that this phrase should be copied and pasted in the Notes to Admin box of the story submission form. If you want to write more in the box, feel free.
Once that goes up I'll try to post the info here. Later today I plan on using my PC. That means I have better cut/copy/paste abilities so I'll try to get the official rules in the opening dialogue rather than a link.