15 minutes

Nicholas Hill

Mar 21, 2003
Thats how long it takes me to search through the first 10 pages of the UK directory! Arghhh...

Incidentally, thats how long it took me to make a whole new personals website. Since I'm still totally new to this forum I'm not sure whether or not I can post a link. If I find out that I can, I'll let you have it.
BlessedBe said:
You can't. Sorry. Lit does not allow spamming of this site.
But people put links to their personal websites in their sig lines all the time. Are they not supposed to?
I guess it depends on the content of the site, and, ultimately, Laurel's opinion. I know, in the profile area is says something about "not being a commercial site" and no spam, etc.

Wouldn't a personals area be spam to Lit since Lit has personals? (Kinda like when people have come to Lit trying to "recruit" the authors to their own site...)
BlessedBe said:
I guess it depends on the content of the site, and, ultimately, Laurel's opinion. I know, in the profile area is says something about "not being a commercial site" and no spam, etc.

Wouldn't a personals area be spam to Lit since Lit has personals? (Kinda like when people have come to Lit trying to "recruit" the authors to their own site...)
I don't know the answer either. I just wondered. Personaly I wouldn't suggest going to my site to anyone since it's a bad site. I had no idea what I was doing when I made it, lol.

I don't even know how to build a site. :rolleyes: Best I could do is Geocities or HometownAOL. lol
BlessedBe said:

I don't even know how to build a site. :rolleyes: Best I could do is Geocities or HometownAOL. lol
Lol, geocities is what I have and I couldn't even do that one right.
I can't see there being a problem then*S* your not making people click your link,and posting one link can't be spamming..and if its a personal site you'll be ok I think*L*
Sounds like it should be fine then. Since the thread won't personally be an ad, can I ask that you post it here, in the Playground?
Sure thing. :) Sorry about the slow start. I'm just trying to do my "job" at Lit. ;)